martes, 14 de abril de 2009

Actividades: Curso comportamiento delfines!

Dolphin Research Center, a not-for-profit research and educational organization, would like to announce a summer course in Cognitive and Behavioral Marine Mammal Research. The program is a seven-day, in-depth, hands-on immersion into the field of marine mammal science. The course material surveys a wide-range of knowledge, theories and ongoing research concerning dolphins. By working with staff on DRC research studies, students gain a greater understanding of dolphins' cognitive abilities and social behavior, as well as deeper insight into research concepts and methodology.

Seminar Topics & Focused Activities Include:
* Review of Dolphin Anatomy &Physiology,
* Physiological Research, Research Project Design,
* DRC's CurrentResearch,
* Marine Mammal Cognition,
* Research Law Requirements,
* Behavior &Ecology,
* Research in Acoustics & Communication.

Hands-On Activities Include:
Assisting research staff in conducting currentcognitive research sessions, learning and conducting observation sessions,participating in additional research activities.

Cost: The cost of the course is $1700.00 (US). Tuition includes all seminars, activities, meals and lodging

Dates: 6/20/09 - 6/26/09 or 8/22/09 - 8/28/09

For more information please visit<> , or contact us at305/289-1121 x 225 or

DRC Publications:
Jaakkola, K., Fellner, W., Erb, L., Rodriguez, A. M., & Guarino, E. (2005).Understanding the concept of numerically "less" by bottlenose dolphins(Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Comparative Psychology.

1 comentario:

Lorena dijo...

Hola marta!
Soy Lorena, no se si me recuerdas con anterioridad ya te habia preguntado sobre el tema de delfines y cursos...
he perdido la direccion que me distes para lso cursos que hacen en españa en loro parque u oceanografico...
podrias volver a ayudarme?
mi email es
un saludo