miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

Empleo: Holanda!

Marine mammal reseacher

To carry out, independently and/or in close cooperation with other research colleagues, research on the distribution, population dynamics and ecology of marine mammals in Dutch waters and possibly elsewhere in the world. Research on the impact of human use on marine mammal population is also one of your tasks. The research consists of the execution of field studies, experimental studies, data management and analyses, desk and literature studies or any combination thereof. Besides reporting within the grey literature you will be expected to publish your work in scientific journals. Guiding of students can be a part of your tasks.


You are academically trained with preferentially a specialization in marine ecology. Experience with research on the population ecology of marine mammals, gained through education or during your professional career, is desired. You are able to work in a team. Experience with project management and tendering of research projects will be advantageous. Furthermore you are a good communicator and you are well informed on the developments within your research domain. Finally you should be able to make a scientific achievement within the limits of a contract-research organisation.


Wageningen University and Researchcentre. The recently founded institute Wageningen IMARES intents to grow out to the national institute for strategic and applied ecological marine research, focussing on protection, harvesting and spatial usage of ocean and coastal areas, in other words: Marine Living Resource Management. Within Wageningen IMARES the central themes are: ecology, nature, environment, fisheries, aquaculture and other applications of marine and coastal areas and river basins. Therefore, it focuses on field research, experimental research, laboratory studies, data management, modelling and scientific counselling.

Conditions of employment

Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 3500 - 4000. Salary scale 10. Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 3835.
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period.
Duration of the contract: 1 year.
Maximum hours per week: 36.

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Drs. J. Asjes
Telephone number: (+31)06 30712140
E-mail address: jakob.asjes@wur.nl
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links. http://www.wageningenimares.wur.nl/UK/


You can apply for this job before 15-04-2008 by sending your application to:
Wageningen Imares
Mr. J.M. de Graaff
PO Box 681970
AB IJmuiden
The Netherlands
E-mail address: john.degraaff@wur.nl
When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number AT200809. The short URL code for this job opening is: 00363-2548.You can use this as a direct link to the job by adding the code to the URL www.academictransfer.org/ <http://www.academictransfer.org/00363-2548>

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