Seal Behaviour Research in Australia
Volunteers are needed to assist with fieldwork investigating the effects of tourism on Australian fur seals in January and February, 2009.
Minimum time commitment is 7-10 days, but longer stays are possible. Research is conducted on a small, uninhabited island in Bass Strait, which is home to Australian and New Zealand fur seals as well as Little penguins and many other sea bird species.
Food and tent will be provided; camp facilities are primitive.
Volunteers will assist with observations of seal behaviour. Volunteers need to be in good health and fitness, have some experience camping and/or backpacking, have enthusiasm and patience, and be able to lift up to 50 lbs. as needed. A background in biological sciences is preferred.
If interested, please email a brief resume to:
Julia Back
MSc Candidate, A
ustralian-American Fulbright Scholar
Deakin Unviersity,
sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008
Voluntariado: projecto boto en Brasil!
Once again, Projeto Boto is recruiting for 9-month internships in the Mamirau Reserve, Brazil. We require fit, enthusiastic, hard-working fieldworkers who will carry forward our long-term study of botos (Amazon river dolphins). Due to close involvement with local communities, interns are required to have at least moderate Portuguese language skills, or to speak fluent Spanish, in addition to English. There are no exceptions.
Projeto boto was established in 1994. To date it has hosted more than 50 interns of many different nationalities. The Project's objective is to conserve the boto, and the sympatric tucuxi, through research leading to greater understanding of the biology and ecology of these dolphins. In recent years we have also spent considerable time investigating the impacts of fisheries on these species, and especially the relatively new harpoon hunt, in which thousands of botos are killed each year for fish bait.
Due to unexpected circumstances, we are seeking 2 people to commence work as soon as possible, ideally in December 2008. But we would also like to hear from people available in 2009.
Our work is centred on a floating lab/accommodation base, moored in the flooded forest. The research team comprises 3-5 people, who maintain daily observational boat-based research effort year-round. The basis of the work is the piecing together of the lives of over 450 individually recognisable dolphins, to provide publishable information on such diverse topics as growth, reproduction, habitat use, social system, seasonal movements, survival rates, causes of mortality etc.
Interns are provided with free accommodation and basic food, and receive a small monthly stipend. Transportation to the fieldsite (near the town of Tef?, Amazonas) from Manaus is provided, but interns must arrange and pay for their own transportation to Manaus.
All necessary training is provided on site. Further information on all aspects of the work is available at
Successful applicants will:
- be aged 21-35
- speak at least moderate Portuguese or fluent Spanish, in addition to English
- be available for 9-12 months
- have completed a university degree, preferably in zoology or biology
- preferably have some fieldwork experience
Applicants should please provide:
- Full CV, complete with age, nationality, linguistic skills, educational and fieldwork experience
- A letter explaining why you are prepared to dedicate 9 months of your life to this study.
- The names and email addresses of 3 referees who are familiar with you and your work.
- The date on which you would be available to start work in the Amazon.
Send this information by email to both of the Project co-ordinators, Prof. Tony Martin ( and Dr Vera da Silva (
Closing date is 04 December 2008, but early application may be an advantage. Applications fulfilling the above criteria will be acknowledged within 3 days, but there will be no further communication unless the applicant is short-listed. Short-listed applicants will be notified by 09 December latest.
Once again, Projeto Boto is recruiting for 9-month internships in the Mamirau Reserve, Brazil. We require fit, enthusiastic, hard-working fieldworkers who will carry forward our long-term study of botos (Amazon river dolphins). Due to close involvement with local communities, interns are required to have at least moderate Portuguese language skills, or to speak fluent Spanish, in addition to English. There are no exceptions.
Projeto boto was established in 1994. To date it has hosted more than 50 interns of many different nationalities. The Project's objective is to conserve the boto, and the sympatric tucuxi, through research leading to greater understanding of the biology and ecology of these dolphins. In recent years we have also spent considerable time investigating the impacts of fisheries on these species, and especially the relatively new harpoon hunt, in which thousands of botos are killed each year for fish bait.
Due to unexpected circumstances, we are seeking 2 people to commence work as soon as possible, ideally in December 2008. But we would also like to hear from people available in 2009.
Our work is centred on a floating lab/accommodation base, moored in the flooded forest. The research team comprises 3-5 people, who maintain daily observational boat-based research effort year-round. The basis of the work is the piecing together of the lives of over 450 individually recognisable dolphins, to provide publishable information on such diverse topics as growth, reproduction, habitat use, social system, seasonal movements, survival rates, causes of mortality etc.
Interns are provided with free accommodation and basic food, and receive a small monthly stipend. Transportation to the fieldsite (near the town of Tef?, Amazonas) from Manaus is provided, but interns must arrange and pay for their own transportation to Manaus.
All necessary training is provided on site. Further information on all aspects of the work is available at
Successful applicants will:
- be aged 21-35
- speak at least moderate Portuguese or fluent Spanish, in addition to English
- be available for 9-12 months
- have completed a university degree, preferably in zoology or biology
- preferably have some fieldwork experience
Applicants should please provide:
- Full CV, complete with age, nationality, linguistic skills, educational and fieldwork experience
- A letter explaining why you are prepared to dedicate 9 months of your life to this study.
- The names and email addresses of 3 referees who are familiar with you and your work.
- The date on which you would be available to start work in the Amazon.
Send this information by email to both of the Project co-ordinators, Prof. Tony Martin ( and Dr Vera da Silva (
Closing date is 04 December 2008, but early application may be an advantage. Applications fulfilling the above criteria will be acknowledged within 3 days, but there will be no further communication unless the applicant is short-listed. Short-listed applicants will be notified by 09 December latest.
martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008
Empleo: Doctorado en Nueva Zelanda!
We are seeking a PhD student to work on the Hector´s dolphin photo-ID project at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. The project has been running continuously since 1985, focusing on the conservation biology of Hector´s dolphin using non-invasive research techniques.
The student will be based at the University of Otago´s Marine Mammal Research Group in Dunedin, but will spend much of their first three years in the field at Akaroa on Banks Peninsula.
The successful applicant will be responsible for the day to day running of the project, involving operation of the research vessel, managing the photo-ID catalogue and coordinating volunteer field assistants. The student is expected to be conservation focused and maintain a high level of photo-ID effort, but opportunities exist for other forms of fieldwork including acoustic surveys, aerial surveys and land-based observations.
Previous work has focused on the topics of population size, demographic rates, impacts of fishing, social structure, distribution, acoustics, behaviour, oceanographic processes, movements of individuals and morphometrics, many of which are implicitly linked with conservation management of the population.
The student will be encouraged to seek new directions for the project, but possibilities include evaluating new management options, fine-scale habitat use studies, effects of aquaculture and studies of echolocation behaviour using T-PODs.
Essential attributes
- MSc in related field (Marine Biology, Zoology)
- Strong academic record
- Extensive experience skippering small, outboard powered research vessels
- Photo-ID skills
- Strong analytical skills
- Ability to work unsupervised and show initiative
- Team player
- Driver´s license
Desirable attributes
- Boating qualifications, e.g. skipper´s ticket, VHF operator´s ticket
- SCUBA diving experience
- Good practical skills, e.g. outboard motor maintenance
The successful applicant will be provided with a research vessel, tow vehicle, digital SLR camera and associated equipment for the duration of the project.
Accommodation costs and running costs while in the field at Banks Peninsula will also be covered. The student will be responsible for covering their food costs, all costs while in Dunedin and their tuition fees.
Information on University of Otago scholarships can be found at
The student will be expected to help with applying for funding for the project. The successful applicant will be expected to start as soon as is convenient, but by September 2009 at the latest.
Information about PhD study at Otago University can be found at
Please send a letter stating why you are interested in this PhD position and outlining your relevant experience, along with a CV, to
Will Rayment
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Marine Science Department
PO Box 56University of Otago
New Zealand
ph. + 64 3 479 5476
mob. + 64 21 488961
The student will be based at the University of Otago´s Marine Mammal Research Group in Dunedin, but will spend much of their first three years in the field at Akaroa on Banks Peninsula.
The successful applicant will be responsible for the day to day running of the project, involving operation of the research vessel, managing the photo-ID catalogue and coordinating volunteer field assistants. The student is expected to be conservation focused and maintain a high level of photo-ID effort, but opportunities exist for other forms of fieldwork including acoustic surveys, aerial surveys and land-based observations.
Previous work has focused on the topics of population size, demographic rates, impacts of fishing, social structure, distribution, acoustics, behaviour, oceanographic processes, movements of individuals and morphometrics, many of which are implicitly linked with conservation management of the population.
The student will be encouraged to seek new directions for the project, but possibilities include evaluating new management options, fine-scale habitat use studies, effects of aquaculture and studies of echolocation behaviour using T-PODs.
Essential attributes
- MSc in related field (Marine Biology, Zoology)
- Strong academic record
- Extensive experience skippering small, outboard powered research vessels
- Photo-ID skills
- Strong analytical skills
- Ability to work unsupervised and show initiative
- Team player
- Driver´s license
Desirable attributes
- Boating qualifications, e.g. skipper´s ticket, VHF operator´s ticket
- SCUBA diving experience
- Good practical skills, e.g. outboard motor maintenance
The successful applicant will be provided with a research vessel, tow vehicle, digital SLR camera and associated equipment for the duration of the project.
Accommodation costs and running costs while in the field at Banks Peninsula will also be covered. The student will be responsible for covering their food costs, all costs while in Dunedin and their tuition fees.
Information on University of Otago scholarships can be found at
The student will be expected to help with applying for funding for the project. The successful applicant will be expected to start as soon as is convenient, but by September 2009 at the latest.
Information about PhD study at Otago University can be found at
Please send a letter stating why you are interested in this PhD position and outlining your relevant experience, along with a CV, to
Will Rayment
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Marine Science Department
PO Box 56University of Otago
New Zealand
ph. + 64 3 479 5476
mob. + 64 21 488961
domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008
Voluntariado. Nueva Zelanda!
I am a PhD student with the University of Otago and I am looking for volunteers for a project on Hector's dolphins in New Zealand from the 6th until the end of January 2009.
The field work will be in beautiful Akaroa in the South Island of New Zealand. We will be theodolite tracking Hector's dolphins from a cliff overlooking the harbour in order to gather informations on the detections range of some acoustic devices (T-PODs) that will be deployed in the water during the observations.
Full training will be provided however a biology background and previous experience working with marine mammals is a bonus. The succesful applicant must be responsible and ready to work long hours outdoor.
Due to limited fundings we are not able to provide an accomodation however Akaroa offers a number of options including backpackers and camping grounds.
In order to apply please send your CV together with a cover letter to
Silvia Scali
PhD Candidate
Marine Mammal Research Group
Dept.of Marine Science
University of Otago
Ph. +64 9 950 3266
Cell. +64 021 222 6284
I am a PhD student with the University of Otago and I am looking for volunteers for a project on Hector's dolphins in New Zealand from the 6th until the end of January 2009.
The field work will be in beautiful Akaroa in the South Island of New Zealand. We will be theodolite tracking Hector's dolphins from a cliff overlooking the harbour in order to gather informations on the detections range of some acoustic devices (T-PODs) that will be deployed in the water during the observations.
Full training will be provided however a biology background and previous experience working with marine mammals is a bonus. The succesful applicant must be responsible and ready to work long hours outdoor.
Due to limited fundings we are not able to provide an accomodation however Akaroa offers a number of options including backpackers and camping grounds.
In order to apply please send your CV together with a cover letter to
Silvia Scali
PhD Candidate
Marine Mammal Research Group
Dept.of Marine Science
University of Otago
Ph. +64 9 950 3266
Cell. +64 021 222 6284
Empleo: Virginia, EEUU!
The Naval Facilities Engineering Command in Norfolk, Virginia is currently seeking qualified candidates with outstanding research, written and oral communication skills for a career position in the Marine Resources Section.
Duties will include preparation, management, and review of marine resources assessments; marine species density estimates; marine species survey plans and reports; Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 documentation; Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) small take authorization requests; mitigation and monitoring plans; National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation; and environmental studies assessing the environmental impacts of proposed Navy/Marine Corps at-sea training operations.
The person(s) selected will be expected to participate in consultations with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS), coordinate projects with a multi-disciplinary team, and manage contracts for research and compliance documents.
Experience or knowledge of the following is highly desirable: marine mammal, sea turtle, seabird or fisheries biology; research design for marine species monitoring programs; principals of underwater acoustics; statistical principles and methods; ESRI Geographic Information System (GIS) products; environmental legislation and DoD/Navy policy.
This is not afield biologist position, but there are numerous opportunities for travel.
Starting salary range is $45,040 to $58,557 depending on education and experience.
Applicants are encouraged to send a resume (no more than 2 pages long)to Erin Swiader ( by Dec. 1.
J. Erin Swiader
Marine Resources Section Head
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic
757.322.4960 DSN 262.4960
The Naval Facilities Engineering Command in Norfolk, Virginia is currently seeking qualified candidates with outstanding research, written and oral communication skills for a career position in the Marine Resources Section.
Duties will include preparation, management, and review of marine resources assessments; marine species density estimates; marine species survey plans and reports; Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 documentation; Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) small take authorization requests; mitigation and monitoring plans; National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation; and environmental studies assessing the environmental impacts of proposed Navy/Marine Corps at-sea training operations.
The person(s) selected will be expected to participate in consultations with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS), coordinate projects with a multi-disciplinary team, and manage contracts for research and compliance documents.
Experience or knowledge of the following is highly desirable: marine mammal, sea turtle, seabird or fisheries biology; research design for marine species monitoring programs; principals of underwater acoustics; statistical principles and methods; ESRI Geographic Information System (GIS) products; environmental legislation and DoD/Navy policy.
This is not afield biologist position, but there are numerous opportunities for travel.
Starting salary range is $45,040 to $58,557 depending on education and experience.
Applicants are encouraged to send a resume (no more than 2 pages long)to Erin Swiader ( by Dec. 1.
J. Erin Swiader
Marine Resources Section Head
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic
757.322.4960 DSN 262.4960
Actividades: conferencia virtual!
AQUA CAMPUS y el Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI), vienen organizando la conferencia virtual: "Acuicultura y delfines mulares en el Mar Mediterráneo: convivencia o conflicto" que se transmitirá el viernes 28 de noviembre a las 15:00 horas de Europa.
La conferencia tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de investigaciones realizadas para conocer la interacción entre cetáceos y la maricultura. Los resultados obtenidos por el Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI desde 1991 en la isla de Cerdeña son de gran utilidad para la gestión de los viveros con jaulas flotantes ante la presencia de depredadores como los delfines mulares.
La conferencia será brindada por el MSc. Bruno Díaz López, Director y Fundador del Instituto internacional para el estudio de los delfines mulares "Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute - BDRI".
La participación en la conferencia es libre, solo debe acceder a través de AQUA CAMPUS (
Mayores informes:
Blgo. Acui. Carmen R. Chimbor Mejía
Directora de Aqua Campus
Características técnicas que deben cumplir las computadoras de losparticipantes:
Internet Explorer 6.0 o FireFox 1.5 (browsers con Flash) en Windows 2000 o superior.
Algunos horarios de referencia:
Perú: 9:00 am
Argentina: 11:00 am (Buenos Aires)
Chile: 10:00 am (Santiago)
Brasil: 11:00 am (Sao Paulo)
Colombia: 9:00 am (Bogotá)
Venezuela: 10:00 am (Caracas)
Ecuador: 9:00 am (Quito)
México: 08:00 am (México DF)
Blgo. Acui. Milthon B. Lujan Monja
Urb. Santa Cristina C4-16, Nuevo Chimbote
Chimbote - Peru
Skype: milthon.lujan,
Telefono: 51 043 318066
Movil: 51 043 943912190
AQUA CAMPUS y el Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI), vienen organizando la conferencia virtual: "Acuicultura y delfines mulares en el Mar Mediterráneo: convivencia o conflicto" que se transmitirá el viernes 28 de noviembre a las 15:00 horas de Europa.
La conferencia tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de investigaciones realizadas para conocer la interacción entre cetáceos y la maricultura. Los resultados obtenidos por el Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI desde 1991 en la isla de Cerdeña son de gran utilidad para la gestión de los viveros con jaulas flotantes ante la presencia de depredadores como los delfines mulares.
La conferencia será brindada por el MSc. Bruno Díaz López, Director y Fundador del Instituto internacional para el estudio de los delfines mulares "Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute - BDRI".
La participación en la conferencia es libre, solo debe acceder a través de AQUA CAMPUS (
Mayores informes:
Blgo. Acui. Carmen R. Chimbor Mejía
Directora de Aqua Campus
Características técnicas que deben cumplir las computadoras de losparticipantes:
Internet Explorer 6.0 o FireFox 1.5 (browsers con Flash) en Windows 2000 o superior.
Algunos horarios de referencia:
Perú: 9:00 am
Argentina: 11:00 am (Buenos Aires)
Chile: 10:00 am (Santiago)
Brasil: 11:00 am (Sao Paulo)
Colombia: 9:00 am (Bogotá)
Venezuela: 10:00 am (Caracas)
Ecuador: 9:00 am (Quito)
México: 08:00 am (México DF)
Blgo. Acui. Milthon B. Lujan Monja
Urb. Santa Cristina C4-16, Nuevo Chimbote
Chimbote - Peru
Skype: milthon.lujan,
Telefono: 51 043 318066
Movil: 51 043 943912190
jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008
Empleo: Francia!
Marine Ecologist: marine mammal.
Applications are invited for job position (9 months) at the Centre de Recherche sur les Cétacés Marineland in Antibes,France.
Candidate: Applicants should have a minimum qualification of a Master degree or equivalent, preferably on marine ecology with experience in marine mammals. The candidate should be highly motivated and able to work both independently and as part of a team. Applicants should have good computer skills including Microsoft Excel, Word, Power point and GIS (preferably ArcView) and be familiar with some of these domains: statistical analysis, abundance estimation, GIS, modelling distribution, oceanography, remote sensing. Experience in cetaceans surveys at sea is an advantage.
French language is not compulsory, otherwise English will be needed.
Duration and Salary: Duration is 9 months.
Salary (gross) is 1 650 euro per month.
Closing date for applications is 30th December 2008. Applications should include curriculum vitae, a letter of application and a list of name of referees. Submit should be sent via e-mail to Sophie Laran: or to the staff manager, S?verine Roussel : par snail mail to
Marineland, 306
avenue Mozart 06600 Antibes,
- Marine mammals observers : line transect sampling (shipboard and aerial), biopsies collection,...
- Data coding, report editing, map editing using ArcView (8)
- Assisting Project Manager on different project: GIS project with remote sensing imagery, habitat model
- Developing new research projects on marine mammals of Marineland
Sophie Laran (PhD)
Centre de Recherche sur les Cétacés
Marineland - Parques Reunidos
306 av Mozart, 06600 Antibes, France
tel: +33 (0)4 93 33 55 77 / fax: +33 (0)4 93 33 76 91
Applications are invited for job position (9 months) at the Centre de Recherche sur les Cétacés Marineland in Antibes,France.
Candidate: Applicants should have a minimum qualification of a Master degree or equivalent, preferably on marine ecology with experience in marine mammals. The candidate should be highly motivated and able to work both independently and as part of a team. Applicants should have good computer skills including Microsoft Excel, Word, Power point and GIS (preferably ArcView) and be familiar with some of these domains: statistical analysis, abundance estimation, GIS, modelling distribution, oceanography, remote sensing. Experience in cetaceans surveys at sea is an advantage.
French language is not compulsory, otherwise English will be needed.
Duration and Salary: Duration is 9 months.
Salary (gross) is 1 650 euro per month.
Closing date for applications is 30th December 2008. Applications should include curriculum vitae, a letter of application and a list of name of referees. Submit should be sent via e-mail to Sophie Laran: or to the staff manager, S?verine Roussel : par snail mail to
Marineland, 306
avenue Mozart 06600 Antibes,
- Marine mammals observers : line transect sampling (shipboard and aerial), biopsies collection,...
- Data coding, report editing, map editing using ArcView (8)
- Assisting Project Manager on different project: GIS project with remote sensing imagery, habitat model
- Developing new research projects on marine mammals of Marineland
Sophie Laran (PhD)
Centre de Recherche sur les Cétacés
Marineland - Parques Reunidos
306 av Mozart, 06600 Antibes, France
tel: +33 (0)4 93 33 55 77 / fax: +33 (0)4 93 33 76 91
Actividades: curso atención cetáceos y tortugas!
Curso "Atención Primaria en Varamientos de Cetáceos y Tortugas Marinas".
La Federación Sevillana de Ecologistas en Acción, a través del Programa de Recuperación de Fauna Marina de Almería (PROMAR) organizan el Curso "Atención Primaria en Varamientos de Cetáceos y Tortugas Marinas".
El curso se desarrollará el sábado día 13 de Diciembre en el Centro de Interpretación del Río (Parque San Jerónimo, s/n.) y sede de Ecologistas en Acción Sevilla.
El horario será de 10’00 a 14’00 horas y de 16’00 a 20’00 horas.
El curso es gratuito para los socios/as de Ecologistas en Acción y los demás pagarán gastos mínimos (3 Euros). Se dará certificado de asistencia, las inscripciones se harán a través del correo electrónico:, y del teléfono 954904241 (10:00 h. a 15:00 h. de Lunes a Viernes).
Atención: Asistencia limitada a 30 personas y la selección será por orden riguroso de inscripción.
El contenido del curso es el siguiente:
-Especies marinas mediterráneas en peligro.
-Biología y problemática de las tortugas marinas en el Mediterráneo.
-Tratamientos de tortugas varadas o accidentadas.
-Biología y problemática de los cetáceos en el Mediterráneo.
-Tratamientos de cetáceos varados o accidentados.
PROMAR-ALMERÍA es la responsable ante la Dirección General de Gestión del Medio Natural de la Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía, del registro, asistencia y reintroducción de fauna marina protegida en la costa de Almería. PROMAR pertenece, a través de sus miembros, a la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos y sus instalaciones se encuentran en el Catálogo Nacional de Centros de Recuperación de Fauna Marina. El Programa de Recuperación de Fauna Marina de Almería se desarrolla siempre en coordinación con la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos y con sus Grupos de Trabajo.
Rogamos máxima difusión.
La Federación Sevillana de Ecologistas en Acción, a través del Programa de Recuperación de Fauna Marina de Almería (PROMAR) organizan el Curso "Atención Primaria en Varamientos de Cetáceos y Tortugas Marinas".
El curso se desarrollará el sábado día 13 de Diciembre en el Centro de Interpretación del Río (Parque San Jerónimo, s/n.) y sede de Ecologistas en Acción Sevilla.
El horario será de 10’00 a 14’00 horas y de 16’00 a 20’00 horas.
El curso es gratuito para los socios/as de Ecologistas en Acción y los demás pagarán gastos mínimos (3 Euros). Se dará certificado de asistencia, las inscripciones se harán a través del correo electrónico:, y del teléfono 954904241 (10:00 h. a 15:00 h. de Lunes a Viernes).
Atención: Asistencia limitada a 30 personas y la selección será por orden riguroso de inscripción.
El contenido del curso es el siguiente:
-Especies marinas mediterráneas en peligro.
-Biología y problemática de las tortugas marinas en el Mediterráneo.
-Tratamientos de tortugas varadas o accidentadas.
-Biología y problemática de los cetáceos en el Mediterráneo.
-Tratamientos de cetáceos varados o accidentados.
PROMAR-ALMERÍA es la responsable ante la Dirección General de Gestión del Medio Natural de la Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía, del registro, asistencia y reintroducción de fauna marina protegida en la costa de Almería. PROMAR pertenece, a través de sus miembros, a la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos y sus instalaciones se encuentran en el Catálogo Nacional de Centros de Recuperación de Fauna Marina. El Programa de Recuperación de Fauna Marina de Almería se desarrolla siempre en coordinación con la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos y con sus Grupos de Trabajo.
Rogamos máxima difusión.
Actividades: Curso en La Gomera!
The non-profit association M.E.E.R. would like to announce it's next field course in behavioural biology in the Canary Islands:
"Field research of the project M.E.E.R. La Gomera"
from 19 April - 03 May 2009
The project M.E.E.R. La Gomera is conducting a study on the interactions between cetaceans and whale watching boats since many years. The participants of these 2-weeks practical courses will get an insight into the behavioural research conducted from whale watching boats operating off the island of La Gomera. In this area, 21 cetaceans species could be identified during the last years, representing one of the highest known species diversities in the world. A list of publications that resulted from this project is given below.
The course includes a full training program: the theory and practice of behavioural research will be learned and profound background information on whale watching will be given. Research experience that will be gained includes sighting data recording, behavioural sampling, photo identification and others.
The course is fully accepted for the study of Biology at the Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin (Germany) and the University of Vienna (Austria). Moreover, the research is embedded in conservation efforts aiming at the preservation and promotion of whale watching as a sustainable use of cetaceans and the establishment of a marine sanctuary in the waters off La Gomera.
M.E.E.R. La Gomera was honoured in 2001 with the international environmental award "Tourismus und Umwelt", which is granted since 1987 by the German Association of Travel Agencies and Travel Operators (DRV). As was said during the bestowal, the project"realises new ways of co-operation of research and tourism in an exemplary and innovative way".
For further information (including downloads of a detailed brochure anda booking form) please visit
One course is offered during the 2009 spring time field season:19 April - 03 May 2009.
The price is 875.- € including 7 whale watching research excursions, accommodation, full training program, scientific supervision, donation to M.E.E.R. e.V., written working material, certificate of attendance and one year MEER e.V. membership
(The journey to and from La Gomera is not included in the price.)
Early bookings are accepted until 31 December 2008 at a price of 814.- €
For further information, booking, etc., please send an e-mail to
The non-profit association M.E.E.R. is registred and based in Berlin. The objectives of the association are conservation, research and education in order to protect cetaceans in their natural habitats. Our work aims at increasing the public awareness for the oceans and to present ways how humans can deal with nature in a responsible way. Our co-operation partners are the "Deutsche Umwelthilfe"(Radolfzell/Germany) "Gesellschaft zur Rettung der Delphine"(Munich/Germany), and the "Oceano Gomera" (whale watching operator/LaGomera).
Publications in conjunction with the work of the project M.E.E.R. La Gomera:
Ritter, F. & Ladner, U.A. 1996. Whale Watch Research on La Gomera: A new Interdisciplinary Approach. European Research on Cetaceans 9. Proc. 9thAnn. Conf. ECS, Lisbon 1996, 48ff.
Ritter, F. 1996. Abundance, Distribution and Behaviour of Cetaceans offLa Gomera (Canary Islands) and Their Interaction with Whale Watching-Boats and Swimmers. Diploma Thesis to the University of Bremen,Faculty of Biology. 114pp.
Ritter, F. & Brederlau, B. 1998. First Report of Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus) Frequenting the Canary Island Waters. European Research on Cetaceans 12. Proc. 12th Ann. Conf. ECS, Monaco, 20-24thJanuary 1998, 95-98.
Ritter, F. & Brederlau, B. 1999. Abundance, Distribution and Behaviour of Dense Beaked Whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) off La Gomera (Canary Islands) and their Interactions with Humans. AQUATIC MAMMALS, 25.2,55-61.
Ritter, F. 2001. Twenty-one Cetacean Species off La Gomera (Canary Islands): Possible Reasons for an extraordinary Species Diversity. Poster presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the ECS, 5-7 May 2001,Rome, Italy.
Ritter, F. 2002. Behavioural Observations of Rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) off La Gomera (Canary Islands) with a special Reference to their Interactions with Humans. AQUATIC MAMMALS 28.1,46-59.
Smit, V., Ritter, F. & Neumann, K. 2003. Feasibility study: Land-based observations of cetaceans off La Gomera. Abstr. 14 Ann. Conf. ECS, Gran Canaria, Spain.
Ritter, F. 2003. Boat-Related behaviours as a tool for the development of species-specific whale watching guidelines. Abstr. 14 Ann. Conf. ECS,Gran Canaria, Spain. R
itter, F. 2003. Interactions of Cetaceans with Whale Watching Boats -Implications for the Management of Whale Watching Tourism. M.E.E.R.e.V., Berlin, Germany, 91 pp.
Ritter, F. & Neumann, K. (2006): The Year of the Whale - Extraorbinary occurrence of Bryde's whales (Balaenoptera edeni) off La Gomera (Canary Islands). Poster presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the ECS in Gdynia, April 2006.
Carrillo, M. & Ritter, F. (2008). Increasing Numbers of Ship Strikes in the Canary Islands: Proposals for Immediate Action to Reduce Risk of Vessel-Whale Collisions. IWC Document SC/60/BC6.
Fabian Ritter
M.E.E.R. e.V
Bundesallee 123D-12161
T/F: (0)30-85 07 87 55
"Field research of the project M.E.E.R. La Gomera"
from 19 April - 03 May 2009
The project M.E.E.R. La Gomera is conducting a study on the interactions between cetaceans and whale watching boats since many years. The participants of these 2-weeks practical courses will get an insight into the behavioural research conducted from whale watching boats operating off the island of La Gomera. In this area, 21 cetaceans species could be identified during the last years, representing one of the highest known species diversities in the world. A list of publications that resulted from this project is given below.
The course includes a full training program: the theory and practice of behavioural research will be learned and profound background information on whale watching will be given. Research experience that will be gained includes sighting data recording, behavioural sampling, photo identification and others.
The course is fully accepted for the study of Biology at the Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin (Germany) and the University of Vienna (Austria). Moreover, the research is embedded in conservation efforts aiming at the preservation and promotion of whale watching as a sustainable use of cetaceans and the establishment of a marine sanctuary in the waters off La Gomera.
M.E.E.R. La Gomera was honoured in 2001 with the international environmental award "Tourismus und Umwelt", which is granted since 1987 by the German Association of Travel Agencies and Travel Operators (DRV). As was said during the bestowal, the project"realises new ways of co-operation of research and tourism in an exemplary and innovative way".
For further information (including downloads of a detailed brochure anda booking form) please visit
One course is offered during the 2009 spring time field season:19 April - 03 May 2009.
The price is 875.- € including 7 whale watching research excursions, accommodation, full training program, scientific supervision, donation to M.E.E.R. e.V., written working material, certificate of attendance and one year MEER e.V. membership
(The journey to and from La Gomera is not included in the price.)
Early bookings are accepted until 31 December 2008 at a price of 814.- €
For further information, booking, etc., please send an e-mail to
The non-profit association M.E.E.R. is registred and based in Berlin. The objectives of the association are conservation, research and education in order to protect cetaceans in their natural habitats. Our work aims at increasing the public awareness for the oceans and to present ways how humans can deal with nature in a responsible way. Our co-operation partners are the "Deutsche Umwelthilfe"(Radolfzell/Germany) "Gesellschaft zur Rettung der Delphine"(Munich/Germany), and the "Oceano Gomera" (whale watching operator/LaGomera).
Publications in conjunction with the work of the project M.E.E.R. La Gomera:
Ritter, F. & Ladner, U.A. 1996. Whale Watch Research on La Gomera: A new Interdisciplinary Approach. European Research on Cetaceans 9. Proc. 9thAnn. Conf. ECS, Lisbon 1996, 48ff.
Ritter, F. 1996. Abundance, Distribution and Behaviour of Cetaceans offLa Gomera (Canary Islands) and Their Interaction with Whale Watching-Boats and Swimmers. Diploma Thesis to the University of Bremen,Faculty of Biology. 114pp.
Ritter, F. & Brederlau, B. 1998. First Report of Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus) Frequenting the Canary Island Waters. European Research on Cetaceans 12. Proc. 12th Ann. Conf. ECS, Monaco, 20-24thJanuary 1998, 95-98.
Ritter, F. & Brederlau, B. 1999. Abundance, Distribution and Behaviour of Dense Beaked Whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) off La Gomera (Canary Islands) and their Interactions with Humans. AQUATIC MAMMALS, 25.2,55-61.
Ritter, F. 2001. Twenty-one Cetacean Species off La Gomera (Canary Islands): Possible Reasons for an extraordinary Species Diversity. Poster presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the ECS, 5-7 May 2001,Rome, Italy.
Ritter, F. 2002. Behavioural Observations of Rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) off La Gomera (Canary Islands) with a special Reference to their Interactions with Humans. AQUATIC MAMMALS 28.1,46-59.
Smit, V., Ritter, F. & Neumann, K. 2003. Feasibility study: Land-based observations of cetaceans off La Gomera. Abstr. 14 Ann. Conf. ECS, Gran Canaria, Spain.
Ritter, F. 2003. Boat-Related behaviours as a tool for the development of species-specific whale watching guidelines. Abstr. 14 Ann. Conf. ECS,Gran Canaria, Spain. R
itter, F. 2003. Interactions of Cetaceans with Whale Watching Boats -Implications for the Management of Whale Watching Tourism. M.E.E.R.e.V., Berlin, Germany, 91 pp.
Ritter, F. & Neumann, K. (2006): The Year of the Whale - Extraorbinary occurrence of Bryde's whales (Balaenoptera edeni) off La Gomera (Canary Islands). Poster presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the ECS in Gdynia, April 2006.
Carrillo, M. & Ritter, F. (2008). Increasing Numbers of Ship Strikes in the Canary Islands: Proposals for Immediate Action to Reduce Risk of Vessel-Whale Collisions. IWC Document SC/60/BC6.
Fabian Ritter
M.E.E.R. e.V
Bundesallee 123D-12161
T/F: (0)30-85 07 87 55
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008
Actividades: conferencias en Galicia!
"Nuevas estrategias en la conservación de las especies marinas en el norte peninsular"
Lugar: Museo del Mar, Vigo.
Fecha: 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2008.
Precio: gratuito.
Plazas: 80 (aún quedan plazas).
Organiza: CEMMA.
- La conservación de un espacio marino bajo la máxima figura de protección: el ejemplo del Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas.
- Estrategias proactivas de conservación de especies marinas del programa "La Caixa a favor del mar".
- Evolución social y destrucción ambiental: pasos en vista al desarrollo sostenible y la conservación.
- Redes interregionales de seguimiento de fauna marina: la red de observación de aves y mamíferos marinos (RAM).
- La ruta del Íbero en Galicia. Campaña de verano 2008.
- Monitorización y seguimiento de túnidos a través de la colocación de transmisores via satélite.
- ¿Focas en el norte peninsular?
- Introducción al proyecto " Divulgando a pe de mar".
- Estado y monitorización de las poblaciones de cetáceos en Galicia.
- Campañas Thunnus: los cetáceos de la costera del bonito.
Espero que sea de vuestro interés y que a alguien le de tiempo a apuntarse!
Lugar: Museo del Mar, Vigo.
Fecha: 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2008.
Precio: gratuito.
Plazas: 80 (aún quedan plazas).
Organiza: CEMMA.
- La conservación de un espacio marino bajo la máxima figura de protección: el ejemplo del Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas.
- Estrategias proactivas de conservación de especies marinas del programa "La Caixa a favor del mar".
- Evolución social y destrucción ambiental: pasos en vista al desarrollo sostenible y la conservación.
- Redes interregionales de seguimiento de fauna marina: la red de observación de aves y mamíferos marinos (RAM).
- La ruta del Íbero en Galicia. Campaña de verano 2008.
- Monitorización y seguimiento de túnidos a través de la colocación de transmisores via satélite.
- ¿Focas en el norte peninsular?
- Introducción al proyecto " Divulgando a pe de mar".
- Estado y monitorización de las poblaciones de cetáceos en Galicia.
- Campañas Thunnus: los cetáceos de la costera del bonito.
Espero que sea de vuestro interés y que a alguien le de tiempo a apuntarse!
miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008
Actividades: exposición en Madrid!
Con motivo de la celebración de la Semana de la Ciencia se puede visitar la siguiente exposición:
"Delfines y Ballenas del Atlántico"
Organizan: Fundación INNOVAMAR y CEMMA.
Se adentrará a los visitantes en el apasionante mundo de los mamíferos marinos. La exposición abarcará distintas partes de la biología de estos animales, desde su sistema óseo, hasta el sistema reproductivo, pasando por su particular sistema de comunicación.
Fechas y horas: Martes 11 a Viernes 14 de 10:00 a 19:00 ; Sábado 15 de 10:00 a 14:00.
Lugar: Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes (Madrid).
Público destino: Público General, Público Especializado, Público Universitario, Estudiante ESO, Bachillerato y Ciclos Formativos, Estudiantes Primaria.
Observaciones: La exposición cuenta con material cedido para la ocasión por la Coordinadora para o Estudio de Mamíferos Marinos (CEMMA). Se compone de las secciones: sistema óseo, alimentación y reproducción en mamíferos marinos, y Comunicación en cetáceos.
Con reserva previa.
Dalia Perez
Telefóno: 917472116
Fax: 913290713.
"Delfines y Ballenas del Atlántico"
Organizan: Fundación INNOVAMAR y CEMMA.
Se adentrará a los visitantes en el apasionante mundo de los mamíferos marinos. La exposición abarcará distintas partes de la biología de estos animales, desde su sistema óseo, hasta el sistema reproductivo, pasando por su particular sistema de comunicación.
Fechas y horas: Martes 11 a Viernes 14 de 10:00 a 19:00 ; Sábado 15 de 10:00 a 14:00.
Lugar: Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes (Madrid).
Público destino: Público General, Público Especializado, Público Universitario, Estudiante ESO, Bachillerato y Ciclos Formativos, Estudiantes Primaria.
Observaciones: La exposición cuenta con material cedido para la ocasión por la Coordinadora para o Estudio de Mamíferos Marinos (CEMMA). Se compone de las secciones: sistema óseo, alimentación y reproducción en mamíferos marinos, y Comunicación en cetáceos.
Con reserva previa.
Dalia Perez
Telefóno: 917472116
Fax: 913290713.
Voluntariado: mulares en Cerdeña!
Hi everyone,
on behalf of the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI (, I am pleased to announce that we are seeking 4 Bottlenose Dolphin Internships for our 2009 Winter season (a minimum of 7 weeks of participation between January - April) in Sardinia Island, Italy.
BDRI is a marine mammal science and education center located at Golfo Aranci in Sardinia Island, Italy. Sardinia Island is a marine biologist's paradise and the dolphin behaviour you will witness is unsurpassed. BDRI's researchers are engaged in the conduction of a long term study about the ecology and behaviour of wild bottlenose dolphins and the potential effects of human activities (fisheries, aquaculture and tourism) in their distribution and behaviour.
An internship period with the BDRI offers an invaluable exposure to boat based field work, marine mammals research, intensive training and mentoring in marine ecology, and encouragement to work hard, have fun, and learn from the dolphins and each other.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students can present their BDRI's personal research project as their Thesis. Internships can be used for academic or vocational purposes, but students are solely responsible for making all arrangements for receiving relevant credit(s) as a result of completing the internship.
Interns can expect to participate in and learn a variety of facets of marine mammal research as research assistants in three diverse research projects:
1. Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins societies project:
We will take and analyse identification photos, study group structure and composition to refine details of dolphin societies and responses to human activities at sea. Volunteers assist with data collection onboard helping to locate, photograph and keep track of bottlenose dolphin groups. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse photos and transcribe data collected.
2. Mediterranean bottlenose dolphin communication project:
We will record and monitor vocalizations to refine details of dolphins acoustic behaviour and responses to human activities at sea. Students will actively participate in data collection onboard and monitor dolphins vocalizations. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse and transcribe acoustical data collected.
3. Trial of acoustic deterrents for prevention of bottlenose dolphin bycatch:
We will test a new type of acoustic deterrent devices and study the interactions between bottlenose dolphins and aquaculture. Students will actively participate in acoustical and behavioural data collection onboard. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse and transcribe data collected.
Internships will stay in an apartment on Golfo Aranci. There is an internships cost of 25€/day and BDRI will provide housing and all associated field costs during the internships period (training, use of materials, electricity, gas, boat trips, etc). The apartment has a full kitchen and a full set of cooking utensils. Foods of all kinds are available at the local supermarkets within walking distance at your own expense.
There is no compensation for these internship positions and successful applicants will be responsible for their own transportation expenses to and from the research camp on Golfo Aranci (Sardinia, Italy). There is no deadline to apply. However, approved applications areaccepted on a first-come, first serve basis. Apply early! Start and end dates are flexible. Positions are open until filled.
Send cover letter or inquiries by email to the Research Chief, Bruno Diaz Lopez, at Please indicate in your cover letter the dates you are available.
Recent selected scientific publications by BDRI:
1. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 2008. Marine aquaculture and bottlenose dolphins social structure. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 62(6):887-894.
2. Diaz Lopez B., Bunke, M. and Shirai, J.A., 2008. Marine aquaculture off Sardinia Island (Italy): ecosystem effects evaluated through a trophic mass-balance model. Ecological Modelling 212:292-303.
3. Diaz Lopez B., Shirai, J.A.; Bilbao Prieto, A. & Méndez Fernández, P., 2008. Diving activity of a solitary wild free ranging bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Marine Biological Association U.K 88(6):1153-1157.
4. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 2007. "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) presence and incidental capture in a marine fish farm on the noth-eastern coast of Sardinia (Italy)" Journal of Marine Biological Association U.K, 87, 113-117.
5. Díaz López, B., 2006. "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Predation on a Marine Fin Fish Farm: Some Underwater Observations". Aquatic Mammals 32(3): 305 - 310 pp.
6. Díaz López, B., 2006. "Interactions between Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and gillnets off Sardinia". ICES Journal of Marine Science 63: 944-951 pp.
Bruno Díaz López
Research Biologist / Marine Zoologist
Chief Researcher
The Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI
V.Armando Diaz Nº4
07020 Golfo Aranci (SS) Italy
Tel: + (39) 346 0815414
on behalf of the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI (, I am pleased to announce that we are seeking 4 Bottlenose Dolphin Internships for our 2009 Winter season (a minimum of 7 weeks of participation between January - April) in Sardinia Island, Italy.
BDRI is a marine mammal science and education center located at Golfo Aranci in Sardinia Island, Italy. Sardinia Island is a marine biologist's paradise and the dolphin behaviour you will witness is unsurpassed. BDRI's researchers are engaged in the conduction of a long term study about the ecology and behaviour of wild bottlenose dolphins and the potential effects of human activities (fisheries, aquaculture and tourism) in their distribution and behaviour.
An internship period with the BDRI offers an invaluable exposure to boat based field work, marine mammals research, intensive training and mentoring in marine ecology, and encouragement to work hard, have fun, and learn from the dolphins and each other.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students can present their BDRI's personal research project as their Thesis. Internships can be used for academic or vocational purposes, but students are solely responsible for making all arrangements for receiving relevant credit(s) as a result of completing the internship.
Interns can expect to participate in and learn a variety of facets of marine mammal research as research assistants in three diverse research projects:
1. Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins societies project:
We will take and analyse identification photos, study group structure and composition to refine details of dolphin societies and responses to human activities at sea. Volunteers assist with data collection onboard helping to locate, photograph and keep track of bottlenose dolphin groups. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse photos and transcribe data collected.
2. Mediterranean bottlenose dolphin communication project:
We will record and monitor vocalizations to refine details of dolphins acoustic behaviour and responses to human activities at sea. Students will actively participate in data collection onboard and monitor dolphins vocalizations. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse and transcribe acoustical data collected.
3. Trial of acoustic deterrents for prevention of bottlenose dolphin bycatch:
We will test a new type of acoustic deterrent devices and study the interactions between bottlenose dolphins and aquaculture. Students will actively participate in acoustical and behavioural data collection onboard. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse and transcribe data collected.
Internships will stay in an apartment on Golfo Aranci. There is an internships cost of 25€/day and BDRI will provide housing and all associated field costs during the internships period (training, use of materials, electricity, gas, boat trips, etc). The apartment has a full kitchen and a full set of cooking utensils. Foods of all kinds are available at the local supermarkets within walking distance at your own expense.
There is no compensation for these internship positions and successful applicants will be responsible for their own transportation expenses to and from the research camp on Golfo Aranci (Sardinia, Italy). There is no deadline to apply. However, approved applications areaccepted on a first-come, first serve basis. Apply early! Start and end dates are flexible. Positions are open until filled.
Send cover letter or inquiries by email to the Research Chief, Bruno Diaz Lopez, at Please indicate in your cover letter the dates you are available.
Recent selected scientific publications by BDRI:
1. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 2008. Marine aquaculture and bottlenose dolphins social structure. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 62(6):887-894.
2. Diaz Lopez B., Bunke, M. and Shirai, J.A., 2008. Marine aquaculture off Sardinia Island (Italy): ecosystem effects evaluated through a trophic mass-balance model. Ecological Modelling 212:292-303.
3. Diaz Lopez B., Shirai, J.A.; Bilbao Prieto, A. & Méndez Fernández, P., 2008. Diving activity of a solitary wild free ranging bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Marine Biological Association U.K 88(6):1153-1157.
4. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 2007. "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) presence and incidental capture in a marine fish farm on the noth-eastern coast of Sardinia (Italy)" Journal of Marine Biological Association U.K, 87, 113-117.
5. Díaz López, B., 2006. "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Predation on a Marine Fin Fish Farm: Some Underwater Observations". Aquatic Mammals 32(3): 305 - 310 pp.
6. Díaz López, B., 2006. "Interactions between Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and gillnets off Sardinia". ICES Journal of Marine Science 63: 944-951 pp.
Bruno Díaz López
Research Biologist / Marine Zoologist
Chief Researcher
The Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI
V.Armando Diaz Nº4
07020 Golfo Aranci (SS) Italy
Tel: + (39) 346 0815414
jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008
Actividades: curso a distancia!
Os cuelgo la información de un curso a distancia. Parece interesante y el temario es extenso. Sin embargo no está al alcance de todos los bolsillos.
This is an opportunity for you to consider our unique offering in the study of a fascinating but curiously unknown aquatic form of life through:
Registration starts December 1, 2008, closes on January 9, 2009
There are four versions:
a) full three credit graduate level - $745/credit hour. 3 credit course = $2235.
b) an undergraduate credit - $950
c) a general interest (audit) diploma - $1117.50
d) as part of the graduate certificate - contact the coordinator at
MMM runs from JANUARY 5 TO MARCH 27, 2009, and covers a range of pertinent topics as indicated by the Table of Contents:
Information for Current Term.
1. Introduction to Marine Mammals
2. Marine Mammal Management
3. Introduction to Cetaceans
4. Beluga Whale, and "toxic soups"
5. Dolphins, non-consumptive use
6. Bowheads, the subsidence balance
7. Orcas, of killers and Keikos
8. Pilots, stranding and utilization
9. Introduction to Pinnipeds
10 Monk Seals
11. California Sea Lion, Big Sur and surviva
12. Harp Seal, to hunt or not to hunt?
13. Introduction to Sirenids
14. Manatee, the harassed herbivore
15. Introduction to Marine Fissipeds
16. Polar Bear, the Inuit, success and hope
17. Acoustic Stimuli of Marine Mammals
18. Marine Mammal Conservation & Future Management
There are two essay assignments for those taking the credit versions. First is due on FEBRUARY 8th with a value of 30%; the last on MARCH 22nd for 60% of the final mark. The remaining 10% is held for Interaction evaluation – how well the candidate participates within any class e-mail discussion and replies to requests.
Candidates will receive comments on the first assignment, mainly as an aid in the final essay, and evaluation. The last essay is equivalent of a final exam and is not returned. Those taking the diploma program may submit the assignments and participate in the Interaction; however, not for marks, but certainly for comment.
As communication and interaction throughout the term will be mainly via e-mail, it is essential that all have some electronic means of communication and submitting essays. Essays should be sent using "MS Word" format.
For general information on the course, contact:
Thank you.
Professor Keith Ronald and Barra L. Gots
Instructors for the Marine Mammal Management Distance Education course.
Please reply to Barra Gots:
This is an opportunity for you to consider our unique offering in the study of a fascinating but curiously unknown aquatic form of life through:
Registration starts December 1, 2008, closes on January 9, 2009
There are four versions:
a) full three credit graduate level - $745/credit hour. 3 credit course = $2235.
b) an undergraduate credit - $950
c) a general interest (audit) diploma - $1117.50
d) as part of the graduate certificate - contact the coordinator at
MMM runs from JANUARY 5 TO MARCH 27, 2009, and covers a range of pertinent topics as indicated by the Table of Contents:
Information for Current Term.
1. Introduction to Marine Mammals
2. Marine Mammal Management
3. Introduction to Cetaceans
4. Beluga Whale, and "toxic soups"
5. Dolphins, non-consumptive use
6. Bowheads, the subsidence balance
7. Orcas, of killers and Keikos
8. Pilots, stranding and utilization
9. Introduction to Pinnipeds
10 Monk Seals
11. California Sea Lion, Big Sur and surviva
12. Harp Seal, to hunt or not to hunt?
13. Introduction to Sirenids
14. Manatee, the harassed herbivore
15. Introduction to Marine Fissipeds
16. Polar Bear, the Inuit, success and hope
17. Acoustic Stimuli of Marine Mammals
18. Marine Mammal Conservation & Future Management
There are two essay assignments for those taking the credit versions. First is due on FEBRUARY 8th with a value of 30%; the last on MARCH 22nd for 60% of the final mark. The remaining 10% is held for Interaction evaluation – how well the candidate participates within any class e-mail discussion and replies to requests.
Candidates will receive comments on the first assignment, mainly as an aid in the final essay, and evaluation. The last essay is equivalent of a final exam and is not returned. Those taking the diploma program may submit the assignments and participate in the Interaction; however, not for marks, but certainly for comment.
As communication and interaction throughout the term will be mainly via e-mail, it is essential that all have some electronic means of communication and submitting essays. Essays should be sent using "MS Word" format.
For general information on the course, contact:
Thank you.
Professor Keith Ronald and Barra L. Gots
Instructors for the Marine Mammal Management Distance Education course.
Please reply to Barra Gots:
miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008
Actualidad: rorcual aliblanco avistado en Río Negro!
Hoy he recibido estas alucinantes fotos de un rorcual aliblanco o ballena minke avistado completamente fuera de su rango de distribución en la provincia de Río Negro en Argentina. Las fotos son cortesía de Tony Brochado, buzo autor de las mismas! Gracias Tony!

Este ejemplar de ballena Minke, propia de las aguas Antárticas fue fotografiado en el golfo de San Matías, a una milla náutica del puerto rionegrino de San Antonio Este y 200 kilómetros de Viedma, según el informe del buzo profesional Tony Brochado.

Avistan ejemplar de ballena de Antártida en San Antonio Este.

El especialista náutico estaba navegando en una lancha rápida, ayer por la tarde, acompañando a la bióloga Verónica Serman, afectada al estudio de impacto del dragado Puerto de San Antonio Este, cuando observaron a lo lejos el salto del cetáceo.
“Nos acercamos a una distancia suficiente como para registrar buenas fotos y pudimos comprobar que se trataba de una ballena, pero no un ejemplar de la especie 'franca austral' que comúnmente llega a esta zona” dijo Brochado, en diálogo con Télam.
Agregó que “por lo que pudimos ver en ese momento y después, en la foto digital ampliada, es una ballena de aleta dorsal y corresponde al tipo Minke o ballena de Drake”.
Este tipo de cetáceos mide hasta 10 metros de largo y puede pesar unas cinco toneladas, con una forma muy estilizada en su cabeza, y habita aguas muy frías en cercanías de la Antártida.
Brochado aseguró que “no hay registros de la observación de ejemplares vivos en aguas cálidas como la del golfo San Matías, aunque se han encontrado algunas ballenas de este tipo ya muertas en las playas de la región”.
El esqueleto completo de una ballena, hallado hace más de 30 años en cercanías de San Antonio Oeste, se exhibe en el centro de interpretación de fauna marina de Punta Bermeja, en la reserva de lobos marinos ubicada a 60 kilómetros de Viedma.
“Nos acercamos a una distancia suficiente como para registrar buenas fotos y pudimos comprobar que se trataba de una ballena, pero no un ejemplar de la especie 'franca austral' que comúnmente llega a esta zona” dijo Brochado, en diálogo con Télam.
Agregó que “por lo que pudimos ver en ese momento y después, en la foto digital ampliada, es una ballena de aleta dorsal y corresponde al tipo Minke o ballena de Drake”.
Este tipo de cetáceos mide hasta 10 metros de largo y puede pesar unas cinco toneladas, con una forma muy estilizada en su cabeza, y habita aguas muy frías en cercanías de la Antártida.
Brochado aseguró que “no hay registros de la observación de ejemplares vivos en aguas cálidas como la del golfo San Matías, aunque se han encontrado algunas ballenas de este tipo ya muertas en las playas de la región”.
El esqueleto completo de una ballena, hallado hace más de 30 años en cercanías de San Antonio Oeste, se exhibe en el centro de interpretación de fauna marina de Punta Bermeja, en la reserva de lobos marinos ubicada a 60 kilómetros de Viedma.
Actividades: curso en el Oceanográfico de Valencia!
Curso de manejo y mantenimiento de mamíferos marinos.
Curso avanzado dirigido a personas interesadas en aumentar sus conocimientos sobre mamíferos marinos y su mantenimiento en medio controlado.
Duración: 20h.
Horario: de lunes a viernes de 16:00 a 20:00h.
Fecha: 18-20 Mayo 2009.
Lugar: Aulas y laboratorios del edificio E+I (edificio de educación e investigación), e instalaciones y zona técnica del Oceanográfico.
Precio: 130 € estudiantes, 150 € público en general.
Preferiblemente estudiantes universitarios y de módulos formativos relacionados con la temática del curso, interesados en profundizar sobre aspectos de algunos mamíferos marinos y su mantenimiento en medio controlado.
- Recordar las principales características biológicas de los mamíferos marinos.
- Profundizar en el conocimiento de los cetáceos odontocetos; comportamiento, manejo y entrenamiento en medio controlado de belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) y delfines (Tursiops truncatus).
- Profundizar en el conocimiento de los pinnípedos; comportamiento, entrenamiento y manejo en medio controlado.
- Conocer las principales técnicas del mantenimiento de instalaciones para mamíferos marinos.
- Calidad de agua y filtración.
- Conocer las principales patologías y los principales procedimientos en medicina preventiva de mamíferos marinos.
- Conocer las técnicas de transporte de mamíferos marinos y la normativa vigente (CITES).
- Descubrir algunas técnicas de enriquecimiento ambiental para mamíferos marinos en medio controlado.
- Conocer algunos proyectos de conservación e investigación con animales marinos.
- Características biológicas de los mamíferos marinos:
* Clasificación
* Adaptaciones
* Particularidades de cada grupo
- Manejo en medio controlado
* Instalaciones y calidad de agua
* Alimentación
* Comportamiento: Entrenamientos y Enriquecimiento Ambiental
* Transporte
* Medicina veterinaria de mamíferos marinos
* Reproducción
- Conservación e investigación
* Proyectos de Conservación e Investigación
También se celebrarán cursos de introducción a la biología marina, manejo y mantenimiento de tiburones, y biología. recuperación y conservación de tortugas marinas.
Más información en:
Curso avanzado dirigido a personas interesadas en aumentar sus conocimientos sobre mamíferos marinos y su mantenimiento en medio controlado.
Duración: 20h.
Horario: de lunes a viernes de 16:00 a 20:00h.
Fecha: 18-20 Mayo 2009.
Lugar: Aulas y laboratorios del edificio E+I (edificio de educación e investigación), e instalaciones y zona técnica del Oceanográfico.
Precio: 130 € estudiantes, 150 € público en general.
Preferiblemente estudiantes universitarios y de módulos formativos relacionados con la temática del curso, interesados en profundizar sobre aspectos de algunos mamíferos marinos y su mantenimiento en medio controlado.
- Recordar las principales características biológicas de los mamíferos marinos.
- Profundizar en el conocimiento de los cetáceos odontocetos; comportamiento, manejo y entrenamiento en medio controlado de belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) y delfines (Tursiops truncatus).
- Profundizar en el conocimiento de los pinnípedos; comportamiento, entrenamiento y manejo en medio controlado.
- Conocer las principales técnicas del mantenimiento de instalaciones para mamíferos marinos.
- Calidad de agua y filtración.
- Conocer las principales patologías y los principales procedimientos en medicina preventiva de mamíferos marinos.
- Conocer las técnicas de transporte de mamíferos marinos y la normativa vigente (CITES).
- Descubrir algunas técnicas de enriquecimiento ambiental para mamíferos marinos en medio controlado.
- Conocer algunos proyectos de conservación e investigación con animales marinos.
- Características biológicas de los mamíferos marinos:
* Clasificación
* Adaptaciones
* Particularidades de cada grupo
- Manejo en medio controlado
* Instalaciones y calidad de agua
* Alimentación
* Comportamiento: Entrenamientos y Enriquecimiento Ambiental
* Transporte
* Medicina veterinaria de mamíferos marinos
* Reproducción
- Conservación e investigación
* Proyectos de Conservación e Investigación
También se celebrarán cursos de introducción a la biología marina, manejo y mantenimiento de tiburones, y biología. recuperación y conservación de tortugas marinas.
Más información en:
martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008
Voluntariado: CIRCE!
Participa en nuestros estudios de cetáceos desde tierra en 2009.
A partir de marzo CIRCE continuará con sus muestreos desde tierra para la observación y seguimiento de orcas y rorcuales, para lo cual requerimos de vuestra participación como voluntarios.
Os ofrecemos la participación en un proyecto científico con aplicación a la conservación de estas dos especies, con estancias de duración de una semana como mínimo, pero si lo prefieres puede ser más amplia, además de los conocimientos que se adquirirán en el campo, se ofrecen charlas informativas de los cetáceos del Estrecho de Gibraltar, basadas en la investigación que CIRCE viene llevando a cabo desde 1998 en la zona. No os preocupéis por el alojamiento, CIRCE pondrá a vuestra disposición el alojamiento adecuado para cada uno de los proyectos, una casa en Barbate para el proyecto de orcas y en el caso del proyecto de rorcuales una casa en el estrecho. Dada vuestra condición de voluntarios, contaréis con el seguro de voluntario tal y como requiere la Ley de Voluntariado 6/1996.
El principal requisito que debes cumplir para asistir como voluntario a alguno de estos proyectos es ser amigo de CIRCE, si todavía no lo eres, no te preocupes junto a la ficha de inscripción tendrás la opción de hacerte amigo de CIRCE, ficha que encontrarás al final de esta página. Vuestro cometido será el de ayudarnos en la búsqueda activa de orcas y rorcuales, desde tierra gracias a la utilización de prismáticos y telescopios, así como de realizar su seguimiento cuando sean avistados.
Debéis tener en cuenta que se trabajará durante todas las horas de sol posibles que se irán ajustando dependiendo de la época del año en la que nos encontremos, además debemos de contar con las condiciones meteorológicas, esto quiere decir, que cuando el mar esté demasiado revuelto o llueva, será imposible nuestra búsqueda, ya que se hace imposible la búsqueda de los animales, pero no os preocupéis, os ofreceremos actividades alternativas, como pueden ser charlas informativas de cetáceos o visitas a diferentes lugares de interés de la zona (duna de Bolonia, cabo de Trafalgar, cuevas …).
La comida no estará incluida dentro de la oferta, pero se harán compras conjuntas para la semana de estancia, de modo que no os falte de nada. Además debemos de advertiros que no siempre es posible el avistamiento de los animales, aunque las condiciones meteorológicas sean las perfectas, ya que estas dos especies no presentan una distribución concreta en la zona, es decir, el rorcual común presenta un patrón de migración entre el mar Mediterráneo y el Océano Atlántico a través del Estrecho de Gibraltar, y la orca presenta un patrón de distribución muy amplio por todo lo ancho y amplio del Estrecho de Gibraltar. Los periodos elegidos para la realización de esta actividad son los momentos en los que la posibilidad de encuentro de los animales es más alta.
La participación a los proyectos es del domingo por la noche hasta el sábado por la noche. El proyecto de orcas tendrá lugar del 15 de marzo hasta el 30 mayo. El proyecto de rorcual empieza el 31 de mayo hasta el 1 de agosto. Para consultar fechas y disponibilidad de plazas, consulta la siguiente web:
Para inscribirte para una semana o más a los proyectos, rellena la ficha disponible en la web y envíala por email a la dirección siguiente:
A partir de marzo CIRCE continuará con sus muestreos desde tierra para la observación y seguimiento de orcas y rorcuales, para lo cual requerimos de vuestra participación como voluntarios.
Os ofrecemos la participación en un proyecto científico con aplicación a la conservación de estas dos especies, con estancias de duración de una semana como mínimo, pero si lo prefieres puede ser más amplia, además de los conocimientos que se adquirirán en el campo, se ofrecen charlas informativas de los cetáceos del Estrecho de Gibraltar, basadas en la investigación que CIRCE viene llevando a cabo desde 1998 en la zona. No os preocupéis por el alojamiento, CIRCE pondrá a vuestra disposición el alojamiento adecuado para cada uno de los proyectos, una casa en Barbate para el proyecto de orcas y en el caso del proyecto de rorcuales una casa en el estrecho. Dada vuestra condición de voluntarios, contaréis con el seguro de voluntario tal y como requiere la Ley de Voluntariado 6/1996.
El principal requisito que debes cumplir para asistir como voluntario a alguno de estos proyectos es ser amigo de CIRCE, si todavía no lo eres, no te preocupes junto a la ficha de inscripción tendrás la opción de hacerte amigo de CIRCE, ficha que encontrarás al final de esta página. Vuestro cometido será el de ayudarnos en la búsqueda activa de orcas y rorcuales, desde tierra gracias a la utilización de prismáticos y telescopios, así como de realizar su seguimiento cuando sean avistados.
Debéis tener en cuenta que se trabajará durante todas las horas de sol posibles que se irán ajustando dependiendo de la época del año en la que nos encontremos, además debemos de contar con las condiciones meteorológicas, esto quiere decir, que cuando el mar esté demasiado revuelto o llueva, será imposible nuestra búsqueda, ya que se hace imposible la búsqueda de los animales, pero no os preocupéis, os ofreceremos actividades alternativas, como pueden ser charlas informativas de cetáceos o visitas a diferentes lugares de interés de la zona (duna de Bolonia, cabo de Trafalgar, cuevas …).
La comida no estará incluida dentro de la oferta, pero se harán compras conjuntas para la semana de estancia, de modo que no os falte de nada. Además debemos de advertiros que no siempre es posible el avistamiento de los animales, aunque las condiciones meteorológicas sean las perfectas, ya que estas dos especies no presentan una distribución concreta en la zona, es decir, el rorcual común presenta un patrón de migración entre el mar Mediterráneo y el Océano Atlántico a través del Estrecho de Gibraltar, y la orca presenta un patrón de distribución muy amplio por todo lo ancho y amplio del Estrecho de Gibraltar. Los periodos elegidos para la realización de esta actividad son los momentos en los que la posibilidad de encuentro de los animales es más alta.
La participación a los proyectos es del domingo por la noche hasta el sábado por la noche. El proyecto de orcas tendrá lugar del 15 de marzo hasta el 30 mayo. El proyecto de rorcual empieza el 31 de mayo hasta el 1 de agosto. Para consultar fechas y disponibilidad de plazas, consulta la siguiente web:
Para inscribirte para una semana o más a los proyectos, rellena la ficha disponible en la web y envíala por email a la dirección siguiente:
Empleo: profesor ciencias marinas!
WANTED: Professors to teach experiential field courses in Marine Science summer programs in Fiji, Costa Rica, Caribbean, and Canada.
Academic Treks - College Without Boarders (ATC) has summer employment job offerings to individuals with PhD degrees in Marine Science fields.
* Marine Mammal Ecology (Canada) - High school and college level programs
* Shark Behavior and Conservation (Fiji) - High school and college level programs
* Sea Turtle Ecology and Conservation (Costa Rica)- High school and college level programs
* Tropical Marine Biology (Various Caribbean Islands)- High school and college level programs
* Oceanography (Various Caribbean Islands) - College level programs only (PhD preferred, Masters required).
* Marine Reserves Management (Various Caribbean Islands) - High school and college level programs
AT and ATC offers high school and college students the opportunity to immerse themselves in another culture while experientially studying Marine Science and earning college credit.
Instructors are needed to teach marine science courses in many locations abroad. In addition to teaching the course, instructors are responsible for facilitating groups, leading adventure activities and field trips such as hiking, involving students in community service projects, facilitating home stays and handling various other Course Instructor responsibilities.
Masters or PhD in Marine Science or relevant field (specific to program applying for), teaching experience in the subject area, proficiency in language spoken, international travel experience, experience working with young adults, and flexibility.
Staff training includes a couple weekend trainings in April/May,as well as a week in late May. Courses run from May-August. Each courseis about 21 - 35 days.
Click here to apply.
Visit to apply online or send resume, cover letter, photo, and contact information for 3 references to
Lauren Marchman,
Broadreach Academic Treks,
806 McCulloch Street, Suite 102,
Raleigh, NC 27603.
Phone 919-256-8205/888-833-1907
For more information about our highschool programs, please visit ; or for our college programs, please visit
Academic Treks - College Without Boarders (ATC) has summer employment job offerings to individuals with PhD degrees in Marine Science fields.
* Marine Mammal Ecology (Canada) - High school and college level programs
* Shark Behavior and Conservation (Fiji) - High school and college level programs
* Sea Turtle Ecology and Conservation (Costa Rica)- High school and college level programs
* Tropical Marine Biology (Various Caribbean Islands)- High school and college level programs
* Oceanography (Various Caribbean Islands) - College level programs only (PhD preferred, Masters required).
* Marine Reserves Management (Various Caribbean Islands) - High school and college level programs
AT and ATC offers high school and college students the opportunity to immerse themselves in another culture while experientially studying Marine Science and earning college credit.
Instructors are needed to teach marine science courses in many locations abroad. In addition to teaching the course, instructors are responsible for facilitating groups, leading adventure activities and field trips such as hiking, involving students in community service projects, facilitating home stays and handling various other Course Instructor responsibilities.
Masters or PhD in Marine Science or relevant field (specific to program applying for), teaching experience in the subject area, proficiency in language spoken, international travel experience, experience working with young adults, and flexibility.
Staff training includes a couple weekend trainings in April/May,as well as a week in late May. Courses run from May-August. Each courseis about 21 - 35 days.
Click here to apply.
Visit to apply online or send resume, cover letter, photo, and contact information for 3 references to
Lauren Marchman,
Broadreach Academic Treks,
806 McCulloch Street, Suite 102,
Raleigh, NC 27603.
Phone 919-256-8205/888-833-1907
For more information about our highschool programs, please visit ; or for our college programs, please visit
Voluntariado: Elefantes marinos!
Intern for the winter season on the Farallones (Dec 5- March 15). Please forward to all qualified folks you may know looking for a winter on SEFI.
Needed for winter on Southeast Farallon Island, 28 miles west of San Francisco, California. Daily duties involve observation of elephant seal breeding colony, including flipper-tag reading, tagging and marking of cows and pups, keeping accurate data records of pup births and deaths, and data entry and proofing. Additional work involves twice monthly cover board surveys of Farallon salamander (Aneides lugubris farallonensis), including measuring and weighing all captured salamanders.
Furthermore, RAs monitor the number and species of all birds on the island, conduct daily weather and oceanic observations. RAs also contribute to the upkeep, cleaning, and maintenance of the research station. RAs will work full-time, 7 days a week, with a variable schedule that sometimes includes long days.
Field work requires rigorous physical activity including strenuous hiking and climbing. Excellent vision, possession of good quality binoculars, being comfortable in close proximity to large toothy mammals, and hand strength for tagging are required.
Applicants should enjoy working independently with a high level of responsibility in field work and data entry as well as working frequently with a partner or team. Preference will be given to applicants with a degree in biology or related field and prior ecological research experience.
Enthusiasm for field work in windy, wet, chilly conditions is essential. The ability to coexist on a small, isolated island with gulls and humans is important.
Position is 5 Dec through 15 March.
RAs are volunteers, we provide training, great food, comfortable island housing, and a unique experience.
Please send a cover letter; resume/CV; and names, phone numbers, and email of 3 field work supervisors to
Derek E. Lee (
Farallon Biologist,
PRBO Conservation Science.
Visit our website at: for more info.
Needed for winter on Southeast Farallon Island, 28 miles west of San Francisco, California. Daily duties involve observation of elephant seal breeding colony, including flipper-tag reading, tagging and marking of cows and pups, keeping accurate data records of pup births and deaths, and data entry and proofing. Additional work involves twice monthly cover board surveys of Farallon salamander (Aneides lugubris farallonensis), including measuring and weighing all captured salamanders.
Furthermore, RAs monitor the number and species of all birds on the island, conduct daily weather and oceanic observations. RAs also contribute to the upkeep, cleaning, and maintenance of the research station. RAs will work full-time, 7 days a week, with a variable schedule that sometimes includes long days.
Field work requires rigorous physical activity including strenuous hiking and climbing. Excellent vision, possession of good quality binoculars, being comfortable in close proximity to large toothy mammals, and hand strength for tagging are required.
Applicants should enjoy working independently with a high level of responsibility in field work and data entry as well as working frequently with a partner or team. Preference will be given to applicants with a degree in biology or related field and prior ecological research experience.
Enthusiasm for field work in windy, wet, chilly conditions is essential. The ability to coexist on a small, isolated island with gulls and humans is important.
Position is 5 Dec through 15 March.
RAs are volunteers, we provide training, great food, comfortable island housing, and a unique experience.
Please send a cover letter; resume/CV; and names, phone numbers, and email of 3 field work supervisors to
Derek E. Lee (
Farallon Biologist,
PRBO Conservation Science.
Visit our website at: for more info.
Voluntariado: Mississippi!
The University of Southern Mississippi Psychology Department is offering a Marine Mammal Behavior and Cognition internship to college juniors, seniors and recent graduates for spring 2009.
College credits for the internship are awarded by the University of Southern Mississippi. Interns work with faculty and graduate student researchers. They gain experience in different areas, such as boat-based wild dolphin research and assisting with data analysis in our research laboratory.
Interns gain hands-on experience during boat surveys studying the Mississippi Gulf Coast bottlenose dolphin population as a part of USM´s Wild Dolphin Project. Interns assist in the collection of environmental and behavioral data, using a variety of scientific tools and methods. Interns may also have an opportunity to help in the analysis of such data.
In the research laboratory, at the USM Hattiesburg campus, interns have the opportunity to learn about behavioral analysis as well as acoustical analysis. Interns are required to complete a small project on an assigned relevant topic.
For more information on our research, please visit our website:
The internship is a full time voluntary position, and students are responsible for their own transportation and housing arrangements.
Students interested in the Marine Mammal Behavior and Cognition internship are required to send:
- a resume
- a letter of intent including career goals and reasons for wanting the internship (what you expect to contribute and gain from the internship)
- an unofficial or official copy of your transcripts
- at least two letters of recommendation (preferably from college professors who know you personally)
All materials should be sent to:
Internship Coordinator
Department of Psychology
The University of Southern Mississippi
118 College Drive, # 5025
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5025
Materials may arrive separately or together, but the complete application must be postmarked by December 1st. For more information, you can email the internship coordinator at
College credits for the internship are awarded by the University of Southern Mississippi. Interns work with faculty and graduate student researchers. They gain experience in different areas, such as boat-based wild dolphin research and assisting with data analysis in our research laboratory.
Interns gain hands-on experience during boat surveys studying the Mississippi Gulf Coast bottlenose dolphin population as a part of USM´s Wild Dolphin Project. Interns assist in the collection of environmental and behavioral data, using a variety of scientific tools and methods. Interns may also have an opportunity to help in the analysis of such data.
In the research laboratory, at the USM Hattiesburg campus, interns have the opportunity to learn about behavioral analysis as well as acoustical analysis. Interns are required to complete a small project on an assigned relevant topic.
For more information on our research, please visit our website:
The internship is a full time voluntary position, and students are responsible for their own transportation and housing arrangements.
Students interested in the Marine Mammal Behavior and Cognition internship are required to send:
- a resume
- a letter of intent including career goals and reasons for wanting the internship (what you expect to contribute and gain from the internship)
- an unofficial or official copy of your transcripts
- at least two letters of recommendation (preferably from college professors who know you personally)
All materials should be sent to:
Internship Coordinator
Department of Psychology
The University of Southern Mississippi
118 College Drive, # 5025
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5025
Materials may arrive separately or together, but the complete application must be postmarked by December 1st. For more information, you can email the internship coordinator at
Actividades: curso "Pescadores y Fauna Marina"!
Curso de nuevas tecnologías para el sector pesquero
reducción de capturas accidentales
reducción de capturas accidentales

Vamos a pescar MAS peces y MENOS especies protegidas. Es la filosofía que tiene el curso que presentamos.
Dirigido principalmente a profesionales de la pesca, pero también a otros como "observadores" y personas relacionadas con la materia.
Será impartido por el responsable del Proyecto TECNO Ricardo Sagarminaga.
Al inicio del curso se hará entrega del material.
Fecha: sábado 8 de noviembre de 2008
Horario: de 10 a 13 horas
Lugar: Carboneras (Almería), sede de la Asociación de Armadores CARBOPESCA, c/ Bailén, Nº 3 B
Organiza: PROMAR-Almería
Financia: Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca de la Junta de Andalucía
Dirigido principalmente a profesionales de la pesca, pero también a otros como "observadores" y personas relacionadas con la materia.
Será impartido por el responsable del Proyecto TECNO Ricardo Sagarminaga.
Al inicio del curso se hará entrega del material.
Fecha: sábado 8 de noviembre de 2008
Horario: de 10 a 13 horas
Lugar: Carboneras (Almería), sede de la Asociación de Armadores CARBOPESCA, c/ Bailén, Nº 3 B
Organiza: PROMAR-Almería
Financia: Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca de la Junta de Andalucía
- Secretaría General del Mar del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino (Proyecto TECNO).
- Asociación científica Alnitak.
- Cofradía de Pescadores de Carboneras.
- Asociación de Armadores CARBOPESCA.
- Asociación científica Alnitak.
- Cofradía de Pescadores de Carboneras.
- Asociación de Armadores CARBOPESCA.
domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008
Voluntariado: Massachusetts!
Job Description: 3 field assistants are needed for a project in bottlenose dolphin strand-feeding behavior in Bull Creek, South Carolina. Bull Creek is a Spartina marsh system, part of Calibogue Sound estuary located west of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
Successful applicants will help with data collection and entry and photo-identification. The field season will run approximately 6 months, from March through the end of August. Priority will be given to applicants who can stay for the entire season,but it may be possible to accept applicants who can only participate in part of the field season. A minimum commitment of two months is required.
Housing will be provided near study site with PI.
-Assistants will be expected to work on a boat 6 to 7 days per week, for up to 6 hours at a time. --Assistants should be hard working, flexible, easy-going, work well in a team, and willing to work early morning.
-Preference will be given to assistants who have prior experience working on dolphins, photo-identification, or boating.
To apply please send the following:
(1) cover letter describing your interest in the position,
(2) CV or resume and (3) contact information for 2 references to
Teresa Gisburne at
Teresa Gisburne
Masters Graduate Student
Department of Biology
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
285 Old Westport Rd.
North Dartmouth, MA 02747
Successful applicants will help with data collection and entry and photo-identification. The field season will run approximately 6 months, from March through the end of August. Priority will be given to applicants who can stay for the entire season,but it may be possible to accept applicants who can only participate in part of the field season. A minimum commitment of two months is required.
Housing will be provided near study site with PI.
-Assistants will be expected to work on a boat 6 to 7 days per week, for up to 6 hours at a time. --Assistants should be hard working, flexible, easy-going, work well in a team, and willing to work early morning.
-Preference will be given to assistants who have prior experience working on dolphins, photo-identification, or boating.
To apply please send the following:
(1) cover letter describing your interest in the position,
(2) CV or resume and (3) contact information for 2 references to
Teresa Gisburne at
Teresa Gisburne
Masters Graduate Student
Department of Biology
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
285 Old Westport Rd.
North Dartmouth, MA 02747
Voluntariado: Cerdeña!
On behalf of the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI (, I am pleased to announce that we are seeking 4 Bottlenose Dolphin Internships for our 2009 Winter season (a minimum of 7 weeks of participation between January - April) in Sardinia Island, Italy.
BDRI is a marine mammal science and education center located at Golfo Aranci in Sardinia Island, Italy. Sardinia Island is a marine biologist's paradise and the dolphin behaviour you will witness is unsurpassed. BDRI's researchers are engaged in the conduction of a long term study about the ecology and behaviour of wild bottlenose dolphins and the potential effects of human activities (fisheries, aquaculture and tourism) in their distribution and behaviour.
An internship period with the BDRI offers an invaluable exposure to boat based field work, marine mammals research, intensive training and mentoring in marine ecology, and encouragement to work hard, have fun, and learn from the dolphins and each other.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students can present their BDRI's personal research project as their Thesis. Internships can be used for academic or vocational purposes, but students are solely responsible for making all arrangements for receiving relevant credit(s) as a result of completing the internship.
Interns can expect to participate in and learn a variety of facets of marine mammal research as research assistants in three diverse research projects:
1. Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins societies project: We will take and analyse identification photos, study group structure and composition to refine details of dolphin societies and responses to human activities at sea. Volunteers assist with data collection onboard helping to locate, photograph and keep track of bottlenose dolphin groups. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse photos and transcribe data collected.
2. Mediterranean bottlenose dolphin communication project: We will record and monitor vocalizations to refine details of dolphins acoustic behaviour and responses to human activities at sea. Students will actively participate in data collection onboard and monitor dolphins vocalizations. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse and transcribe acoustical data collected.
3. Trial of acoustic deterrents for prevention of bottlenose dolphin bycatch: We will test a new type of acoustic deterrent devices and study the interactions between bottlenose dolphins and aquaculture. Students will actively participate in acoustical and behavioural data collection onboard. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse and transcribe data collected.
Internships will stay in an apartment on Golfo Aranci. There is an internships cost of 25€/day and BDRI will provide housing and all associated field costs during the internships period (training, use of materials, electricity, gas, boat trips, etc). The apartment has a full kitchen and a full set of cooking utensils. Foods of all kinds are available at the local supermarkets within walking distance at your own expense. There is no compensation for these internship positions and successful applicants will be responsible for their own transportation expenses to and from the research camp on Golfo Aranci (Sardinia, Italy). There is no deadline to apply. However, approved applications areaccepted on a first-come, first serve basis. Apply early! Start and end dates are flexible. Positions are open until filled.
Send cover letter or inquiries by email to the Research Chief, Bruno Diaz Lopez, at Please indicate in your cover letter the dates you are available.
Recent selected scientific publications by BDRI:
1. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 2008. Marine aquaculture and bottlenose dolphins social structure. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 62(6):887-894.
2. Diaz Lopez B., Bunke, M. and Shirai, J.A., 2008. Marine aquaculture off Sardinia Island (Italy): ecosystem effects evaluated through a trophic mass-balance model. Ecological Modelling 212:292-303.
3. Diaz Lopez B., Shirai, J.A.; Bilbao Prieto, A. & Méndez Fernández, P., 2008. Diving activity of a solitary wild free ranging bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Marine Biological Association U.K 88(6):1153-1157.
4. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 2007. "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) presence and incidental capture in a marine fish farm on the noth-eastern coast of Sardinia (Italy)" Journal of Marine Biological Association U.K, 87, 113-117.
5. Díaz López, B., 2006. "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Predation on a Marine Fin Fish Farm: Some Underwater Observations". Aquatic Mammals 32(3): 305 - 310 pp.
6. Díaz López, B., 2006. "Interactions between Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and gillnets off Sardinia". ICES Journal of Marine Science 63: 944-951 pp.
Bruno Diaz Lopez
Research Biologist / Marine Zoologist
Chief Researcher
The Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI
V.Armando Diaz Nº4 07020 Golfo Aranci (SS) Italyhttp://www.thebdri.cominfo@thebdri.comTel: + (39) 346 0815414
BDRI is a marine mammal science and education center located at Golfo Aranci in Sardinia Island, Italy. Sardinia Island is a marine biologist's paradise and the dolphin behaviour you will witness is unsurpassed. BDRI's researchers are engaged in the conduction of a long term study about the ecology and behaviour of wild bottlenose dolphins and the potential effects of human activities (fisheries, aquaculture and tourism) in their distribution and behaviour.
An internship period with the BDRI offers an invaluable exposure to boat based field work, marine mammals research, intensive training and mentoring in marine ecology, and encouragement to work hard, have fun, and learn from the dolphins and each other.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students can present their BDRI's personal research project as their Thesis. Internships can be used for academic or vocational purposes, but students are solely responsible for making all arrangements for receiving relevant credit(s) as a result of completing the internship.
Interns can expect to participate in and learn a variety of facets of marine mammal research as research assistants in three diverse research projects:
1. Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins societies project: We will take and analyse identification photos, study group structure and composition to refine details of dolphin societies and responses to human activities at sea. Volunteers assist with data collection onboard helping to locate, photograph and keep track of bottlenose dolphin groups. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse photos and transcribe data collected.
2. Mediterranean bottlenose dolphin communication project: We will record and monitor vocalizations to refine details of dolphins acoustic behaviour and responses to human activities at sea. Students will actively participate in data collection onboard and monitor dolphins vocalizations. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse and transcribe acoustical data collected.
3. Trial of acoustic deterrents for prevention of bottlenose dolphin bycatch: We will test a new type of acoustic deterrent devices and study the interactions between bottlenose dolphins and aquaculture. Students will actively participate in acoustical and behavioural data collection onboard. Back at the lab volunteers restock field supplies, analyse and transcribe data collected.
Internships will stay in an apartment on Golfo Aranci. There is an internships cost of 25€/day and BDRI will provide housing and all associated field costs during the internships period (training, use of materials, electricity, gas, boat trips, etc). The apartment has a full kitchen and a full set of cooking utensils. Foods of all kinds are available at the local supermarkets within walking distance at your own expense. There is no compensation for these internship positions and successful applicants will be responsible for their own transportation expenses to and from the research camp on Golfo Aranci (Sardinia, Italy). There is no deadline to apply. However, approved applications areaccepted on a first-come, first serve basis. Apply early! Start and end dates are flexible. Positions are open until filled.
Send cover letter or inquiries by email to the Research Chief, Bruno Diaz Lopez, at Please indicate in your cover letter the dates you are available.
Recent selected scientific publications by BDRI:
1. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 2008. Marine aquaculture and bottlenose dolphins social structure. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 62(6):887-894.
2. Diaz Lopez B., Bunke, M. and Shirai, J.A., 2008. Marine aquaculture off Sardinia Island (Italy): ecosystem effects evaluated through a trophic mass-balance model. Ecological Modelling 212:292-303.
3. Diaz Lopez B., Shirai, J.A.; Bilbao Prieto, A. & Méndez Fernández, P., 2008. Diving activity of a solitary wild free ranging bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Marine Biological Association U.K 88(6):1153-1157.
4. Diaz Lopez B. and Shirai, J.A., 2007. "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) presence and incidental capture in a marine fish farm on the noth-eastern coast of Sardinia (Italy)" Journal of Marine Biological Association U.K, 87, 113-117.
5. Díaz López, B., 2006. "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Predation on a Marine Fin Fish Farm: Some Underwater Observations". Aquatic Mammals 32(3): 305 - 310 pp.
6. Díaz López, B., 2006. "Interactions between Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and gillnets off Sardinia". ICES Journal of Marine Science 63: 944-951 pp.
Bruno Diaz Lopez
Research Biologist / Marine Zoologist
Chief Researcher
The Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI
V.Armando Diaz Nº4 07020 Golfo Aranci (SS) Italyhttp://www.thebdri.cominfo@thebdri.comTel: + (39) 346 0815414
Actividades: conferencias en Granada!
Jornadas técnicas que se celebrarán en el Parque de las Ciencias, el 20 y 21 de Noviembre de 2008.
9:30-10: Entrega de documentación.
10-10:30: Inauguración de las Jornadas
10:30-11:15: Conferencia inaugural: Estudio y campañas de divulgación y observación de las poblaciones de delfines por e lOBSEMAR. Sr. D. Vicente Tamayo Jiménez, portavoz del Observatorio del Mar.
11:30-12:00: Café.
12:00-12:45: Cetáceos presentes en el Mar de Alborán. Apuntes sobre biología, comportamiento y distribución. Ponente: Dr. Renaud de Stephanis. Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos.
13:00-13:45: Red Andaluza de Centros de Recuperación de Especies Amenazadas: Situación actual y perspectiva de futuro. Ponente: Sr. D. Eduardo Fernández, Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía.
14:30 Comida.
17:00- 17:45: Las actividades recreativas de observación de cetáceos como turismo sostenible: Experiencias en el Estrecho de Gibraltar. Ponentes: André Anciaes, Director Comercial de Turmares Tarifa. Ezequiel Andreu, Responsable Científico y Educativo en Turmares Tarifa.
18:00-18:45: Reservas Marinas de interés pesquero que incluyan cetáceos. La Isla de Alborán. Sra. Dña. Silvia Revenga. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino.
10:00-10:45: Estudio del comportamiento, vida social de los delfines mulares y su relación con las actividades humanas en la isla de Cerdeña. Sr. D. Bruno Díaz López, Biólogo Director, Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI), Golfo Aranci, Cerdeña.
10:45-11:30: Experiencia del Vell Marí en la campaña “Salvemos el mar” de la Fundación la Caixa. Sr. D. Ferrán Alegre, Director del CRAM (Centro de Recuperación de Especies Amenazadas). Barcelona.
11:30-12:00: Café
12:00-13:00: Organizaciones y asociaciones civiles y su papel en la divulgación, protección y recuperación de cetáceos. (Mesa Redonda).
- Asociación Ecologistas en Acción. Almería
- Asociación Buxus Costa Tropical granadina.
- Observatorio del Mar. Granada
- Aula del Mar de Málaga
- Asociación para la Conservación, Información y Investigación de los Cetáceos (CIRCE). Cádiz
- Grupo Alnitak. Madrid
13:15: Conclusiones de las Jornadas y Acto de Clausura.
El sábado día 22 de Noviembre se celebrará un taller sobre actuación en varamientos y una salida al mar para la observación de cetáceos. Dichas actividades se celebrarán en el Puerto Naútico de Motril.
Más información en:
Jornadas técnicas que se celebrarán en el Parque de las Ciencias, el 20 y 21 de Noviembre de 2008.
9:30-10: Entrega de documentación.
10-10:30: Inauguración de las Jornadas
10:30-11:15: Conferencia inaugural: Estudio y campañas de divulgación y observación de las poblaciones de delfines por e lOBSEMAR. Sr. D. Vicente Tamayo Jiménez, portavoz del Observatorio del Mar.
11:30-12:00: Café.
12:00-12:45: Cetáceos presentes en el Mar de Alborán. Apuntes sobre biología, comportamiento y distribución. Ponente: Dr. Renaud de Stephanis. Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos.
13:00-13:45: Red Andaluza de Centros de Recuperación de Especies Amenazadas: Situación actual y perspectiva de futuro. Ponente: Sr. D. Eduardo Fernández, Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía.
14:30 Comida.
17:00- 17:45: Las actividades recreativas de observación de cetáceos como turismo sostenible: Experiencias en el Estrecho de Gibraltar. Ponentes: André Anciaes, Director Comercial de Turmares Tarifa. Ezequiel Andreu, Responsable Científico y Educativo en Turmares Tarifa.
18:00-18:45: Reservas Marinas de interés pesquero que incluyan cetáceos. La Isla de Alborán. Sra. Dña. Silvia Revenga. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino.
10:00-10:45: Estudio del comportamiento, vida social de los delfines mulares y su relación con las actividades humanas en la isla de Cerdeña. Sr. D. Bruno Díaz López, Biólogo Director, Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI), Golfo Aranci, Cerdeña.
10:45-11:30: Experiencia del Vell Marí en la campaña “Salvemos el mar” de la Fundación la Caixa. Sr. D. Ferrán Alegre, Director del CRAM (Centro de Recuperación de Especies Amenazadas). Barcelona.
11:30-12:00: Café
12:00-13:00: Organizaciones y asociaciones civiles y su papel en la divulgación, protección y recuperación de cetáceos. (Mesa Redonda).
- Asociación Ecologistas en Acción. Almería
- Asociación Buxus Costa Tropical granadina.
- Observatorio del Mar. Granada
- Aula del Mar de Málaga
- Asociación para la Conservación, Información y Investigación de los Cetáceos (CIRCE). Cádiz
- Grupo Alnitak. Madrid
13:15: Conclusiones de las Jornadas y Acto de Clausura.
El sábado día 22 de Noviembre se celebrará un taller sobre actuación en varamientos y una salida al mar para la observación de cetáceos. Dichas actividades se celebrarán en el Puerto Naútico de Motril.
Más información en:
Empleo: Mote Marine Laboratory!
-An M.Sc./Ph.D. or equivalent degree in natural science or other field relevant to marine science (e.g., D.Sc., D.V.M., D.Eng., and M.D).
-Expertise in marine mammal and/or sea turtle biology is required; preferred scientific disciplines include life history (age determination and/orreproductive biology), natural history (e.g., feeding ecology), pathology, functional anatomy, or physiology.
-At least five-years experience with strandings and necropsies of either group of animals is desired.
-Applicants must demonstrate the ability to produce peer-reviewed scientific publications and to acquire extramural funding.
Duties and Responsibilities:
-The successful candidate will (a) conceive of sound basic and applied research questions, and (b) design and execute all phases of research including proposal preparation, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
-The candidate is expected to produce significant peer-reviewed professional publications (at least two each year); participate in professional organizations and meetings; and interact with other scientists and research programs at MML and elsewhere.
-He/she will seek grants, contracts, and other extramural funds in support of his/her salary and the research and staff expenses for the program, including indirect costs, with the expectation of securing full funding for the program within two years.
-The candidate must have a working knowledge of funding sources and programs, and a record of successful proposals.
-Demonstrated experience in managing other research personnel is expected, including interviewing and hiring; training of staff for work-place safety,quality assurance, and other institutional policies and programs; technical training of staff; daily supervision; delegation of field or laboratory duties; evaluation of staff performance; and resolution of personnel problems. -The successful candidate may also be responsible for overseeing work of visiting scientists, postdoctoral scientists, student interns, or volunteers.
-Partial coverage of a 24/7 stranding pager is expected.
-The successful candidate will oversee a recently refurbished necropsy laboratory, and the maintenance of response equipment (4x4 truck, two personal watercrafts and one all-terrain vehicle).
-An extensive marine mammal osteological collection, a wide range of archived tissues and a multi-decadal database are also available.
-Applicants should have excellent communication skills and have working knowledge of computer databases.
-Familiarity with Access and GIS is encouraged.
-The position involves physical activity such as lifting and moving heavy animals under challenging environmental conditions.
-Boating experience and the ability to swim are required.
-U.S. citizenship or foreigncitizen?s U.S. work permit appropriate for the work is required.
-All employees must comply with the requirements outlined in the MML Employee Policy Manual.
Salary: $45,000-$55,000/yr, with full fringe benefits
The Search Committee will accept applications up to mid November 2008, or until the position is filled. MML would like to have the successful applicant start work as soon as possible. Applications should include a letter of intent, curriculum vitae and three letters of reference. Please submit application materials to
Dr. N?lio Barros:
Mote Marine Laboratory is an equal opportunity employer.
-An M.Sc./Ph.D. or equivalent degree in natural science or other field relevant to marine science (e.g., D.Sc., D.V.M., D.Eng., and M.D).
-Expertise in marine mammal and/or sea turtle biology is required; preferred scientific disciplines include life history (age determination and/orreproductive biology), natural history (e.g., feeding ecology), pathology, functional anatomy, or physiology.
-At least five-years experience with strandings and necropsies of either group of animals is desired.
-Applicants must demonstrate the ability to produce peer-reviewed scientific publications and to acquire extramural funding.
Duties and Responsibilities:
-The successful candidate will (a) conceive of sound basic and applied research questions, and (b) design and execute all phases of research including proposal preparation, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
-The candidate is expected to produce significant peer-reviewed professional publications (at least two each year); participate in professional organizations and meetings; and interact with other scientists and research programs at MML and elsewhere.
-He/she will seek grants, contracts, and other extramural funds in support of his/her salary and the research and staff expenses for the program, including indirect costs, with the expectation of securing full funding for the program within two years.
-The candidate must have a working knowledge of funding sources and programs, and a record of successful proposals.
-Demonstrated experience in managing other research personnel is expected, including interviewing and hiring; training of staff for work-place safety,quality assurance, and other institutional policies and programs; technical training of staff; daily supervision; delegation of field or laboratory duties; evaluation of staff performance; and resolution of personnel problems. -The successful candidate may also be responsible for overseeing work of visiting scientists, postdoctoral scientists, student interns, or volunteers.
-Partial coverage of a 24/7 stranding pager is expected.
-The successful candidate will oversee a recently refurbished necropsy laboratory, and the maintenance of response equipment (4x4 truck, two personal watercrafts and one all-terrain vehicle).
-An extensive marine mammal osteological collection, a wide range of archived tissues and a multi-decadal database are also available.
-Applicants should have excellent communication skills and have working knowledge of computer databases.
-Familiarity with Access and GIS is encouraged.
-The position involves physical activity such as lifting and moving heavy animals under challenging environmental conditions.
-Boating experience and the ability to swim are required.
-U.S. citizenship or foreigncitizen?s U.S. work permit appropriate for the work is required.
-All employees must comply with the requirements outlined in the MML Employee Policy Manual.
Salary: $45,000-$55,000/yr, with full fringe benefits
The Search Committee will accept applications up to mid November 2008, or until the position is filled. MML would like to have the successful applicant start work as soon as possible. Applications should include a letter of intent, curriculum vitae and three letters of reference. Please submit application materials to
Dr. N?lio Barros:
Mote Marine Laboratory is an equal opportunity employer.
Voluntariado: Ecologistas en Acción!
Hola a todos,
Este es el contenido de la campaña en la que nos encontramos ahora mismo con el velero. Necesitamos voluntarios si te quieres embarcar llama directamente al 630 524 508 jorge. O, si no puedes contactar deja estos datos en el 91 531 2389.
Nombre y apellidos, experiencia en navegación, experiencia en buceo, experiencia en atención al público, miembro o participación en algún grupo de Ecologistas en Acción o cualquier otro grupo o movimiento social, otros de interés.
Campaña “En Acción por el Mediterráneo”.
El Velero Diosa Maat de Ecologistas en Acción se ha adentrado en el Mar Mediterráneo para realizar un análisis de la situación de los ecosistemas costeros y marinos de la zona y, ver como el estado de éstos influye sobre la economía y modos de vida de las diferentes localidades costeras que, seleccionemos concienzudamente como más representativas para obtener este análisis.
El Diosa Maat cuenta con científicos marinos entre su tripulación que relacionarán los datos públicos disponibles con los datos obtenidos con la instrumentación que cuenta el velero.
Esta costa en los años sesenta comenzó a ser hipotecada por un gobierno con muy poco conocimiento de los procesos naturales impuso un modelo de turismo irracional e insostenible a la larga. En la actualidad, pese a un aparente rechazo de este modelo, se ha continuado fomentando la especulación urbanística y la creación de infraestructuras para uso turístico.
Ecologistas en Acción está analizando los motivos de que la costa mediterránea sea la más desconfigurada de las costas españolas, la que tiene un mayor grado de erosión y degradación de los ecosistemas de la plataforma.
Además, el Diosa Maat, está intentando localizar los numerosos puntos de vertidos que se encuentran en el mediterráneo que vienen originados de un intenso tráfico marítimo, sin un control riguroso, especialmente en puntos como la Bahía de Algeciras, lo que ha propiciado la existencia de un buen número de accidentes marítimos con importantes vertidos tanto de hidrocarburos como de sustancias químicas peligrosas. Además, existen vertidos menos llamativos pero que generan una contaminación crónica derivada de la limpieza de las sentinas de los barcos en alta mar, propiciado en buena parte por las deficiencias en la gestión de los puertos.
Otra de las fuentes de contaminación del mediterráneo son las deficiencias en depuración de aguas, debido a que ninguna de sus comunidades depura suficientemente sus aguas que unido a vertidos incontrolados provenientes mayoritariamente de las huertas agrícolas intensivas y desplanificadas nos llevan a encontrar luagres donde se producen procesos locales de eutrofización (anoxia en el medio acuático), tales como, el Mar Menor, la Bahía de Altea o la Albufera de Valencia.
Finalmente, el otro cometido del Diosa Maat, será analizar la destrucción y presión sobre hábitat estratégicos para la conservación de la pesca es demasiado frecuente en el mediterráneo ya que la degradación de humedales y praderas submarinas provoca impactos insostenibles para la economía pesquera, urbanística y turística a plazo medio, y donde los poblados de pescadores ya han pasado a un segundo plano y se comienzan a convertir en un “souvenir”.
Además el Mar Mediterráneo, es uno de los puntos más vulnerables y con más contaminación biológica por especies exóticas. Ecologistas en Acción, mediante su velero el Diosa Maat, está posicionando lugares donde se están asentando especies de este tipo como puede ser el alga Caulerpa Racemosa empieza a ganarle terreno a las praderas de posidonia oceánica en lugares como la costa de Murcia y las islas Baleares pudiendo hacer estragos en la biodiversidad de la zona y en su economía pesquera.
Finalmente, el Diosa Maat, también realiza una campaña de información y sensibilización durante estos meses de Octubre, Noviembre y Diciembre sobre la que ha sido la pesquería más lucrativa del mundo y emblema de la cultura del mediterráneo, como es el Atún Rojo (Thunnus thynus). Está especie se encuentra al borde de la extinción comercial y ecológica y, Ecologistas en Acción, está luchando por la implantación de un plan de recuperación real, basado principalmente, en la Suspensión Cautelar, hasta que exita documentación que avale la recuperación de la pesquería para que pueda volver a soportar una explotación pesquera, y, en la creación de reservas de interés estratégico en la reproducción del atún rojo como el Mar de Alborán, el Mediterráneo Central y Mar de Levante.
El Diosa Maat vistará durante estos meses de Octubre, Noviembre y Diciembre las Comunidades de Cataluña, Baleares, País Valenciano y Andalucía.
Este es el contenido de la campaña en la que nos encontramos ahora mismo con el velero. Necesitamos voluntarios si te quieres embarcar llama directamente al 630 524 508 jorge. O, si no puedes contactar deja estos datos en el 91 531 2389.
Nombre y apellidos, experiencia en navegación, experiencia en buceo, experiencia en atención al público, miembro o participación en algún grupo de Ecologistas en Acción o cualquier otro grupo o movimiento social, otros de interés.
Campaña “En Acción por el Mediterráneo”.
El Velero Diosa Maat de Ecologistas en Acción se ha adentrado en el Mar Mediterráneo para realizar un análisis de la situación de los ecosistemas costeros y marinos de la zona y, ver como el estado de éstos influye sobre la economía y modos de vida de las diferentes localidades costeras que, seleccionemos concienzudamente como más representativas para obtener este análisis.
El Diosa Maat cuenta con científicos marinos entre su tripulación que relacionarán los datos públicos disponibles con los datos obtenidos con la instrumentación que cuenta el velero.
Esta costa en los años sesenta comenzó a ser hipotecada por un gobierno con muy poco conocimiento de los procesos naturales impuso un modelo de turismo irracional e insostenible a la larga. En la actualidad, pese a un aparente rechazo de este modelo, se ha continuado fomentando la especulación urbanística y la creación de infraestructuras para uso turístico.
Ecologistas en Acción está analizando los motivos de que la costa mediterránea sea la más desconfigurada de las costas españolas, la que tiene un mayor grado de erosión y degradación de los ecosistemas de la plataforma.
Además, el Diosa Maat, está intentando localizar los numerosos puntos de vertidos que se encuentran en el mediterráneo que vienen originados de un intenso tráfico marítimo, sin un control riguroso, especialmente en puntos como la Bahía de Algeciras, lo que ha propiciado la existencia de un buen número de accidentes marítimos con importantes vertidos tanto de hidrocarburos como de sustancias químicas peligrosas. Además, existen vertidos menos llamativos pero que generan una contaminación crónica derivada de la limpieza de las sentinas de los barcos en alta mar, propiciado en buena parte por las deficiencias en la gestión de los puertos.
Otra de las fuentes de contaminación del mediterráneo son las deficiencias en depuración de aguas, debido a que ninguna de sus comunidades depura suficientemente sus aguas que unido a vertidos incontrolados provenientes mayoritariamente de las huertas agrícolas intensivas y desplanificadas nos llevan a encontrar luagres donde se producen procesos locales de eutrofización (anoxia en el medio acuático), tales como, el Mar Menor, la Bahía de Altea o la Albufera de Valencia.
Finalmente, el otro cometido del Diosa Maat, será analizar la destrucción y presión sobre hábitat estratégicos para la conservación de la pesca es demasiado frecuente en el mediterráneo ya que la degradación de humedales y praderas submarinas provoca impactos insostenibles para la economía pesquera, urbanística y turística a plazo medio, y donde los poblados de pescadores ya han pasado a un segundo plano y se comienzan a convertir en un “souvenir”.
Además el Mar Mediterráneo, es uno de los puntos más vulnerables y con más contaminación biológica por especies exóticas. Ecologistas en Acción, mediante su velero el Diosa Maat, está posicionando lugares donde se están asentando especies de este tipo como puede ser el alga Caulerpa Racemosa empieza a ganarle terreno a las praderas de posidonia oceánica en lugares como la costa de Murcia y las islas Baleares pudiendo hacer estragos en la biodiversidad de la zona y en su economía pesquera.
Finalmente, el Diosa Maat, también realiza una campaña de información y sensibilización durante estos meses de Octubre, Noviembre y Diciembre sobre la que ha sido la pesquería más lucrativa del mundo y emblema de la cultura del mediterráneo, como es el Atún Rojo (Thunnus thynus). Está especie se encuentra al borde de la extinción comercial y ecológica y, Ecologistas en Acción, está luchando por la implantación de un plan de recuperación real, basado principalmente, en la Suspensión Cautelar, hasta que exita documentación que avale la recuperación de la pesquería para que pueda volver a soportar una explotación pesquera, y, en la creación de reservas de interés estratégico en la reproducción del atún rojo como el Mar de Alborán, el Mediterráneo Central y Mar de Levante.
El Diosa Maat vistará durante estos meses de Octubre, Noviembre y Diciembre las Comunidades de Cataluña, Baleares, País Valenciano y Andalucía.
Empleo: Florida!
Position Number: 770071759
Closing Date: 07/11/08
County: Pinellas County
Annual Salary : $51,045.54
Announcement Type: Open Competitive
Position Description:
The Fish & Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) is seeking candidates for the position of Associate Research Scientist.
Job duties include:
-Integrates GIS methods and analytical techniques with spatial databases resulting in applications and spatially explicit models and analyses of marine mammals including North Atlantic right whales and Florida manatees primarily to provide information to natural resource managers.
-Works to develop models of marine mammal movements, distributions, risk assessments, and effectiveness of proposed management strategies using empirical data on spatial distribution, habitat variables, and vessel traffic patterns.
-Provides statistical inference from existing spatial databases, and assists in the development of efficient sampling designs for the collection of future data.
-Prepares written reports regarding interpretation and analysis of GIS and biological data for manatees and right whales.
-Publishes data in refereed journals or peer-reviewed books and proceedings.
-Reviews and evaluates reports, proposals, and manuscripts pertaining to marine mammals.
-Participates in editorial review of scientific manuscripts written by other researchers.
-Works as a member of dynamic section teams as an analytical consultant.
-Consults with and advises government agencies in evaluation of manatee and right whale biological data collected by FWC and other agencies.
-Provides guidance to the FWC Imperiled Species Management on interpreting and using marine mammal data.
-Seeks extramural funding.
A master's degree and 4 yrs. of professional experience as described above; or a doctorate with 2 years of experience. Candidates with PhD may be given preference.
Desired Qualifications:
-Knowledge of research principles and techniques for wildlife and habitats,
-Knowledge of marine mammals and wildlife biology.
-Ability to collect and manage data;
-plan, organize, and coordinate work assignments;
-communicate effectively verbally and in writing;
-a demonstrated ability to supervise assigned personnel in a coaching and mentoring manner and to establish and maintain effective working relationships,
-and to work in excess of 40 hours per week if needed.
-Skill in use of ArcGIS including programming (such as Python or other scripting languages) and experience with ArcGIS Model builder,statistical software, and database management.
This position is a State of Florida Full Time Employee (FTE) position which provides a full benefit package.
Position Number: 770071759
Closing Date: 07/11/08
County: Pinellas County
Annual Salary : $51,045.54
Announcement Type: Open Competitive
Position Description:
The Fish & Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) is seeking candidates for the position of Associate Research Scientist.
Job duties include:
-Integrates GIS methods and analytical techniques with spatial databases resulting in applications and spatially explicit models and analyses of marine mammals including North Atlantic right whales and Florida manatees primarily to provide information to natural resource managers.
-Works to develop models of marine mammal movements, distributions, risk assessments, and effectiveness of proposed management strategies using empirical data on spatial distribution, habitat variables, and vessel traffic patterns.
-Provides statistical inference from existing spatial databases, and assists in the development of efficient sampling designs for the collection of future data.
-Prepares written reports regarding interpretation and analysis of GIS and biological data for manatees and right whales.
-Publishes data in refereed journals or peer-reviewed books and proceedings.
-Reviews and evaluates reports, proposals, and manuscripts pertaining to marine mammals.
-Participates in editorial review of scientific manuscripts written by other researchers.
-Works as a member of dynamic section teams as an analytical consultant.
-Consults with and advises government agencies in evaluation of manatee and right whale biological data collected by FWC and other agencies.
-Provides guidance to the FWC Imperiled Species Management on interpreting and using marine mammal data.
-Seeks extramural funding.
A master's degree and 4 yrs. of professional experience as described above; or a doctorate with 2 years of experience. Candidates with PhD may be given preference.
Desired Qualifications:
-Knowledge of research principles and techniques for wildlife and habitats,
-Knowledge of marine mammals and wildlife biology.
-Ability to collect and manage data;
-plan, organize, and coordinate work assignments;
-communicate effectively verbally and in writing;
-a demonstrated ability to supervise assigned personnel in a coaching and mentoring manner and to establish and maintain effective working relationships,
-and to work in excess of 40 hours per week if needed.
-Skill in use of ArcGIS including programming (such as Python or other scripting languages) and experience with ArcGIS Model builder,statistical software, and database management.
This position is a State of Florida Full Time Employee (FTE) position which provides a full benefit package.
Empleo: Veterinario en California!
The Marine Mammal Care Center at Fort MacArthur is seeking a temporary veterinary assistant to help the veterinary and operations staff. This person will work under the guidance of full-time staff and consulting veterinarians to assist in the areas of response, treatment and data collection from stranded marine mammals. They will also help oversee volunteers in all aspects of Center operations.
The Veterinary Assistant will directly assist staff in all areas of veterinary and husbandry care. This person will help with the day-to-day management of the Care Center under the supervision of the operations director and veterinarians. He/she will carry out the husbandry and rehabilitation of the animals as well as the associated record keeping, teach policy and procedures, guide the volunteer personnel and help to maintain the water filtration system.
The ideal candidate for the position will have at least two years of marine mammal care/veterinary experience, be a Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT), have demonstrated exemplary technical expertise, be proficient with computers and databases, be physically fit, be able to communicate effectively, show an ability and willingness to assist with/perform necropsies, and be able to effectively supervise volunteers.
Position is a grant-funded, full-time, salaried position for an 18-month period.
Send CV and letter of recommendation to:
David Bard, Operations Director
Marine Mammal Care Center at Fort MacArthur
3601 S. Gaffey St.
San Pedro, CA 90731
For general information on the facility, please visit our website at
The candidate search will close when the appropriate candidate is found. This position scheduled to receive funding in early 2009, with the interview process starting in January.
The Marine Mammal Care Center at Fort MacArthur provides equal employment opportunities to all of our employees and applicants for employment regardless of race, gender, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
If you require special accommodation to complete the recruitment process, please let us know.
The Veterinary Assistant will directly assist staff in all areas of veterinary and husbandry care. This person will help with the day-to-day management of the Care Center under the supervision of the operations director and veterinarians. He/she will carry out the husbandry and rehabilitation of the animals as well as the associated record keeping, teach policy and procedures, guide the volunteer personnel and help to maintain the water filtration system.
The ideal candidate for the position will have at least two years of marine mammal care/veterinary experience, be a Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT), have demonstrated exemplary technical expertise, be proficient with computers and databases, be physically fit, be able to communicate effectively, show an ability and willingness to assist with/perform necropsies, and be able to effectively supervise volunteers.
Position is a grant-funded, full-time, salaried position for an 18-month period.
Send CV and letter of recommendation to:
David Bard, Operations Director
Marine Mammal Care Center at Fort MacArthur
3601 S. Gaffey St.
San Pedro, CA 90731
For general information on the facility, please visit our website at
The candidate search will close when the appropriate candidate is found. This position scheduled to receive funding in early 2009, with the interview process starting in January.
The Marine Mammal Care Center at Fort MacArthur provides equal employment opportunities to all of our employees and applicants for employment regardless of race, gender, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
If you require special accommodation to complete the recruitment process, please let us know.
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