miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2007
Expediciones Earthwatch: Escocia.
This cluster of 550 scenic islands, covering an area of more than 40,000 square kilometers, is one of the most important habitats for whales, dolphins, and porpoises in Europe. Here the warm Gulf Stream mixes with colder seas to make highly productive waters, supporting around 24 species of cetaceans as well as countless seals, seabirds, and other ocean life. Many of the cetacean species found here, including harbor porpoises, bottlenose dolphins, and beaked whales, are national and international conservation priorities. Dr. Peter Stevick and colleagues at the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust are investigating the distribution and relative abundance of cetaceans throughout the waters of western Scotland to determine their use of habitat and to identify particular areas of importance or "hotspots" for conservation.
April - september 2008 (9 and 12 days): 1495 euros.
Expediciones Earthwatch: España.
Common dolphins aren't as common as they once were. Over the past few decades, these marine mammals have experienced a dramatic decline throughout their range. Protecting critical habitat, such as the nutrient-rich waters off the beautiful southern coast of Spain, could mean the difference between survival and extinction for common dolphins, as well as several other cetaceans and marine turtles in the Mediterranean. Dr. Ana Cañadas and Ricardo Sagarminaga van Buiten were chosen by the European Commission and Spanish agencies to create management and monitoring schemes for marine protected areas proposed here on the basis of five years of Earthwatch research. You can help them document the range, social behavior, and ecology of dolphins in an effort to better understand their habitat needs.
November 2007- March 2009 (12 days): 1495-2175 euros.
Expediciones Earthwatch: Canada.
An extraordinary diversity of seabirds and marine mammals (seals, porpoises, and beluga, humpback, finback, and blue whales) congregate in the nutrient-rich waters of the Saguenay-St.Lawrence Marine Park each summer. The main focus lies on the smallest rorqual species, the minke whale often found close to the shore, making these protected waters an ideal site for studying these little-known cetaceans. To entrap and engulf schooling fish, they apply unique (and to observers highly attractive) maneuvers jumping way out of the water. Now targets of commercial whaling, minke populations are also exposed to the effects of human activities such as overfishing, climate change, or whale watching. Help cetacean researcher Ursula Tscherter collect much-needed scientific data to create better conservation plans for minke whales.
August - October 2008 (12 days): 2475 euros.
Expdiciones Earthwatch: California.
Sea otters and bottlenose dolphins are both species that can tell us about the health of their marine environment. Monterey Bay's population of southern sea otters plummeted when sea otter fur was a popular fashion statement. Although they have not been hunted in the last hundred years, the sea otter population has never recovered to pre-hunt levels. In five of the last six years, the population has declined. Central California did not have a population of bottlenose dolphins for much of the 20th century, but now there are about 450 bottlenose dolphins living along California's central coast. Drs. Daniela Maldini and Thomas Jefferson are gathering data on both of these species to monitor their populations and environment, and to contribute to sound management strategies for the rich coastal ecosystem of Monterey Bay.
July - October 2008 (10 days): 2175 euros.
Expediciones Earthwatch: Grecia.
In the waters of Ionian Greece, within sight of landmarks of ancient Hellenic history, bottlenose dolphins congregate in unusually high numbers. The nutrient-rich waters of the Gulf sustain a rich biodiversity where charismatic animals, including sea turtles and a variety of birds, can be easily encountered. Bottlenose dolphins in the Amvrakikos Gulf are threatened by human activities resulting in ecosystem changes. Scientists who monitor these dolphins have been able to identify most individuals and have estimated that 150 dolphins live in the area. Marine biologists Dr. Giovanni Bearzi and Joan Gonzalvo Villegas are working to identify the main threats facing these amazing marine mammals. Their work is providing data to support conservation-oriented management actions.
March - October 2008 (9 days): 1495-1465 euros.
Expediciones Earthwatch: Baja California.
The crystal blue waters off Baja California are arguably the best place in the world to see whales and dolphins. Thirty-nine species can be found here, including fin whales, blue whales, orcas, and humpbacks. But the greatest spectacle comes each winter, when grey whales migrate here from arctic waters to breed and calve in the warm lagoons. This is the climax of the longest mammal migration known in nature, and you can be here to document it. Although grey whales are no longer considered endangered, recent changes in feeding patterns suggest they aren't in the clear just yet. Help Dr. William Megill collect data to create better conservation plans for these magnificent mammals.
March 2008 (8 days): 1425 euros.
Expediciones Earthwatch: Alaska.
The Pribilof Islands are a five-island volcanic archipelago in the Bering Sea, about 800 miles south-southwest of Anchorage, Alaska. Called the "Galapagos of the North," these islands support astonishingly high concentrations of marine mammals, seabirds, fish, and invertebrates, and are the world's principal breeding areas for red-legged kittiwakes and northern fur seals. Over the past 30 years, two changes have taken place: the US pollock fishing industry has grown, and populations of harbor seals, Steller sea lions, and sea otters have collapsed. Northern fur seals are declining, now, too. Dr. Stephen Insley, Karin Holser (St. George Island Institute), and Bruce Robson (Community and Ecology Resources) are working closely with the Aleut community to gather information on the ecology and conservation of the northern fur seal.
June - September 2008 (10 days): 2545 euros.
martes, 30 de octubre de 2007
Actividades: Curso de formación y actualización de conocimientos de los cetáceos de las Islas Canaria.
El curso se celebra del 6 al 9 de Noviembre en Arona, Tenerife.
Aquí os dejo el programa del curso y la hoja de inscrioción.
Actividades: curso "Marine Mammal Observer"
Training Course Details
We will give you an introduction to the law, guidelines and the legal role of an MMO, this topic will cover world wide legislation and concentrate on the MMO role within the UK. You will then be guided through a history of the effects of marine mammals and sound, followed closely by how acoustics work and seismic operations.
The course will then take you through all the monitoring methods that have been used and those that are used today. This will be followed by a basic introduction to marine mammals and their physiology, leading on to marine mammal behaviours and then a practical session on passive acoustic monitoring.
Day two will cover acoustic theory and mammal vocalizations, followed by an introduction to species identification and reporting systems. Included in day two will be techniques for field observations, an animal ID quiz followed by video sightings, report form completion and a diagrammatic assessment with role play.
The day will conclude with a talk by a working MMOs view of life.
The final day will be your practical training session, you will board a boat and be taken to local waters to practice all the techniques you have been taught and will report back on any of your findings. This practical session will only be for a half day and the times will vary depending on the tides and the weather, which you will be notified at the end of day two theory session as to what time you will be setting out to sea.
The training will cover two full days of theory from 9am-5.30pm, during the day you will have breaks for refreshments and lunch which will be provided. If you have any special dietary requirements, please ensure that you inform us on registration as we can not guarantee that you can be catered for on the day.
You will be given a training course ID book which you will find very useful when you are out observing, there will also be a course booklet which will guide you through each lecture/unit and help you will any information you need.
The training course tutors will be available at any time after you have taken the course to help you will any problems you have with any issues you encounter. We have a team of experts who will help with any ID problems.We will guide you through any follow on courses you need to take regarding marine mammal observing for the industry.
Aunque el curso que aquí reseño ya se ha celebrado, pronto saldrán las nuevas fechas para 2008.
Voluntariado y empleo: EEUU.
The successful candidate will be responsible for the direction of an interdisciplinary staff of marine scientists. Responsibilities will also include the direction of marine science projects conducted by the Hampton office. Demonstrated experience in staff management, multiple project management, report production, and budgeting is essential. The successful candidate would be expected to contribute to ongoing projects through the contribution of their technical expertise. Projects include, but are not limited to, marine resource, environmental, and biological assessments in support of NEPA, ESA, MMPA, CZCA, or the MSFCMA/SFA.
Job duties include:
-directing and leading project teams,
-including oversight of the scientific content and approach;
-assuming responsibility for project financial and administrative tracking and control as well as labor/resource planning and implementation;
-establishing and adhering to project schedules;
-researching, acquiring, and synthesizing marine literature and data;
-collecting, reviewing, manipulating, and analyzing marine data, including application of statistical tests, as necessary;
-communicating with government, academic, and industry researchers and scientists;
-preparing and giving presentations to clients, colleagues, or at scientific or military meetings;
-participating in project team meetings and attending meetings with third parties/clients as required;
-interfacing with clients, other engineering/environmental firms, regulatory personnel, and in-house resource specialists;
-ensuring consistent production of thorough, accurate, and technically sound reports in client specified formats;
-maintaining project documentation and records;
-working to secure revenue through interface with current clients in addition to identifying and cultivating new or potential clients;
-traveling to client locations, project sites, symposia/other meetings, or other regional offices.
Requirements: An interdisciplinary background integrating living marine resources and the physical marine environment is essential. M.S. or Ph.D. degree in Marine Biology, Oceanography, Marine Ecology, or other related Marine Science discipline. Three to seven years experience in applied marine sciences, working preferably for, but not limited to, a regulatory agency, consulting firm, or military environmental group. Five or more years project management experience, preferably for an environmental consulting firm, is required. Candidates with a B.S. degree and commensurate additional experience will be considered.
The successful candidate will possess strong writing and editing, organizational, and interpersonal skills as well as the ability to manage multiple tasks concurrently while functioning in an environment of changing priorities and time constraints. Although not required, candidates possessing experience with DISTANCE, ESRI GIS, and/or EndNote software; scientific SCUBA diving; marine/aquatic field collections or monitoring; and familiarity with marine regulations/legislation will have the advantage. U.S. Navy experience, particularly with operations or training, is also a plus.
To apply, please send resume and a scientific writing sample to Steve Silva, Recruiter, at steve.silva@tx.rr.com
Voluntariado y empleo: Escocia.
UK SMRU Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the University of St Andrews that provides scientific advice to industry and government. SMRU Ltd works closely with the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) and the Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling (CREEM) undertaking a wide variety of research contracts that build on the expertise of scientists and mathematicians within the organisations.
The areas of work that we are currently involved in include advising on potential impacts of marine renewable energy projects; providing guidance on marine mammal populations; and assessing how wider commercial activities within the marine environment may affect marine organisms.
SMRU Ltd currently invites motivated applicants to apply for the post of Research Assistant. The candidate will assist in a study of the relationships between cetacean stocks and oil and gas industry exploration and production noise.
Key responsibilities will include:
1. A desk based review of current information on cetacean abundance.
2. Assisting with spatial and abundance estimation, for example using General Additive Model fitting and GIS
3. Draft key project reports in conjunction with the scientific team
4. Undertake other project-related work as required.
The successful applicant is expected to have an advanced degree in an environmental discipline, and must be able to demonstrate some experience of marine mammal research. The applicant must be proficient with database and word processing software and be willing to learn new software applications. Specific experience in the statistical techniques used in marine mammal abundance estimation and GIS would be advantageous. The preferred candidate should have a proven track record as a team player as the project will involve working closely with a team of at least eight scientists. They must also be self-motivated with the drive and determination to work independently. This post brings the opportunity to submit work for scientific publication in addition to producing specific project reports, so the ability to draft high quality scientific reports in English is essential.
We encourage all qualified persons with the necessary visas and documentation to work in the UK to apply.
The post is for 10 months with a preferred start date in late 2007, but some flexibility will be possible to accommodate a strong applicant.
The salary available for this position will be close to ?20,000 p/a pro rata.
Interested candidates should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and list of referees by email or post to Fiona Skilbeck, fas@smru.co.uk,
7 Woodburn Place,
St Andrews, Fife KY16 8LA.
The deadline for applications is 7th November 2007.
Tel: + 44 (0) 1334 479 100
Fax: + 44 (0) 1334 477 878
Voluntariado y empleo: Carolina del Sur.
The intern position involves a commitment of 20 hours per week extending over a 15 week period from Monday, January 7, 2008 to Friday, April 18, 2008. The intern will participate in the field and laboratory activities of the Charleston Dolphin Abundance and Distribution Project (CDAD).
Three useful sources of information about the CDAD project are:
1) Zolman, E. 2002.Residence patterns of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the StonoRiver estuary, Charleston County, South Carolina. Marine Mammal Science18:879-892;
2) The Charleston Dolphin Abundance and Distribution (CDAD)Project: Standard Operating Protocols (SOP) for Field and PhotographicAnalysis Procedures;
3) Speakman, T., E. Zolman, J. Adams, R.H. Defran,D. Laska, L. Schwacke, J. Craigie, and P. Fair. 2006. Temporal and spatialaspects of bottlenose dolphin occurrence in coastal and estuarine watersnear Charleston, South Carolina. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 37.
You can download pdf versions of these documents at the web sites listed below. The CDAD project carries out boat-based photo-identification surveys in the coastal and inland waterways of the Charleston SC area. This research is designed to provide an understanding of the population characteristics, including temporal and spatial aspects of the distribution, of Charleston area Atlantic bottlenose dolphins.
The internship offers an excellent opportunity for qualified and motivated individuals to obtain field and laboratory training in photo-identification methodology and analysis under the mentorship of experienced dolphin researchers. There is no compensation for this internship position and the successful applicant will be responsible for their living and transportation expenses during the time of the internship.
During the internship interns must have a personal vehicle to allow them to travel to and from the laboratory and to some of the local field sites in the Charleston area. Ideal internship applicants will be advanced undergraduates or a recent graduate of a scientifically oriented university program in the behavioral or biological sciences. A typical applicant should have a strong interest in the scientific study of cetacean behavioral ecology, have potential interests in future graduate study in marine mammal science, and is an individual who seeks extensive and intensive exposure to the field work, data analysis techniques, and researchl iterature in this field. Preference will be given to the selection of an intern with well developed computer skills and boat-based field experience.
The internship application will consist of a letter of interest, transcripts of university coursework and two letters of recommendation from professorsor research supervisors who are familiar with your scholarship, research skills and work habits.
Interested applicants should first correspond with Dr. Defran by email before preparing and submitting application materials.We anticipate filling this internship position by late November 2007.
Interested applicants should correspond by email to:
Dr. R.H. Defran Email: rh.defran@gmail.com
Defran Home Page:
Zolman .pdf download: www.sci.sdsu.edu/classes/psychology/psy211/defran/CDAD/Zolman2002.pdf
CDAD SOP .pdf download: www.sci.sdsu.edu/classes/psychology/psy211/defran/CDAD/CDAD_Internship_SOP.pdf
Speakman et. al. pdf download:
Voluntariado y empleo: Honduras.
Students will learn to record and analyze marine mammal sounds and behaviors, and will gain first hand experience in the joys and frustrations associated with field studies of wild dolphin behavior.
The dates of the course are May 17 - June 7, 2008.
For further information, contact the University of Southern Mississippi
Office of International Programs
e-mail: frances.sudduth@usm.edu or Stan Kuczaj at s.kuczaj@usm.edu
Voluntariado y empleo: Florida.
Assistant Professor: Marine Biology
The Department of Biological Sciences at Florida International University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Marine Biology. The successful applicant will participate in building a new Marine Sciences Program housed in our recently completed Marine Science building at our Biscayne Bay Campus. The candidate will develop an extramurally funded research program with excellence in research, teaching, and mentoring of graduate students.
The area of research expertise is open, though the Marine Science Program has a core focus on coastal ecosystems. Teaching duties will include an upper division course entitled Marine Biology and Oceanography, and courses in the successful candidates specialty. Ph.D. and postdoctoral experience are required.
Please submit a curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, and have three letters of reference sent to Dr. Michael Heithaus, Chair, Marine Biology Search Committee, Marine Sciences Program,
3000 N.E. 151st Street,
Florida International University,
North Miami,
FL 33181
To assure consideration, applications should be postmarked by November 15, 2007.
For more information, visit our webpage (http://www.fiu.edu/~marine/).
Voluntariado y empleo: Australia.
Southern Cross University Whale Research Centre is a cetacean centre that was established in 2001 at Southern Cross University in Lismore, NSW, Australia. The principle objective of the centre is to undertake research on cetacean populations in the Southern Hemisphere.
Daniele Cagnazzi PhD student at SCUWRS is looking for volunteers, to cover the period from March 2008 to September 2008 to assist the researcher during the field work. We conduct boat-based research with the primary objective to investigate population parameters, size, social dynamics, habitat preference, movement, range, seasonal occurrence and abundance and pattern of diurnal behaviour of Snubfin dolphin and Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphin in the Southern Great Barrier Reef. We also collect information on all the cetacean species, mainly members of the Delphinidae family, sighted during the surveys.
The primary aims of the project are: 1) To estimate the distribution and abundance of the inshore dolphins (primarily Snubfin and Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphin) in the Southern Great Barrier Reef Region. 2) To investigate the population structure of inshore dolphin species in Central Queensland 3) To identify key habitats for dolphins feeding and resting and socialising. 3) To collect data of any other species recorded in the study area.
The field work will be conducted on a daily basis on the 6m research vessel, Sousa, mainly in coastal waters and estuaries. Exploratory surveys, at least one week each month (weather permitting) of five or more consecutive days in remote or offshore regions will be conducted using a 12 m powered Catamaran.
a) One Research Assistant. The research assistant will receive a compensation plus free accommodation.
b) Two volunteers: Volunteers will share a house close to the beach with the researchers and the rest of the team but will have to participate to the accommodation costs. Accommodation in a shared room for volunteers including power, water and internet connection are provided at 95$ per week.
Prerequisites for the position can be found in www.capricorncetaceans.com.
Applicants please reply to my e-mail address, dcagna10@scu.edu.au, attaching a CV, including previous experiences and background studies.
For more information www.capricorncetaceans.com
Daniele Cagnazzi PhD student SCUWRC
Daniele CagnazziPhD CandidateSouthern Cross University Whale Research Centre
Southern Cross University
P.O. Box 157, Lismore, N.S.W. Australia, 2480
Mobile 0439-782-243
Ph. +61 2 6620-3815
Fax. +61 2 6621-2669
martes, 9 de octubre de 2007
Actividades: Curso Auxiliar de mamíferos marinos.
En la página podéis consultar el temario.
Espero haber sido de ayuda!!!!
Actualidad: Australia lanza una campaña en Youtube.
El Gobierno Australiano ha lanzado hoy una campaña contra la caza ballenera sirviéndose de la popular Youtube.com.
Esta campaña insta al Gobierno Japonés a abandonar su supuesta "caza comercial", sirviéndose de las opiniones de los jóvenes australianos. Malcolm Turnbull se dirige abiertamente a la nación nipona, y ruega que consideren los beneficios de una explotación sostenible de whalewatching en vez de continuar con la insostenible caza de ballenas.
La Comisión Ballenera Internacional (CBI) solicitó a Japón el abandono de sus actividades balleneras mediante una resolución no vinculante (es decir, no tiene obligado cumplimiento) impulsada por Australia.
La moratoria de caza comercial de ballenas lleva siendo ratificada desde 1986, pero Japón lucha por el levantamiento del veto desde entonces, no siempre con métodos limpios o justos (compra del voto de naciones que pertenecen a la CBI y que ni siquiera tienen territorio costero).
Japón se escuda en el mantenimiento de una tradición cultural para seguir cometiendo estas atrocidades. El supuesto origen de la tradición se remonta a los comienzos del arraigo del budismo, entre cuyos dogmas se prohibía la ingesta de animales de 4 patas. Sin embargo, este argumento hoy en día ya no está justificado, ya que a pesar de que la sociedad japonesa es famosa por mantener muchas de sus tradiciones, no sucede así en el caso del consumo de carne de ballena, habiendo descendido éste fuertemente en los últimos 10 años
Sin embargo la captura no se adecua a la demanda, por lo que hay un importante excedente de carne de ballena, que ha llegado incluso a enlatarse como comida para perros. Entonces, si la actual cuota de captura es excedentaria, ¿por qué ampliar la cuota o levantar el veto?
Esperemos que algún día las constantes campañas contra la caza ballenera obtengan su fruto, y podamos decir al fin, que las poblaciones de ballenas en nuestros mares está a salvo.
Me gustaría añadir a este post una serie de vídeos de otras campañas contra la caza ballenera, emitidas por Greenpeace, AnimalLib, roger Payne (Ocean alliance)...
El vídeo anterior es parte del documental "Salvemos las Ballenas". Comentado por Roger Payne, muestra algunas de las imágenes más impactantes sobre la "captura científica", pudiendo observarse los escrupulosos métodos científicos que se emplean. Ver para creer!
Gracias por leerme!
lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007
Actualidad: 4 Nuevos hospitales para la recuperación de delfines.

Actualidad: Entrenadora del LoroParque herida por una Orca.
Mientras realizaba ejercicios de práctica con el animal, la entrenadora sufrió un fuerte golpe supuestamente por parte de otra orca, provocándole una herida abierta en el antebrazo derecho, con fractura de cúbito y radio, y un traumatismo en el pulmón derecho.
La entrenadora fue trasladada de inmediato al Hospital Universitario de Canarias, donde afortunadamente su estado mejora.
Con respecto al hecho, me gustaría resaltar la falta de claridad con la que se han explicado los hechos, dado que según la fuente informativa que consultemos encontraremos una versión u otra de los mismos. Tantas son las variantes que abarcan desde un ataque deliberado de la Orca, que incluso llegó a hundirla 12m en el tanque, pasando por que fue el animal quien la rescató del fondo de la piscina en un alarde de altruismo, o que fue la entrenadora quien se fracturó el brazo al salir del agua. Otro punto oscuro es el número de orcas que se encontraban en el tanque, que según fuentes, oscila desde un único animal, hasta 5.
En definitiva, lo único que se puede sacar en claro es que se produjo un accidente importante, y que la organización del parque quiere lavar su propia imagen y evitar despertar sentimientos negativos o de repulsión hacia el mantenimiento de estos grandes animales en cautividad, con el fin de dar un espectáculo.
Sin embargo resulta imposible no plantearse algunas cuestiones:
¿Es moralmente aceptable mantener en cautividad a estos grandes animales con el único fin de ganar dinero?
A pesar de ser éste el primer percance que se produce en las instalaciones del parque, ¿No deberían extremarse las precauciones en el manejo de estos grandes animales ahora que se ha producido un accidente?
¿Qué pasó realmente?
jueves, 4 de octubre de 2007
Actividades: OCTUBRE.
- Ischia Dolphin Project: Delphis.
Colabora en un proyecto de investigación sobre mamíferos marinos en la isla de Ischia. fechas de participación: 8-14 Octubre es el último turno.
El coste de la estancia para estudiantes es de 651 euros, incluyendo alojamiento y manutención.
Algunas de las tareas a realizar serán: establecer el tamaño y estructura poblacional, estudiar el uso del hábitat, observaciones de comportamiento, estudio del repertorio acústico...
- the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute field courses.
1. Field Methods in the wild: a partir del 8 Oct. (6 o 13 días).
2. Bioacustics of Bottlenose Dolphins: a partir del 15 Oct. (6 o 13 días).
3. Study of Bottlenose Dolphin behaviour: a partir del 22 Oct. (6 días).
4. Photo-ID and social structure: a partir del 29 Oct. (6 o 13 días).
El coste de los cursos de 6 días es de aproximadamente 400 euros y el de 13 días 750 euros, incluyendo alojamiento y manutención. Los cursos se desarrollan en Cerdeña.
El BDRI también necesita voluntarios para desarrollar sus proyectos hasta finales de octubre. El alojamiento y la manutención de los voluntarios cuesta 65 euros al día, incluyendo la aportación económica al proyecto.
- Marine Mammal Medic Course:
Edimburgo, 13-14 Octubre. Curso sobre medicina veterinaria en mamíferos marinos y entrenamiento médico. Coste: 60 libras.
- Manejo y Mantenimiento de mamíferos marinos: Zoo Madrid.
Se imparte el 27-28 de Octubre en horario de mañana y tarde en el Zoo de Madrid. Coste: 90 euros.
Se incluyen aspectos de biología, medicina veterinaria, investigación... así como visitas a las instalaciones interiores de mamíferos marinos.
- Expediciones WOC:
1. Expedición Trans-Patagónica: 15-27 Octubre. Coste: 1450 euros (no incluye desplazamiento desde y hasta lugar de origen).
- Curso de Entrenamiento de Mamíferos Marinos: SEAWOLVES.
Curso teórico práctico sobre el entrenamiento de Mamíferos Marinos que incluye visitas a las instalaciones del LoroParque. Se imparte del 31 de Oct. al 4 de Nov. Coste: 290 euros (no se incluye alojamiento ni manutención).
Seawolves también ofrece salidas para realizar interacciones con delfines, consulta fechas y precios en su página web (se efectúa una salida al mes, en fin de semana).
- WATCH conference:
Encuentra toda la información sobre este evento que se celebra en Tenerife del 16 al 20 de Octubre:
Espero que la información aquí colgada le sea útil a alguien, y aunque algunas de las actividades propuestas son en otro país, hay que empezar a moverse!!!
Gracias por leerme!!!!!!
martes, 2 de octubre de 2007
Actualidad: Cedeira, santuario fósil?

Para los pescadores de Cedeira (Galicia) resulta un hecho frecuente, "pescar" algún que otro resto óseo de cetáceos en el caladero de A Selva. Estos fósiles suelen ser arrojados de nuevo al mar por parte de los pescadores. Otros, los conservan en sus casas, y los más atrevidos, deciden llevarlos a entidades dedicadas al estudio de estos restos, como la Sociedad Gallega de Historia Natural. Hace tres años, un pescador encontró unos restos fósiles mientras faenaba, que fueron cedidos recientemente a la SGHN. Según Ismael Miján, el estado de conservación del cráneo de cetáceo es excelente y de gran valor científico. Se ha podido determinar que el cráneo perteneció a un ejemplar de Choneziphius planirostris habitante de las aguas gallegas hace aproximadamente 20 m.a, durante el Mioceno. Esta no es la primera vez que la generosidad de los pescadores permite acceder a un "tesoro" fósil de estas características. El año pasado un pescador donó un cráneo que ha permitido describir una nueva especie de zifio del género Hyperoodon. La SGHN expresa su gratitud para con los pescadores, esperando que muchos más se animen a entregar sus reliquias fósiles, y recalca que sin su ayuda, estos hallazgos no habrían sido posibles. |