domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2007

Eventos Internacionales: Florida!

Florida Marine Mammal Health Conference III

22-25 April, 2008.
The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, Marineland, Florida and St. Augustine Beach, Florida.

Scientists, veterinarians, managers, policy makers, planners and partners who are actively involved in and/or affected by all aspects of marine mammal health and welfare will interact in an interdisciplinary setting to summarize and review state-of-the-art science, healthcare, and management activities, and to formulate goals and strategies for improvements.

Call for Abstracts: You are invited to submit abstracts on all topics relevant to marine mammal health and we encourage you to share your results and experiences. Abstracts are due no later than January 10, 2008 and must be submitted electronically via the online submission form posted on the conference web site.

For conference information or to submit an abstract, visit us at:

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