Immediate openings for observers. Looking for live-aboard observers for marine mammal surveys in Northeast US. Working in offshore conditions for compliance monitoring.
Must be able to work through the entire month of December (including xmas). Must have previous marine mammal survey experience. Experience with NARW surveys is a plus. Must provide own binoculars, steel toed boots, hard hat, and general foul weather gear. Other training is provided. Travel to and from the work site is provided within the continental US.
Work is 24 hours/day - 12 hour shifts - 7 days/week. No on shore breaks are anticipated.
Rate is 200.00/day.
Qualified individuals may send resume to
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007
Empleo: Imparte cursos!
Broadreach Academic Treks seeks marine biologists with a master's degree or Ph.D. to teach experiential field courses to teens.
Instructors are needed for the following courses: Tropical Marine Biology in the Bahamas or Caribbean, Dolphin Studies in Belize, Caribbean Marine Reserves in Saba, SeaTurtle Studies in Costa Rica, Marine Mammals in Vancouver Island BC, Shark Studies in Fiji.
In addition to teaching, instructors will live with students and facilitate positive group dynamics, personal growth and leadership skills. Instructors also lead adventure activities like hiking, cultural exploration and various other aspects of a typical "trip leader".
Qualifications: Teaching experience in the subject area, experience working with youth, and flexibility. Preference will be given to individuals carrying advanced scuba ratings, and previous experience in outdoor education and/or working in tropical/subtropical field settings.
Dates: Staff training begins in late May. Programs run June-August. Each course lasts 21 days.
To Apply: and apply on line or send resume, cover letter, photo, and contact information for 3 references to LaurenMarchman, Broadreach,806 McCulloch Street, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27603.
Fax: 919-833-2129
Phone 919-256-8205 or 888-833-1907
Dolphin Studies Trip Leader Trip Leader for summer Dolphin Studies program in Belize Broadreach Academic Treks seeks marine biologists to serve as leaders on ourDolphin Studies program in Belize. Trip leaders teach students about marine biology with a focus on dolphins. In addition to teaching marine biology in exciting ways, instructors will be responsible for facilitating group dynamic, communicating with headquarters, and being a role model for students.
Learn more about the trip at
Qualifications: Master's or Ph.D. in marine biology & experience studying and teaching about dolphins. Experience leading trips, working with teens and traveling internationally is preferred.
Dates: Staff training begins in late May. Programs run June-August. Eachcourse lasts 21 days.
Compensation: Round trip airfare to training and Belize, a stipend, meals, housing and program activities.
Apply: and apply on line or send resume, cover letter, photo, and contact information for 3 references to Lauren Marchman, Broadreach Academic Treks, 806 McCulloch Street, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27603.
Fax: 919-833-2129
Broadreach Academic Treks seeks marine biologists with a master's degree or Ph.D. to teach experiential field courses to teens.
Instructors are needed for the following courses: Tropical Marine Biology in the Bahamas or Caribbean, Dolphin Studies in Belize, Caribbean Marine Reserves in Saba, SeaTurtle Studies in Costa Rica, Marine Mammals in Vancouver Island BC, Shark Studies in Fiji.
In addition to teaching, instructors will live with students and facilitate positive group dynamics, personal growth and leadership skills. Instructors also lead adventure activities like hiking, cultural exploration and various other aspects of a typical "trip leader".
Qualifications: Teaching experience in the subject area, experience working with youth, and flexibility. Preference will be given to individuals carrying advanced scuba ratings, and previous experience in outdoor education and/or working in tropical/subtropical field settings.
Dates: Staff training begins in late May. Programs run June-August. Each course lasts 21 days.
To Apply: and apply on line or send resume, cover letter, photo, and contact information for 3 references to LaurenMarchman, Broadreach,806 McCulloch Street, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27603.
Fax: 919-833-2129
Phone 919-256-8205 or 888-833-1907
Dolphin Studies Trip Leader Trip Leader for summer Dolphin Studies program in Belize Broadreach Academic Treks seeks marine biologists to serve as leaders on ourDolphin Studies program in Belize. Trip leaders teach students about marine biology with a focus on dolphins. In addition to teaching marine biology in exciting ways, instructors will be responsible for facilitating group dynamic, communicating with headquarters, and being a role model for students.
Learn more about the trip at
Qualifications: Master's or Ph.D. in marine biology & experience studying and teaching about dolphins. Experience leading trips, working with teens and traveling internationally is preferred.
Dates: Staff training begins in late May. Programs run June-August. Eachcourse lasts 21 days.
Compensation: Round trip airfare to training and Belize, a stipend, meals, housing and program activities.
Apply: and apply on line or send resume, cover letter, photo, and contact information for 3 references to Lauren Marchman, Broadreach Academic Treks, 806 McCulloch Street, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27603.
Fax: 919-833-2129
Voluntariado: Australia.
I am seeking two research assistants to assist with the collection of behavioural and genetic data on Indo-Pacific humpback and bottlenose dolphins in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Research assistants are needed between February and April 2008. Because of the training required, applicants must be willing to commit to the project for a minimum of one month. Applicants willing to participate for the whole 3 months will begiven preference.
DUTIES: Assistants should be prepared to work long hours (06:00 to 16:00 hours depending on weather conditions) and be expected to participate in the following duties: photo-identification, video, and behavioural data collection. Aboard the research boat assistants will be required to assist in boat piloting and handling, and participate in all regular duties related to the maintenance of the boat and research equipment. Field work is demanding but you will have a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience in relation to survey techniques, photo-identification, behavioural observations, and genetic sampling of marine mammals. Such experience will prove valuable to anyone hoping to pursue a career in wildlife ecology, animal behaviour, and conservation biology.
1. Have a background in biology, marine science, animal behaviour or a related field.
2. Have a genuine interest in pursuing postgraduate studies in marine mammal ecology and behaviour.
3. Previous field experience with photo-identification and boat handling skills would be advantageous but is not a prerequisite.
4. Be enthusiastic, hard-working, team oriented, and have a positive attitude.
5. Be adaptable, flexible and patient as field work is highly weather dependent. This means: 1) sometimes we will be stuck onshore for long periods of time, 2) sometimes we will have long consecutive field work days, and 3) field work during weekends may be required.
6. Be prepared to rise early in the morning and work long hours in a small boat and in hot weather.
7. Be able to commit for a minimum of 4 weeks (though applicants willing to commit for the whole 3 months will be preferred).
COMPENSATION: Unfortunately I am unable to provide salary or housing and research assistant will be responsible for travel to Brisbane and their own living expenses. Living space will be provided during surveys and fieldtrips outside of the Brisbane area (e.g. Stradbroke Island). These trips will take place once a month and last a week depending on weather conditions.
HOW TO APPLY: If you are interested, please provide a short CV, two reference letters, and a letter explaining your interest in the project and career goals to:
Guido J. Parra by 5th of January 2008.
DUTIES: Assistants should be prepared to work long hours (06:00 to 16:00 hours depending on weather conditions) and be expected to participate in the following duties: photo-identification, video, and behavioural data collection. Aboard the research boat assistants will be required to assist in boat piloting and handling, and participate in all regular duties related to the maintenance of the boat and research equipment. Field work is demanding but you will have a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience in relation to survey techniques, photo-identification, behavioural observations, and genetic sampling of marine mammals. Such experience will prove valuable to anyone hoping to pursue a career in wildlife ecology, animal behaviour, and conservation biology.
1. Have a background in biology, marine science, animal behaviour or a related field.
2. Have a genuine interest in pursuing postgraduate studies in marine mammal ecology and behaviour.
3. Previous field experience with photo-identification and boat handling skills would be advantageous but is not a prerequisite.
4. Be enthusiastic, hard-working, team oriented, and have a positive attitude.
5. Be adaptable, flexible and patient as field work is highly weather dependent. This means: 1) sometimes we will be stuck onshore for long periods of time, 2) sometimes we will have long consecutive field work days, and 3) field work during weekends may be required.
6. Be prepared to rise early in the morning and work long hours in a small boat and in hot weather.
7. Be able to commit for a minimum of 4 weeks (though applicants willing to commit for the whole 3 months will be preferred).
COMPENSATION: Unfortunately I am unable to provide salary or housing and research assistant will be responsible for travel to Brisbane and their own living expenses. Living space will be provided during surveys and fieldtrips outside of the Brisbane area (e.g. Stradbroke Island). These trips will take place once a month and last a week depending on weather conditions.
HOW TO APPLY: If you are interested, please provide a short CV, two reference letters, and a letter explaining your interest in the project and career goals to:
Guido J. Parra by 5th of January 2008.
domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2007
Actualidad. Una ballena en el Amazonas.

Un rorcual aliblanco (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) de 5m y 12 toneladas (aunque por la mancha blanca de la mandíbula superior derecha podría parecer un rorcual común) ha encallado en un afluente del río Amazonas.
La ballena ha quedado atrapada a 1500 km del Atlántico, en el río Tapajós, afluente del Amazonas, en aguas poco profundas del Parque Nacional de Tapajós.
Se ha intentado sin éxito empujar al animal hacia aguas más profundas y rescatarla. Según la bióloga Fabia Luna (Instituto Chico Mendes) la ballena está herida, sufriendo de algunos cortes.
Se cree que el animal nadaba con un grupo siguiendo una ruta migratoria, y que ha podido desorientarse y penetrar por el estuario del Amazonas.
Se cree que el animal nadaba con un grupo siguiendo una ruta migratoria, y que ha podido desorientarse y penetrar por el estuario del Amazonas.
Los especialistas aguardan refuerzos técnicos del Instituto Brasileño de Medio Ambiente para continuar con el rescate.
Actualidad: los delfines fluviales de Sudamérica en peligro.

Fernando Trujillo (Fundación Omacha), biólogo marino, advierte que los delfines fluviales de las cuencas del Amazonas y el Orinoco están en peligro, tras abordar una expedición por 12 ríos de Sudamérica durante un año y 8 meses. Se han recorrido ríos de Venezuela, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia y Colombia, detectándose una notable disminución numérica de las poblaciones de delfines fluviales.
Fernando Trujillo reclaca que no se trata de un peligro de extinción inminente, pero que en la medida de que no se incrementen las políticas y acuerdos de protección, la amenaza que se cierne sobre estos cetáceos irá en aumento.
Durante la expedición se recorrieron unos 4000 km en transectos sincronizados con un equipo de 25 científicos en barcos especiales. Se surcaron las aguas del Meta y el Amazonas en Colombia; el Orinoco, en Venezuela; el Napo, el Yasuni, el Lagarto y el Cuyabeno, en Ecuador; el Marañón, el Javari y el Samiria, de Perú, y el Itenez e Ichilo-Mamoré, de Bolivia.
Se cree que la alarmante disminución numérica del tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) y el boto (Inia geoffrensis) se debea la cercanía de grandes centros urbanos, donde se realiza una pesca sin control.
Fernando también destaca que la contaminación con mercurio en algunos ríos, especialmente en Venezuela y Brasil, en los que se realizan faenas de extracción de oro con ese metal puede haber influido negativamente sobre las poblaciones de delfines.
El censo realizado estima que en los ríos de Sudamérica quedan unos 18.880 delfines, cifra muy inferior a la que se registraba en las mismas aguas en 1980.
Aunque reconoce que Sudamérica está lejos de presentar los mismos problemas de conservación de delfines fluviales que Asia, destaca que hay que seguir cuidando el entorno. El baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) ha sido recientemente declarado extinto en las aguas del río Yangtzé, y el delfín del Ganges y el Indo (Platanista gangetica gangetica y P. gangetica minor) se encuentra en peligro crítico.
Esta expedición de la Fundación Omacha ha sido promovida por la Universidad de Sant Andrews (Escocia),la World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Wildlife Conservation Society (WSC) y el Fondo de Conservación Internacional. También con apoyos locales como Faunagua de Bolivia y la Fundación La Salle de Venezuela.
Actividades: Balaena.
La Asociación Balaena (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) se ha puesto en marcha y os propone las siguientes actividades:
* 20 de Noviembre: proyección de documentales a partir de las 13h.
- Orcas: lobos de mar.
- La cara oculta de los delfines.
*4 de Diciembre: Conferencia "Virus en cetáceos. Morvbillivirus y herpesvirus" de 13h-15h.
Las actividades se celebrarán en la facultad de veterinaria de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ya os iré informando de las actividades que tienen en marcha!
Gracias por leerme!
* 20 de Noviembre: proyección de documentales a partir de las 13h.
- Orcas: lobos de mar.
- La cara oculta de los delfines.
*4 de Diciembre: Conferencia "Virus en cetáceos. Morvbillivirus y herpesvirus" de 13h-15h.
Las actividades se celebrarán en la facultad de veterinaria de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ya os iré informando de las actividades que tienen en marcha!
Gracias por leerme!
sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2007
Actualidad: Japón reanuda su actividad ballenera.
Una flota de pesqueros japoneses partirá mañana a aguas del Pacífico Sur a la caza de ballenas jorobadas o yubartas (Megaptera novaengliae) en pleno proceso de migración entre las aguas de Australia y Nueva Zelanda, tras recibir la aprobación del Gobierno japonés, dando por concluida la moratoria de 1963.
Los pesqueros, liderados por el Nisshin Mari, abandonarán el puerto de Shimonoseki, en el sur de Japón, mañana por la mañana, con órdenes de cazar hasta 50 de estos cetáceos que desde hace décadas se encuentran protegidos por la ley internacional y la Comisión Ballenera Internacional.
Además de las yubartas, otros cetáceos serán objeto de esta masacre, pues la flota japonesapretende dar caza a 935 rorcuales aliblancos (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) y 50 rorcuales comunes (Balaenoptera physalus). Japón lleva amenazando a la CBI con reanudar la caza de ballenas desde principios de año, y por fin con esta orden gubernamental, nuestros peores temores se desatan.
Aquí tenéis una entrevista realizada al representante de Japón en la Comisión Ballenera Internacional a principios de Octubre de este año, juzgad vosotros mismos.
La condena de los grupos medioambientales ha sido inmediata, 'Estas ballenas no tienen que morir', afirmó Junichi Sato, portavoz de Greenpeace, ayer viernes. 'Las ballenas jorobadas son cetáceos muy sensibles que viven en entornos muy cerrados, por lo que con sólo una muerte se podría provocar un enorme daño'. Con esta ofensiva de Japón, incluso podría llegar a darse caza algunos de los ejemplares que Greenpeace viene siguiendo con el "Gran Viaje de las Ballenas".
Precisamente Australia es el abanderado de la defensa de estas ballenas, y así lo ha demostrado hoy mediante una preciosa y original protesta. Miles de personas se han reunido en la playa Bondi, en Sydney para dar forma a una yubarta y reivindicar la protección de estos cetáceos.
Los pesqueros, liderados por el Nisshin Mari, abandonarán el puerto de Shimonoseki, en el sur de Japón, mañana por la mañana, con órdenes de cazar hasta 50 de estos cetáceos que desde hace décadas se encuentran protegidos por la ley internacional y la Comisión Ballenera Internacional.
Además de las yubartas, otros cetáceos serán objeto de esta masacre, pues la flota japonesapretende dar caza a 935 rorcuales aliblancos (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) y 50 rorcuales comunes (Balaenoptera physalus). Japón lleva amenazando a la CBI con reanudar la caza de ballenas desde principios de año, y por fin con esta orden gubernamental, nuestros peores temores se desatan.
Aquí tenéis una entrevista realizada al representante de Japón en la Comisión Ballenera Internacional a principios de Octubre de este año, juzgad vosotros mismos.
La condena de los grupos medioambientales ha sido inmediata, 'Estas ballenas no tienen que morir', afirmó Junichi Sato, portavoz de Greenpeace, ayer viernes. 'Las ballenas jorobadas son cetáceos muy sensibles que viven en entornos muy cerrados, por lo que con sólo una muerte se podría provocar un enorme daño'. Con esta ofensiva de Japón, incluso podría llegar a darse caza algunos de los ejemplares que Greenpeace viene siguiendo con el "Gran Viaje de las Ballenas".
Precisamente Australia es el abanderado de la defensa de estas ballenas, y así lo ha demostrado hoy mediante una preciosa y original protesta. Miles de personas se han reunido en la playa Bondi, en Sydney para dar forma a una yubarta y reivindicar la protección de estos cetáceos.
Bibliografía: Manual de Necropsias.
El Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution, ha publicado un manual de necropsias de mamíferos marinos en pdf muy completito y con imágenes.
Obviamente está en inglés, pero ya sabéis, hay que ponerse las pilas.
Obviamente está en inglés, pero ya sabéis, hay que ponerse las pilas.
viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007
Aprende sobre cetáceos: Quiz!
Aquí os cuelgo un enlace de un test de conocimientos sobre cetáceos. Son de respuesta múltiple, y por supuesto en inglés para ir paracticando un poquito.
Puedes realizar el test tantas veces como quieras, pero las preguntas cambian tramposillo!
Ale, a darle caña!
Puedes realizar el test tantas veces como quieras, pero las preguntas cambian tramposillo!
Ale, a darle caña!
martes, 13 de noviembre de 2007
Actividades: Marine Mammal Management Course.
WELCOME- to all those interested in marine mammals. This is an opportunity for you to consider our unique offering in the study of a fascinating but curiously unknown aquatic form of life through: THE OCEANOGRAPHIC CENTER OF NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY'S GLOBAL DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSE IN MARINE MAMMAL MANAGEMENT
Registration starts December 3, 2007, closes on January 11, 2008.
There are four versions:
a) full three credit graduate level - $695/credit hour. 3 credit course = $2085.
b) an undergraduate credit - $950
c) a general interest (audit) diploma - $1042.50
d) as part of the graduate certificate - contact the coordinator at
The course runs from JANUARY 7 TO MARCH 28, 2008, and covers these topics:
Chapter 1. Introduction to Marine Mammals
Chapter 2. Marine Mammal Management
Chapter 3. Introduction to Cetaceans
Chapter 4. Beluga Whale, and "toxic soups"
Chapter 5. Dolphins, non-consumptive use
Chapter 6. Bowheads, the subsidence balance
Chapter 7. Orcas, of killers and Keikos Chapter
8. Pilots, stranding and utilization
Chapter 9. Introduction to Pinnipeds
Chapter 10 Monk Seals
Chapter 11. California Sea Lion, Big Sur and survival
Chapter 12. Harp Seal, to hunt or not to hunt?
Chapter 13. Introduction to Sirenids
Chapter 14. Manatee, the harassed herbivore
Chapter 15. Introduction to Marine Fissipeds
Chapter 16. Polar Bear, the Inuit, success and hope
Chapter 17. Acoustic Stimuli of Marine Mammals
Chapter18. Marine Mammal Conservation & Future Management
There are two essay assignments for those taking the credit versions. First is due on FEBRUARY 11th with a value of 30%; the last on MARCH 21st for 60% of the final mark. The remaining 10% is held for Interaction evaluation ? how well the candidate participates within any class e-mail discussion and replies to requests. Candidates will receive comments on the first assignment, mainly as an aid in the final essay, and evaluation. The last essay is equivalent of a final exam and is not returned. Those taking the diploma program may submit the assignments and participate in the Interaction; however, not for marks, but certainly for comment. As communication and interaction throughout the term will be mainly via e-mail, it is essential that all have some electronic means of communication and submitting essays. Essays should be sent using "MS Word" format.
For general information on the course, contact: and for general information on the Oceanographic Center's distance education programs.
For registration
WELCOME- to all those interested in marine mammals. This is an opportunity for you to consider our unique offering in the study of a fascinating but curiously unknown aquatic form of life through: THE OCEANOGRAPHIC CENTER OF NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY'S GLOBAL DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSE IN MARINE MAMMAL MANAGEMENT
Registration starts December 3, 2007, closes on January 11, 2008.
There are four versions:
a) full three credit graduate level - $695/credit hour. 3 credit course = $2085.
b) an undergraduate credit - $950
c) a general interest (audit) diploma - $1042.50
d) as part of the graduate certificate - contact the coordinator at
The course runs from JANUARY 7 TO MARCH 28, 2008, and covers these topics:
Chapter 1. Introduction to Marine Mammals
Chapter 2. Marine Mammal Management
Chapter 3. Introduction to Cetaceans
Chapter 4. Beluga Whale, and "toxic soups"
Chapter 5. Dolphins, non-consumptive use
Chapter 6. Bowheads, the subsidence balance
Chapter 7. Orcas, of killers and Keikos Chapter
8. Pilots, stranding and utilization
Chapter 9. Introduction to Pinnipeds
Chapter 10 Monk Seals
Chapter 11. California Sea Lion, Big Sur and survival
Chapter 12. Harp Seal, to hunt or not to hunt?
Chapter 13. Introduction to Sirenids
Chapter 14. Manatee, the harassed herbivore
Chapter 15. Introduction to Marine Fissipeds
Chapter 16. Polar Bear, the Inuit, success and hope
Chapter 17. Acoustic Stimuli of Marine Mammals
Chapter18. Marine Mammal Conservation & Future Management
There are two essay assignments for those taking the credit versions. First is due on FEBRUARY 11th with a value of 30%; the last on MARCH 21st for 60% of the final mark. The remaining 10% is held for Interaction evaluation ? how well the candidate participates within any class e-mail discussion and replies to requests. Candidates will receive comments on the first assignment, mainly as an aid in the final essay, and evaluation. The last essay is equivalent of a final exam and is not returned. Those taking the diploma program may submit the assignments and participate in the Interaction; however, not for marks, but certainly for comment. As communication and interaction throughout the term will be mainly via e-mail, it is essential that all have some electronic means of communication and submitting essays. Essays should be sent using "MS Word" format.
For general information on the course, contact: and for general information on the Oceanographic Center's distance education programs.
For registration
Empleo: American Cetacean Society.
World's oldest whale, dolphin, and porpoise conservation organization seeks a dynamic non-profit leader. If you have a bachelor's degree and two years of leadership experience in a non profit organization, are adept at raising money and managing fundraising programs, and have good fiscal management skills, the American Cetacean Society needs you!
For afull job description and application instructions, visit the ACS website at:
Position open until filled.
For afull job description and application instructions, visit the ACS website at:
Position open until filled.
domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2007
Voluntariado: California.
The Marine Mammal Center is seeking applicants for its 2008 Stranding Department Internship Program.
Interns will assist staff and volunteers in the rescue, rehabilitation and release of stranded marine mammals (pinnipeds, cetaceans and sea otters). Stranding intern positions are unpaid. The Marine Mammal Center is an equal opportunity employer and volunteer organization.
Program Description: The Stranding Department Internship Program is an exciting opportunity for individuals who are interested in increasing their experience and knowledge of marine mammal behavior and the Marine Mammal Stranding Network. Stranding interns will be responsible for answering the animal hotline and rotating responsibility for the after hours on-call. They will coordinate rescue and triage response throughout the Center's 600-mile rescue range; and will have the opportunity to participate in marine mammal rescues and releases. In addition, Stranding interns will be required to assist with animal care duties (feed preparations, medical charting, and pen cleaning) for all on-site pinnipeds.
Other duties may include: participation in training classes, data entry and tracking, maintaining rescue equipment and assorted miscellaneous tasks.
Stranding Intern Responsibilities & Qualifications: Stranding internships are open to all applicants 18 years of age or older, with an avid interest in marine biology, zoology, general biology, or a related field. Non-citizens must have a current visa. If the intern intends to receive university credit for their internship, they are responsible for making all arrangements with their educational institution. Interns must be able to work for a minimum of 3 months, 5 days a week, at least 40 hours per week. Work schedule must be flexible and may include weekends and holidays. These are unpaid positions and all Stranding interns are responsible for arranging for their own housing and transportation. Applicants should demonstrate excellent communication skills and have practical computer knowledge with programs such as Word, Access, and Excel. This internship position involves a fair amount of physical activity, such as: lifting, restraining and moving animals and other physical tasks.
Interested applicants are encouraged to submit a resume that includes the names of three references, and a cover letter detailing interests, experience, housing accommodations, and availability.
Please forward all application materials to: The Marine Mammal Center Stranding Department, Attn: Erin Brodie
1065 Fort Cronkhite
Marin Headlands Sausalito, California 94965
Or email to:
There is some flexibility on the start date of each position, with the earliest start date of February 1 and the last available internship beginning October 15.
Internship Period Application Deadline Interviews Notification of acceptance
Approximate Internship Time
Winter December 12, 2007 December 13-14, 2007 December 21, 2007 February - April
Spring February 27, 2008 March 3-5, 2008 March 10, 2008 April - June
Summer April 23, 2008 April 28-30, 2008 May 5, 2008 June - August
Fall June 25, 2008 June 30-July 2, 2008 July 7, 2008 August - October
Winter August 20, 2008 August 25-27, 2008 September 1, 2008 October - December
Celebrating its 33rd year in 2008, The Marine Mammal Center is a non-profit hospital dedicated to the rescue and release of ill and injured marine mammals, and to research about marine mammal health and diseases. Volunteers and staff have treated more than 12,000 California sea lions, elephant seals, porpoises, and other marine life. The Center uniquely combines its rehabilitation program with scientific discovery and education programs to advance the understanding of marine mammal health, ocean health and conservation.
For more information, please visit our website at: Erin
The Marine Mammal Center is seeking applicants for its 2008 Stranding Department Internship Program.
Interns will assist staff and volunteers in the rescue, rehabilitation and release of stranded marine mammals (pinnipeds, cetaceans and sea otters). Stranding intern positions are unpaid. The Marine Mammal Center is an equal opportunity employer and volunteer organization.
Program Description: The Stranding Department Internship Program is an exciting opportunity for individuals who are interested in increasing their experience and knowledge of marine mammal behavior and the Marine Mammal Stranding Network. Stranding interns will be responsible for answering the animal hotline and rotating responsibility for the after hours on-call. They will coordinate rescue and triage response throughout the Center's 600-mile rescue range; and will have the opportunity to participate in marine mammal rescues and releases. In addition, Stranding interns will be required to assist with animal care duties (feed preparations, medical charting, and pen cleaning) for all on-site pinnipeds.
Other duties may include: participation in training classes, data entry and tracking, maintaining rescue equipment and assorted miscellaneous tasks.
Stranding Intern Responsibilities & Qualifications: Stranding internships are open to all applicants 18 years of age or older, with an avid interest in marine biology, zoology, general biology, or a related field. Non-citizens must have a current visa. If the intern intends to receive university credit for their internship, they are responsible for making all arrangements with their educational institution. Interns must be able to work for a minimum of 3 months, 5 days a week, at least 40 hours per week. Work schedule must be flexible and may include weekends and holidays. These are unpaid positions and all Stranding interns are responsible for arranging for their own housing and transportation. Applicants should demonstrate excellent communication skills and have practical computer knowledge with programs such as Word, Access, and Excel. This internship position involves a fair amount of physical activity, such as: lifting, restraining and moving animals and other physical tasks.
Interested applicants are encouraged to submit a resume that includes the names of three references, and a cover letter detailing interests, experience, housing accommodations, and availability.
Please forward all application materials to: The Marine Mammal Center Stranding Department, Attn: Erin Brodie
1065 Fort Cronkhite
Marin Headlands Sausalito, California 94965
Or email to:
There is some flexibility on the start date of each position, with the earliest start date of February 1 and the last available internship beginning October 15.
Internship Period Application Deadline Interviews Notification of acceptance
Approximate Internship Time
Winter December 12, 2007 December 13-14, 2007 December 21, 2007 February - April
Spring February 27, 2008 March 3-5, 2008 March 10, 2008 April - June
Summer April 23, 2008 April 28-30, 2008 May 5, 2008 June - August
Fall June 25, 2008 June 30-July 2, 2008 July 7, 2008 August - October
Winter August 20, 2008 August 25-27, 2008 September 1, 2008 October - December
Celebrating its 33rd year in 2008, The Marine Mammal Center is a non-profit hospital dedicated to the rescue and release of ill and injured marine mammals, and to research about marine mammal health and diseases. Volunteers and staff have treated more than 12,000 California sea lions, elephant seals, porpoises, and other marine life. The Center uniquely combines its rehabilitation program with scientific discovery and education programs to advance the understanding of marine mammal health, ocean health and conservation.
For more information, please visit our website at: Erin
Actividades: Marine Mammal Course.
The Duke University Marine Laboratory invites applications to its summer field course on the biology of marine mammals. Topics covered include the ecology, behavior, management and conservation of marine mammals, with emphasis on field study of the local population of bottlenose dolphins.
Dates: Summer Term II: 7 July - 8 August 2008.
Course limit: 15 students (undergraduates, graduate students, professionals).
Application deadline (if applying for Global Fellowship): 15 February 2008.
Application deadline (if applying for Tuition Scholarship): 1 April 2008.
Application deadline (no funding support): 8 June 2008.
This is a field and laboratory-intensive course designed to provide first-hand experience with research techniques such as photo-identification and mark-recapture analysis, sampling prey distribution and abundance,behavioral sampling techniques, acoustic recording and analysis, and dissection techniques.
As part of Summer Term II Integrated Marine Conservation Program, a corecourse BIO 109/ENV 209 (Conservation Biology and Policy) may be taken with Marine Mammals. Students are encouraged (but not required) to take both courses. Approximately ten Global Fellowships in Marine Conservation will be awarded on a competitive basis to international students, especially those from developing countries, and will fully cover travel expenses, room and board, and tuition for both BIO 109/ENV 209 Conservation Biology and Policy plus one elective course subject to availability. Electives include: Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles; Marine Mammals; Marine Ecology; Marine Invertebrate Zoology; and Independent Research.
Experience the beautiful North Carolina coast! Join students from all over the world in participating in this unique summer session experience.Enrollment is limited, apply early!
For more information:
Dates: Summer Term II: 7 July - 8 August 2008.
Course limit: 15 students (undergraduates, graduate students, professionals).
Application deadline (if applying for Global Fellowship): 15 February 2008.
Application deadline (if applying for Tuition Scholarship): 1 April 2008.
Application deadline (no funding support): 8 June 2008.
This is a field and laboratory-intensive course designed to provide first-hand experience with research techniques such as photo-identification and mark-recapture analysis, sampling prey distribution and abundance,behavioral sampling techniques, acoustic recording and analysis, and dissection techniques.
As part of Summer Term II Integrated Marine Conservation Program, a corecourse BIO 109/ENV 209 (Conservation Biology and Policy) may be taken with Marine Mammals. Students are encouraged (but not required) to take both courses. Approximately ten Global Fellowships in Marine Conservation will be awarded on a competitive basis to international students, especially those from developing countries, and will fully cover travel expenses, room and board, and tuition for both BIO 109/ENV 209 Conservation Biology and Policy plus one elective course subject to availability. Electives include: Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles; Marine Mammals; Marine Ecology; Marine Invertebrate Zoology; and Independent Research.
Experience the beautiful North Carolina coast! Join students from all over the world in participating in this unique summer session experience.Enrollment is limited, apply early!
For more information:
sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007
Voluntariado: pasantías con el BDRI.
On behalf of the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI, I am pleased to announce that we are seeking Dolphin Research Assistants / Thesis work Students for our 2008 Winter (January-March) season in Sardinia, Italy. Undergraduate and postgraduate student research projects can be supported with boat time and office space.
An internship period with the BDRI offers an excellent opportunity for qualified and motivated individuals to obtain field and laboratory training in marine mammals research methodology and analysis under the mentorship of experienced bottlenose dolphin researchers. Learning, at its best, should be an active process, one in which the students are challenged on a daily basis with responsibilities that play a large part in the outcome of the research projects. Using study techniques that neither harm nor seriously disturb the animals, BDRI's researchers are engaged in the conduction of a long term study about the ecology and behaviour of a Mediterranean bottlenose dolphin population (Tursiops truncatus) along the north-eastern coast of Sardinia, as well as collecting detailed information about their environment.
Interns are required to complete a research project on an assigned relevant topic, to be written in collaboration and supervision with the BDRI's thesis advisor. Undergraduate and postgraduate students can present this personal research project as their Thesis (Bachelor, Master, Diploma, DEA, etc). Internships can be used for academic or vocational purposes, but students are solely responsible for making all arrangements for receiving relevant credit(s) as a result of completing the internship.
BDRI internships provide invaluable exposure to boat based field work, marine mammals research, intensive training and mentoring in marine ecology, and encouragement to work hard, have fun, and learn from the dolphins and each other. Working with us and our staff, you will rotate between tasks on land and sea. Onboard our research vessel the "Spartana" you will work together with our team in search of cetaceans. To refine details of bottlenose dolphin population biology and responses to human activities at sea, we will take identification photos, observe behaviour, and monitor vocalizations using a hydrophone, etc.
There is no deadline to apply. However, approved applications are accepted on a first-come, first serve basis. Apply early! If you are interested and have the required experience and skills, please Visit our website:
to download information on Dolphin Research Internships and/or Thesis work in Aranci Bay and how to get there.
Bruno Díaz López
Research Biologist / Marine Zoologist
Chief Researcher
The Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute
BDRI, V.Armando Diaz N?4 07020 Golfo Aranci (SS) Italy
Tel: + (39) 346 0815414
An internship period with the BDRI offers an excellent opportunity for qualified and motivated individuals to obtain field and laboratory training in marine mammals research methodology and analysis under the mentorship of experienced bottlenose dolphin researchers. Learning, at its best, should be an active process, one in which the students are challenged on a daily basis with responsibilities that play a large part in the outcome of the research projects. Using study techniques that neither harm nor seriously disturb the animals, BDRI's researchers are engaged in the conduction of a long term study about the ecology and behaviour of a Mediterranean bottlenose dolphin population (Tursiops truncatus) along the north-eastern coast of Sardinia, as well as collecting detailed information about their environment.
Interns are required to complete a research project on an assigned relevant topic, to be written in collaboration and supervision with the BDRI's thesis advisor. Undergraduate and postgraduate students can present this personal research project as their Thesis (Bachelor, Master, Diploma, DEA, etc). Internships can be used for academic or vocational purposes, but students are solely responsible for making all arrangements for receiving relevant credit(s) as a result of completing the internship.
BDRI internships provide invaluable exposure to boat based field work, marine mammals research, intensive training and mentoring in marine ecology, and encouragement to work hard, have fun, and learn from the dolphins and each other. Working with us and our staff, you will rotate between tasks on land and sea. Onboard our research vessel the "Spartana" you will work together with our team in search of cetaceans. To refine details of bottlenose dolphin population biology and responses to human activities at sea, we will take identification photos, observe behaviour, and monitor vocalizations using a hydrophone, etc.
There is no deadline to apply. However, approved applications are accepted on a first-come, first serve basis. Apply early! If you are interested and have the required experience and skills, please Visit our website:
to download information on Dolphin Research Internships and/or Thesis work in Aranci Bay and how to get there.
Bruno Díaz López
Research Biologist / Marine Zoologist
Chief Researcher
The Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute
BDRI, V.Armando Diaz N?4 07020 Golfo Aranci (SS) Italy
Tel: + (39) 346 0815414
jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2007
Actividades: Balaena en forma!
BALAENA es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro para el estudio investigacion y conservacion de animales marinos y su hábitat, formada por estudiantes y profesionales de diversos campos, como son la Biología, Veterinaria y otras disciplinas afines al tema de trabajo de la asociación. Se constituyó legalmente en 1994 y su sede está ubicada en la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Balaena fue fundada en 1994 por Mario Morcillo Moreno.
Tras algún tiempo de inactividad, BALAENA se pone en marcha con nuevas actividades (de las que os mantendré informados) y con nuevo foro.
Aquí os dejo la información tanto de la página web como del foro:
Tras algún tiempo de inactividad, BALAENA se pone en marcha con nuevas actividades (de las que os mantendré informados) y con nuevo foro.
Aquí os dejo la información tanto de la página web como del foro:
Actividades: Curso Monitor de Avistamiento de Cetáceos Cádiz.
Organizado por: Wildlife and Oceanic Company (WOC).
Lugar de celebración: Tarifa, Cádiz.
Fechas: del 19 al 30 de Noviembre en horario de tarde (16-21h).
Precio: gratuito.
Plazas limitadas a 15 alumnos.
Módulo 1: Los cetáceos.
Módulo 2: Entono natural y uso del hábitat.
Módulo 3: Identificación de especies.
Módulo 4: Pautas en la observación de cetáceos.
Módulo 5: La observación de cetáceos a nivel internacional.
Módulo 6: Gestión de grupos: claves del éxito de la observación de cetáceos.
Módulo 7: Términos específicos sobre el avistamiento de cetáceos en diferentes idiomas.
Prácticas: incluye salidas al mar en un barco de avistamiento de cetáceos.
Se entregará diploma de asistencia.
Información e Inscripciones: enviar solicitud de inscripción a:
adjuntando datos personales completos (Nombre y apellidos, dirección, teléfono de contacto, y carta de intención indicando los motivos para participar en el curso)
Organizado por: Wildlife and Oceanic Company (WOC).
Lugar de celebración: Tarifa, Cádiz.
Fechas: del 19 al 30 de Noviembre en horario de tarde (16-21h).
Precio: gratuito.
Plazas limitadas a 15 alumnos.
Módulo 1: Los cetáceos.
Módulo 2: Entono natural y uso del hábitat.
Módulo 3: Identificación de especies.
Módulo 4: Pautas en la observación de cetáceos.
Módulo 5: La observación de cetáceos a nivel internacional.
Módulo 6: Gestión de grupos: claves del éxito de la observación de cetáceos.
Módulo 7: Términos específicos sobre el avistamiento de cetáceos en diferentes idiomas.
Prácticas: incluye salidas al mar en un barco de avistamiento de cetáceos.
Se entregará diploma de asistencia.
Información e Inscripciones: enviar solicitud de inscripción a:
adjuntando datos personales completos (Nombre y apellidos, dirección, teléfono de contacto, y carta de intención indicando los motivos para participar en el curso)
Actividades: Curso MEER La Gomera.
The non-profit association M.E.E.R. would like to announce it's next field course in behavioural biology in the Canary Islands: "Field research of the project M.E.E.R. La Gomera" from 28 March - 11 April 2008.
The project M.E.E.R. La Gomera is conducting a study on the interactions between cetaceans and whale watching boats since many years. The participants of these 2-weeks practical courses will get an insight into the behavioural research conducted from whale watching boats operating off the island of La Gomera.
In this area, 21 cetaceans species could be identified during the last years, representing one of the highest known species diversities in the world. A list of publications that resultedf rom this project is given below.
The course includes a full training program: the theory and practice of behavioural research will be learned and profound background informationon whale watching will be given. Research experience that will be gained includes sighting data recording, behavioural sampling, photoidentification and others.
The course is fully accepted for the study of Biology at the Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin (Germany) and the University of Vienna (Austria). Moreover, the research is embedded in conservation efforts aiming at the preservation and promotion of whale watching as a sustainable use of cetaceans and the establishment of a marine sanctuary in the waters off La Gomera.
For further information (including downloads of a detailed brochure anda booking form) please visit:
One course is offered during the 2008 springtime field season: 28 March - 11 April 2008. The price is 875.- € including 7 whale watching research excursions, accommodation, full training program, scientific supervision, donation to M.E.E.R. e.V., written working material, certificate of attendance and one year MEER e.V. membership (The journey to and from La Gomera is not included in the price.) Early bookings are accepted until 11 December 2007 at a price of 814.- €
*Este curso es único en tanto que se centra en el comportamiento de los cetáceos. De momento es el único de esta tipología que se imparte en España. A los que no podáis asistir en la convocatoria de primavera, os agradará saber que también suelen celebrar otra en otoño (a mediados de octubre).
The project M.E.E.R. La Gomera is conducting a study on the interactions between cetaceans and whale watching boats since many years. The participants of these 2-weeks practical courses will get an insight into the behavioural research conducted from whale watching boats operating off the island of La Gomera.
In this area, 21 cetaceans species could be identified during the last years, representing one of the highest known species diversities in the world. A list of publications that resultedf rom this project is given below.
The course includes a full training program: the theory and practice of behavioural research will be learned and profound background informationon whale watching will be given. Research experience that will be gained includes sighting data recording, behavioural sampling, photoidentification and others.
The course is fully accepted for the study of Biology at the Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin (Germany) and the University of Vienna (Austria). Moreover, the research is embedded in conservation efforts aiming at the preservation and promotion of whale watching as a sustainable use of cetaceans and the establishment of a marine sanctuary in the waters off La Gomera.
For further information (including downloads of a detailed brochure anda booking form) please visit:
One course is offered during the 2008 springtime field season: 28 March - 11 April 2008. The price is 875.- € including 7 whale watching research excursions, accommodation, full training program, scientific supervision, donation to M.E.E.R. e.V., written working material, certificate of attendance and one year MEER e.V. membership (The journey to and from La Gomera is not included in the price.) Early bookings are accepted until 11 December 2007 at a price of 814.- €
*Este curso es único en tanto que se centra en el comportamiento de los cetáceos. De momento es el único de esta tipología que se imparte en España. A los que no podáis asistir en la convocatoria de primavera, os agradará saber que también suelen celebrar otra en otoño (a mediados de octubre).
miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2007
Actividades: Guía Turismo Sectorial modalidad Observación de Cetáceos.
Convocatoria para la habilitación de Guía de Turismo Sectorial en la modalidad de Observación de Cetáceos en Las Islas Canarias.
Las bases de la prueba se recogen aquí:
1. El contenido del curso es el de la Unidad III del temario de las pruebas de habilitación de GTSOC (Orden de 23 de octubre de 2001, de la Consejería de Turismo, BOC 14/11/01).
2. El material para estudio de dicho temario se encuentra disponible en la siguiente dirección:
3. La evaluación del curso tendrá carácter presencial, mediante un examen tipo test (20 preguntas) y dos (2) preguntas breves de desarrollo, y 2 horas de duración.
4. La fecha del examen del curso será el ______ de enero de 2008, a las _________ horas.(fechas aproximadas: 17-18 de enero. pendiente de confirmar ).
5. La sede de examen para evaluación del curso será en las islas de Tenerife y Gran Canaria (pendiente de confirmar el lugar).
Puedes encontrar el resto de la información:
Las bases de la prueba se recogen aquí:
1. El contenido del curso es el de la Unidad III del temario de las pruebas de habilitación de GTSOC (Orden de 23 de octubre de 2001, de la Consejería de Turismo, BOC 14/11/01).
2. El material para estudio de dicho temario se encuentra disponible en la siguiente dirección:
3. La evaluación del curso tendrá carácter presencial, mediante un examen tipo test (20 preguntas) y dos (2) preguntas breves de desarrollo, y 2 horas de duración.
4. La fecha del examen del curso será el ______ de enero de 2008, a las _________ horas.(fechas aproximadas: 17-18 de enero. pendiente de confirmar ).
5. La sede de examen para evaluación del curso será en las islas de Tenerife y Gran Canaria (pendiente de confirmar el lugar).
Puedes encontrar el resto de la información:
Empleo: Canadá.
Position opening: Harbour Seal Nurse
Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre is a nonprofit society dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of regional wildlife, with an emphasis on Harbour Seals and avian species. We are seeking a candidate for the full time position of Harbour Seal Nurse.
IWNCC is located in the Pacific Northwest, on Salt Spring Island, in the Canadian Gulf Islands. We are a small but very busy centre, situated in an outdoor setting on a forested 4-acre property. We treat about 500 avian and terrestrial animals per year and rescue and rehabilitate an average of 90-120 Harbour Seal pups each summer.
Seasonal work hours are long and the work is fast-paced and physically demanding. The position reports to the Director of Animal Care and will participate in coordinating rescues; hands-on daily animal husbandry and critical care; the leadership, training, supervision and scheduling of interns and volunteers; maintaining the day-to-day running of the seal clinic such as procuring and managing inventory of supplies, equipment and medications, keeping accurate detailed records and liaising with industry professionals.
This position starts May 2007. The successful candidate must have a minimum of 5 years hands-on marine mammal rehabilitation experience at a senior level. She/he must be experienced in examinations, diagnosis and treatment plus have proven supervisory and communications skills and be physically fit.
Salary and benefits are negotiable and commensurate with experience. IWNCC will facilitate required work permits however priority will be given to qualified Canadian applicants.
Please send your CV & references to Jackie Ballerone,
Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre,
322 Langs Road,
Salt Spring Island,
BC V8K 1N3 Canada.
Or email F
or more information regarding Island Wildlife visit our website at:
Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre is a nonprofit society dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of regional wildlife, with an emphasis on Harbour Seals and avian species. We are seeking a candidate for the full time position of Harbour Seal Nurse.
IWNCC is located in the Pacific Northwest, on Salt Spring Island, in the Canadian Gulf Islands. We are a small but very busy centre, situated in an outdoor setting on a forested 4-acre property. We treat about 500 avian and terrestrial animals per year and rescue and rehabilitate an average of 90-120 Harbour Seal pups each summer.
Seasonal work hours are long and the work is fast-paced and physically demanding. The position reports to the Director of Animal Care and will participate in coordinating rescues; hands-on daily animal husbandry and critical care; the leadership, training, supervision and scheduling of interns and volunteers; maintaining the day-to-day running of the seal clinic such as procuring and managing inventory of supplies, equipment and medications, keeping accurate detailed records and liaising with industry professionals.
This position starts May 2007. The successful candidate must have a minimum of 5 years hands-on marine mammal rehabilitation experience at a senior level. She/he must be experienced in examinations, diagnosis and treatment plus have proven supervisory and communications skills and be physically fit.
Salary and benefits are negotiable and commensurate with experience. IWNCC will facilitate required work permits however priority will be given to qualified Canadian applicants.
Please send your CV & references to Jackie Ballerone,
Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre,
322 Langs Road,
Salt Spring Island,
BC V8K 1N3 Canada.
Or email F
or more information regarding Island Wildlife visit our website at:
Voluntariado: Florida.
Mote Marine Laboratory´s Stranding Investigations Program (SIP) is seeking applicants for spring, summer, and fall internships. SIP provides 24-hour response to sick, injured and dead marine mammals and sea turtles in west central Florida. In addition, the program aims to increase our understanding of the biology, ecology and pathology of marine animals, investigate natural and human-related mortality, monitor long-term mortality trends, and provide data to managers for effective conservation of marine species.
The intern will be directly involved in the 24-hour response, recovery, and transport of live and dead stranded marine mammals (dolphins, whales, and manatees) and sea turtles from Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte and Lee Counties. These internships are unpaid.
Share responsibility for responding to a 24-hour stranding notification pager and coordinating response based on the species, number, size, and condition of the animal(s). Direct involvement in marine mammal and sea turtle rescue and recovery is required. Involvement in the examination, data collection, necropsy, tissue sampling, processing and distribution, and disposal of marine mammal and sea turtle carcasses. Data entry, database management, supplies inventory and biological sample archive management. Equipment maintenance, errands, and other duties as requested.
Valid Florida Class E drivers license or equivalent. The ability to lift a minimum of 50 lbs, swim, walk long distances, work in hot field conditions, tolerate strong odors, and work with the public and media. The ability to work independently and follow instructions. The ability to operate personal watercraft and ATVs, or the willingness to learn.
Computer knowledge (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, ArcGIS), strong verbal and written communication skills, and high attention to detail.
A background or degree in biology, zoology, or animal behavior.
Must be willing to work flexible hours, including weekends and holidays. This position can require long days, including late night and early morning hours. Please understand that the level of stranding activity is not only physically demanding, but also extremely unpredictable. As a result, there are no guarantees about the number of animals or species we will encounter. In addition, much of the work related to SIP can be classified as "non-glamorous". In many cases, field examination, dissection, tissue collection, and disposal of large decaying carcasses is involved. Interns should be prepared for direct involvement with large, putrid carcasses. Interns may be able to participate in other marine mammal and/or sea turtle program activities, as needed, and as time allows.
Interns should wear casual and comfortable clothing, and be prepared for all types of weather. Clothing should be suitable for public presentation, but casual enough to withstand getting wet and dirty. Occasionally, a swimsuit or wetsuit is required for stranding response.
The intern will be trained by Stranding Investigations Program staff. Once the intern has gained adequate knowledge about the strandings program, biology of the animals, and the tasks involved in our stranding response, they will be assigned independent projects, some of which they will help initiate. The supervisor/s will monitor the projects and remain accessible to the intern for questions and advice.
This position requires a commitment of 3 months, 40 hours per week, on a voluntary basis, interns will not be paid, nor will housing or transportation be provided (however Mote can assist interns in finding housing). There is flexibility on the start dates.
Mote provides the opportunity for some interns to receive a scholarship to help pay for living expenses during the internship. Please visit our website at:
Please visit for internship applications and general information. When submitting your application, please indicate your interest in the Stranding Investigations Program on the form.
Any general questions regarding internships at Mote should be directed to Dana O?Mara at or (941) 388-4441 ext. 462. Any questions directly related to the Stranding Investigations Program Internships, please contact Vikki Socha at or (941) 388-4441 ext. 239.
Mote Marine Laboratory´s Stranding Investigations Program (SIP) is seeking applicants for spring, summer, and fall internships. SIP provides 24-hour response to sick, injured and dead marine mammals and sea turtles in west central Florida. In addition, the program aims to increase our understanding of the biology, ecology and pathology of marine animals, investigate natural and human-related mortality, monitor long-term mortality trends, and provide data to managers for effective conservation of marine species.
The intern will be directly involved in the 24-hour response, recovery, and transport of live and dead stranded marine mammals (dolphins, whales, and manatees) and sea turtles from Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte and Lee Counties. These internships are unpaid.
Share responsibility for responding to a 24-hour stranding notification pager and coordinating response based on the species, number, size, and condition of the animal(s). Direct involvement in marine mammal and sea turtle rescue and recovery is required. Involvement in the examination, data collection, necropsy, tissue sampling, processing and distribution, and disposal of marine mammal and sea turtle carcasses. Data entry, database management, supplies inventory and biological sample archive management. Equipment maintenance, errands, and other duties as requested.
Valid Florida Class E drivers license or equivalent. The ability to lift a minimum of 50 lbs, swim, walk long distances, work in hot field conditions, tolerate strong odors, and work with the public and media. The ability to work independently and follow instructions. The ability to operate personal watercraft and ATVs, or the willingness to learn.
Computer knowledge (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, ArcGIS), strong verbal and written communication skills, and high attention to detail.
A background or degree in biology, zoology, or animal behavior.
Must be willing to work flexible hours, including weekends and holidays. This position can require long days, including late night and early morning hours. Please understand that the level of stranding activity is not only physically demanding, but also extremely unpredictable. As a result, there are no guarantees about the number of animals or species we will encounter. In addition, much of the work related to SIP can be classified as "non-glamorous". In many cases, field examination, dissection, tissue collection, and disposal of large decaying carcasses is involved. Interns should be prepared for direct involvement with large, putrid carcasses. Interns may be able to participate in other marine mammal and/or sea turtle program activities, as needed, and as time allows.
Interns should wear casual and comfortable clothing, and be prepared for all types of weather. Clothing should be suitable for public presentation, but casual enough to withstand getting wet and dirty. Occasionally, a swimsuit or wetsuit is required for stranding response.
The intern will be trained by Stranding Investigations Program staff. Once the intern has gained adequate knowledge about the strandings program, biology of the animals, and the tasks involved in our stranding response, they will be assigned independent projects, some of which they will help initiate. The supervisor/s will monitor the projects and remain accessible to the intern for questions and advice.
This position requires a commitment of 3 months, 40 hours per week, on a voluntary basis, interns will not be paid, nor will housing or transportation be provided (however Mote can assist interns in finding housing). There is flexibility on the start dates.
Mote provides the opportunity for some interns to receive a scholarship to help pay for living expenses during the internship. Please visit our website at:
Please visit for internship applications and general information. When submitting your application, please indicate your interest in the Stranding Investigations Program on the form.
Any general questions regarding internships at Mote should be directed to Dana O?Mara at or (941) 388-4441 ext. 462. Any questions directly related to the Stranding Investigations Program Internships, please contact Vikki Socha at or (941) 388-4441 ext. 239.
Empleo: Alaska.
The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) School of Fisheries and OceanSciences (SFOS) invites applications for a tenure-track, full-time assistant/associate professor of marine biology with a specialty in mammalogy/population genetics in the Institute of Marine Science. This recruitment is part of our vision to strengthen the UAF marine science program by adding at least twelve new faculty over the next several years.This position will be located in Fairbanks, Alaska. This position is for a marine mammalogist/population geneticist.
Candidates should have interests in marine mammalogy, biogeography, evolutionary concepts in the northern North Pacific and/or Arctic oceans. Knowledge of GIS applications is preferred. Qualified applicants must possess a Ph.D. in marine biology or a related field, from an accredited university by the time of hire, must be proficient in English, have university-level teaching ability and a strong research and publication record appropriate to their experience and date of degree.
To apply, please go to: and click on the "CreateApplication" link to select a username and password to begin applying. Once you have completed this step, click on Job Posting Search. Enter position number 0054202 to find this particular position. You will be asked to attach a statement of interest, a CV, and contact information for three references.
If you need assistance, please contact UAF Human Resources at 907-474-7700. For any other questions about the positions please contact Dr. Brenda Konar,Search Committee Chair, at 907-474-5028.
Review of applications will begin December 7, 2007, and continue until the positions are filled. Additional information about the position can be found on the SFOS website at
Candidates should have interests in marine mammalogy, biogeography, evolutionary concepts in the northern North Pacific and/or Arctic oceans. Knowledge of GIS applications is preferred. Qualified applicants must possess a Ph.D. in marine biology or a related field, from an accredited university by the time of hire, must be proficient in English, have university-level teaching ability and a strong research and publication record appropriate to their experience and date of degree.
To apply, please go to: and click on the "CreateApplication" link to select a username and password to begin applying. Once you have completed this step, click on Job Posting Search. Enter position number 0054202 to find this particular position. You will be asked to attach a statement of interest, a CV, and contact information for three references.
If you need assistance, please contact UAF Human Resources at 907-474-7700. For any other questions about the positions please contact Dr. Brenda Konar,Search Committee Chair, at 907-474-5028.
Review of applications will begin December 7, 2007, and continue until the positions are filled. Additional information about the position can be found on the SFOS website at
Eventos Internacionales: SEAMAMMS 2008.
The 16th Annual Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAMMS) will be held March 28-30, 2008 in Charleston, South Carolina. This symposium provides an opportunity for researchers and students (both graduate and undergraduate) to present their latest findings, network and build collaborations with other marine mammal researchers in the Southeast United States.
SEAMAMMS 2008 is being co-hosted by partners at the Hollings Marine Laboratory (HML), including the Medical University of South Carolina, NOAAs National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources (OPR). To build on the partnership with HML and OPR, this year we will have a keynote speaker and expert panel to discuss conservation medicine and its applications to marine mammal research and management. However, presentations need not focus on health research; a broad range of marine mammal research disciplines will be represented.
Along with the panel discussion, the scientific program will consist of oral presentations and a poster sesssion. There will be an icebreaker reception on Friday night, followed by presentations all day Saturday and Sunday morning. A dinner cruise of scenic Charleston Harbor is planned for Saturday evening.
The deadline to submit an abstract is February 1, 2008. More details can be found on the SEAMAMMS website:
SEAMAMMS 2008 is being co-hosted by partners at the Hollings Marine Laboratory (HML), including the Medical University of South Carolina, NOAAs National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources (OPR). To build on the partnership with HML and OPR, this year we will have a keynote speaker and expert panel to discuss conservation medicine and its applications to marine mammal research and management. However, presentations need not focus on health research; a broad range of marine mammal research disciplines will be represented.
Along with the panel discussion, the scientific program will consist of oral presentations and a poster sesssion. There will be an icebreaker reception on Friday night, followed by presentations all day Saturday and Sunday morning. A dinner cruise of scenic Charleston Harbor is planned for Saturday evening.
The deadline to submit an abstract is February 1, 2008. More details can be found on the SEAMAMMS website:
martes, 6 de noviembre de 2007
Eventos Internacionales: "XXXI Reunión Internacional sobre el Estudio de los Mamíferos Marinos".
El Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), la Facultad de Ciencias Marinas de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) y la Sociedad Mexicana de Mastozoología Marina, A.C. (SOMEMMA), invitan a la "XXXI Reunión internacional sobre el estudio de los mamíferos marinos" (SOMEMMA 2008) que será realizada del 18 al 22 de mayo del 2008 en Ensenada, Baja California.
El tema de esta reunión será "Investigación para la conservación de los mamíferos marinos" y la recepción de resúmenes será del 30 de noviembre del 2007 al 15 de enero del 2008.
El tema de esta reunión será "Investigación para la conservación de los mamíferos marinos" y la recepción de resúmenes será del 30 de noviembre del 2007 al 15 de enero del 2008.
lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2007
Eventos Internacionales: 22ª Conferencia Anual de la ECS.
Egmond aan Zee, Holanda, 10-12 Marzo 2008.
Los talleres (workshops) se desarrollarán durante el fin de semana del 8-9 de Marzo, con posibilidad de continuar durante el jueves 13.
La temática de la conferencia 2008 es:
Aunque aún no se ha establecido el programa (fecha límite para mandar las propuestas: 30 Noviembre), las comunicaciones deberán versar sobre:
- Pasado: paleontología, arqueología, evolución, caza ballenera s.XVI-XVII, investigación (varamientos).
- Presente: investigación de laboratorio y museo, taxonomía, anatomía, caza ballenera del s.XX.
- Futuro: cambio climático, efectos en las poblaciones y disponibilidad de alimento, monitorización de especies.
Registro temprano: hasta el 11 de Enero.
Registro ordinario: hasta el 8 de Febrero.
El resto de información estará disponible en breve.
Egmond aan Zee, Holanda, 10-12 Marzo 2008.
Los talleres (workshops) se desarrollarán durante el fin de semana del 8-9 de Marzo, con posibilidad de continuar durante el jueves 13.
La temática de la conferencia 2008 es:
Aunque aún no se ha establecido el programa (fecha límite para mandar las propuestas: 30 Noviembre), las comunicaciones deberán versar sobre:
- Pasado: paleontología, arqueología, evolución, caza ballenera s.XVI-XVII, investigación (varamientos).
- Presente: investigación de laboratorio y museo, taxonomía, anatomía, caza ballenera del s.XX.
- Futuro: cambio climático, efectos en las poblaciones y disponibilidad de alimento, monitorización de especies.
Registro temprano: hasta el 11 de Enero.
Registro ordinario: hasta el 8 de Febrero.
El resto de información estará disponible en breve.
Actividades: VIII Jornadas de la SECEM.
VIII Jornadas de la SECEM.
Fecha: del 5 al 8 de Diciembre.
Lugar de celebración: Huelva. Jornadas técnicas (6-7 Dic.): Aulario Jacobo del Barco, Campus del Carmen de la Universidad de Huelva. Asamblea general de la SECEM (8 Dic): CIECIEMA de Almonte.
Este encuentro, de periodicidad bienal, es el más importante foro de encuentro de especialistas y estudiosos de los mamíferos y silvestres que se convoca en España.
Aunque estas jornadas versan sobre los mamíferos silvestres, se atienden temas relacionados tanto con los mamíferos terrestres, como con los mamíferos marinos de nuestro país.
Fecha: del 5 al 8 de Diciembre.
Lugar de celebración: Huelva. Jornadas técnicas (6-7 Dic.): Aulario Jacobo del Barco, Campus del Carmen de la Universidad de Huelva. Asamblea general de la SECEM (8 Dic): CIECIEMA de Almonte.
Este encuentro, de periodicidad bienal, es el más importante foro de encuentro de especialistas y estudiosos de los mamíferos y silvestres que se convoca en España.
Aunque estas jornadas versan sobre los mamíferos silvestres, se atienden temas relacionados tanto con los mamíferos terrestres, como con los mamíferos marinos de nuestro país.
Voluntariado: Australia.
Volunteer assistants are requested to partake in a PhD project investigating diet and foraging ecology of bottlenose dolphins.
WHERE: Bunbury, South Western Australia (180 km south of Perth). A beautiful coastal town with easy access to Perth, the Margaret River wine region, surfing and bush walking.
WHEN: Research assistants are needed on an on-going basis, however the periods of January to March, and late June through August 2008 and 2009 are months of the highest fish sampling activity.
DUTIES: Relative composition and abundance of prey species in the Koombana Bay region will be sampled using beach seine nets and z-traps. Volunteers will be required to manually deploy and retrieve fish traps, assist in the operation of a research vessel, deploy beach seines, identify, count, weigh, and measure fish and invertebrate species. Stomach contents of stranded dolphins and scat samples will be analyzed for prey content. This will involve separating and identifying hard parts in scat and stomach samples. Volunteers may also have the opportunity to assist with post-mortem examinations of stranded dolphins. Spatial analysis to determine foraging hot spots will be carried out using point observational data. Assistants will be required to assist in the creation of data layers by entering data into an ArcGIS format and learn to use some basic GIS tools. Data entry and management, equipment maintenance, and other office and lab tasks will be required.
-Primary requirement is a good attitude, work ethic, and ability to work in a physically demanding environment. This can include long hours in extreme weather conditions and long days on the water. Hauling fish traps and nets is physically demanding work. Volunteers must be able to repeatedly lift over 23 kg (~51 lbs).
-Must be able to commit to a minimum of one month. People able to commit for longer periods will be preferred.
Preferred but not mandatory:
-Undergraduate degree in the biological sciences.
-Previous field work experience, specifically with fisheries or marine mammals.
-Experience using ArcGIS or similar spatial analysis software.
-Experience managing large datasets.
-Experience operating vessels up to 7 meters in length.
COMPENSATION: Regrettably volunteers will be required to arrange their own transportation to Bunbury, accommodation and all living expenses. (Backpackers and rooms in shared houses are available for approximately AU$16/night). Schedules may be flexible to allow volunteers to work on a part-time basis if legally able in Australia. Academic credit may be earned if arranged through your local institution. Valuable field and lab experience in the ecological sciences will be gained through participation in this project.
HOW TO APPLY: Please send a CV, letter of interest, and two letters of reference to: Shannon McCluskeyMurdoch University Cetacean Research Unit
c/o Dolphin Discovery CentreBunbury,
Western Australia 6230
or electronically to:
Murdoch University Cetacean Research Unit:
Dolphin Discovery Centre:
Information on Bunbury:
WHERE: Bunbury, South Western Australia (180 km south of Perth). A beautiful coastal town with easy access to Perth, the Margaret River wine region, surfing and bush walking.
WHEN: Research assistants are needed on an on-going basis, however the periods of January to March, and late June through August 2008 and 2009 are months of the highest fish sampling activity.
DUTIES: Relative composition and abundance of prey species in the Koombana Bay region will be sampled using beach seine nets and z-traps. Volunteers will be required to manually deploy and retrieve fish traps, assist in the operation of a research vessel, deploy beach seines, identify, count, weigh, and measure fish and invertebrate species. Stomach contents of stranded dolphins and scat samples will be analyzed for prey content. This will involve separating and identifying hard parts in scat and stomach samples. Volunteers may also have the opportunity to assist with post-mortem examinations of stranded dolphins. Spatial analysis to determine foraging hot spots will be carried out using point observational data. Assistants will be required to assist in the creation of data layers by entering data into an ArcGIS format and learn to use some basic GIS tools. Data entry and management, equipment maintenance, and other office and lab tasks will be required.
-Primary requirement is a good attitude, work ethic, and ability to work in a physically demanding environment. This can include long hours in extreme weather conditions and long days on the water. Hauling fish traps and nets is physically demanding work. Volunteers must be able to repeatedly lift over 23 kg (~51 lbs).
-Must be able to commit to a minimum of one month. People able to commit for longer periods will be preferred.
Preferred but not mandatory:
-Undergraduate degree in the biological sciences.
-Previous field work experience, specifically with fisheries or marine mammals.
-Experience using ArcGIS or similar spatial analysis software.
-Experience managing large datasets.
-Experience operating vessels up to 7 meters in length.
COMPENSATION: Regrettably volunteers will be required to arrange their own transportation to Bunbury, accommodation and all living expenses. (Backpackers and rooms in shared houses are available for approximately AU$16/night). Schedules may be flexible to allow volunteers to work on a part-time basis if legally able in Australia. Academic credit may be earned if arranged through your local institution. Valuable field and lab experience in the ecological sciences will be gained through participation in this project.
HOW TO APPLY: Please send a CV, letter of interest, and two letters of reference to: Shannon McCluskeyMurdoch University Cetacean Research Unit
c/o Dolphin Discovery CentreBunbury,
Western Australia 6230
or electronically to:
Murdoch University Cetacean Research Unit:
Dolphin Discovery Centre:
Information on Bunbury:
Actualidad: el Año del Delfín, serán 2!

En vista de la tremenda acogida internacional acerca del Año del Delfín 2007, la CMS (Convention on Migratory Species) y sus acuerdos para la conservación de delfines y ballenas ACCOBAMS y ASCOBANS, y la WDCS (Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society) anunciaron el 13 de Septiembre, que la iniciativa del Año del Delfín se extenderá hasta 2008, con nuevas actividades en pro de la conservación de los cetáceos.
Esta decisión pretende asegurar que el mensaje se distribuya por todo el globo, y que el compromiso social por la conservación de estos animales y su medio se expanda de la mano de todos aquellos que actúen como embajadores de la causa.
Actualidad: Sigue el Viaje de las Ballenas!

Gracias a Greenpeace ahora puedes seguir la ruta migratoria de las Yubartas mediante la iniciativa El gran viaje de las ballenas. Puedes seguir a través de internet la migración de hasta 20 individuos, como Neo, Mikaela, Saravah...
Las yubartas parten de las zonas de reproducción en el Océano Pacífico, para alimentarse en las frías aguas del Antártico.
Este proyecto incide sobre la "no necesidad" de arponear ballenas para conocer más sobre su biología, mostrando cómo, estudios no invasivos ofrecen unois resultados muy valiosos y gráficos. Con esta campaña se pretende poner en evidencia una vez más la actitud de Japón ante el encubrimiento de su caza comercial bajo fines científicos.
Voluntariado: Patagonia Argentina.
En la estancia Harberton, una finca ubicada en Tierra del Fuego, la provincia más meridional de Argentina, se halla el Museo Acatushún.
Contiene una de las colecciones más importantes que existen de cetáceos y aves marinas, formada por más de cuatro mil esqueletos, procedentes sobre todo de ejemplares varados o capturados en redes de pesca.
Hasta abril, se organiza un campo de trabajo para voluntarios, con un mes de estancia exigida, para ayudar en necropsias, preparación y análisis de esqueletos, transectos litorales, servicio de guía a turistas, entre otras labores. Las plazas son de un máximo de 8 voluntarios al mes. Se provee alojamiento y manutención.
Se requiere ser estudiante de biología, veterinaria o similar y llevar al menos tres años de carrera.
ContactoMónica Torres, e-mail:
Contiene una de las colecciones más importantes que existen de cetáceos y aves marinas, formada por más de cuatro mil esqueletos, procedentes sobre todo de ejemplares varados o capturados en redes de pesca.
Hasta abril, se organiza un campo de trabajo para voluntarios, con un mes de estancia exigida, para ayudar en necropsias, preparación y análisis de esqueletos, transectos litorales, servicio de guía a turistas, entre otras labores. Las plazas son de un máximo de 8 voluntarios al mes. Se provee alojamiento y manutención.
Se requiere ser estudiante de biología, veterinaria o similar y llevar al menos tres años de carrera.
ContactoMónica Torres, e-mail:
Actualidad: Videomensajes en favor de los Delfines.

Con motivo del Año del Delfín, la Fundación Loro Parque ha creado una web en la que podrás dejar videomensajes en favor de la conservación de los delfines y otros cetáceos.
Esta web está georreferenciada a través de Google Maps, de manera que podrás ir viendo vídeos de los usuarios, y su lugar de origen.
Puedes grabar tus vídeos incluso con la webcam! Deja tu mensaje de aliento para la conservación de los mamíferos marinos!
jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2007
Voluntariado: Florida.
Wild Bottlenose Dolphin Research Internships
The Sarasota Dolphin Research Program (SDRP), based at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida, is the world's longest-running wild dolphin research program.The program's goal is to contribute to a better understanding of the structure and dynamics of populations of small cetaceans, as well as the natural and anthropogenic factors that impact them. The SDRP uses an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach in conducting studies of bottlenose dolphins within Sarasota Bay, Tampa Bay, Charlotte Harbor, and the Gulf of Mexico coastal waters.
For more information about the SDRP, please visit: The SDRP is in the process of selecting volunteer interns for the spring 2008 internship program. Several internship positions are available within four different research projects from January 7th through March 31st. There is no compensation for these internship positions and successful applicants will be responsible for their own living and transportation expenses during the time of the internship. Housing opportunities may be available (cost: $75/week). Scholarships are available through a competitive application process.
The four projects include:
Population Monitoring Project (
This study will continue to monitor the resident dolphin population in Sarasota Bay. This will involve surveying, photographing, identifying, and recording data in the field as well as photo-id, catalog maintenance, and data entry and double-checking in the lab.
Juvenile Dolphin Behavior Project (
This study will conduct focal animal behavioral follows of juvenile dolphins in Sarasota Bay to assess their association, behavioral, distribution and habitat use patterns and to identify factors that influence their survivorship.
Dolphin Prey and Habitat Use Project (
This study will use the Sarasota dolphin community and random sampling of fish population through purse seining techniques to study predator-prey interactions and bioacoustics, specifically helping us to understand relationships between distributions of dolphins and their prey, and factors that affect fish community ecology, such as red tide.
Sea Bird Ecology Project
This study will look at the abundance, distribution and habitat use of sea birds in Sarasota Bay and the effects of red tide on those sea bird communities.
Applicants would ideally have the following qualifications:
*Minimum of 18 years of age and engaged in undergraduate studies;
*A background or degree in Biology, Marine Biology, Zoology or a related field;
*Basic computer proficiency in Microsoft Office programs;
*Some field research experience preferred but not required;
*Enthusiasm and willingness to learn field and lab based research methods;
*A willingness to spend a minimum of 2 - 3 months working full time with our program.
You may apply through Mote Marine Laboratory's web site ( by following the education links to the college intern page. Applications received by November 16th will be given first priority.
Applicants may contact Dana OMara ( in Mote's intern office
(941-388-4441 ext. 462) with questions regarding the application process and Jason Allen ( in the SDRP with any questions regarding specific projects.
The Sarasota Dolphin Research Program (SDRP), based at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida, is the world's longest-running wild dolphin research program.The program's goal is to contribute to a better understanding of the structure and dynamics of populations of small cetaceans, as well as the natural and anthropogenic factors that impact them. The SDRP uses an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach in conducting studies of bottlenose dolphins within Sarasota Bay, Tampa Bay, Charlotte Harbor, and the Gulf of Mexico coastal waters.
For more information about the SDRP, please visit: The SDRP is in the process of selecting volunteer interns for the spring 2008 internship program. Several internship positions are available within four different research projects from January 7th through March 31st. There is no compensation for these internship positions and successful applicants will be responsible for their own living and transportation expenses during the time of the internship. Housing opportunities may be available (cost: $75/week). Scholarships are available through a competitive application process.
The four projects include:
Population Monitoring Project (
This study will continue to monitor the resident dolphin population in Sarasota Bay. This will involve surveying, photographing, identifying, and recording data in the field as well as photo-id, catalog maintenance, and data entry and double-checking in the lab.
Juvenile Dolphin Behavior Project (
This study will conduct focal animal behavioral follows of juvenile dolphins in Sarasota Bay to assess their association, behavioral, distribution and habitat use patterns and to identify factors that influence their survivorship.
Dolphin Prey and Habitat Use Project (
This study will use the Sarasota dolphin community and random sampling of fish population through purse seining techniques to study predator-prey interactions and bioacoustics, specifically helping us to understand relationships between distributions of dolphins and their prey, and factors that affect fish community ecology, such as red tide.
Sea Bird Ecology Project
This study will look at the abundance, distribution and habitat use of sea birds in Sarasota Bay and the effects of red tide on those sea bird communities.
Applicants would ideally have the following qualifications:
*Minimum of 18 years of age and engaged in undergraduate studies;
*A background or degree in Biology, Marine Biology, Zoology or a related field;
*Basic computer proficiency in Microsoft Office programs;
*Some field research experience preferred but not required;
*Enthusiasm and willingness to learn field and lab based research methods;
*A willingness to spend a minimum of 2 - 3 months working full time with our program.
You may apply through Mote Marine Laboratory's web site ( by following the education links to the college intern page. Applications received by November 16th will be given first priority.
Applicants may contact Dana OMara ( in Mote's intern office
(941-388-4441 ext. 462) with questions regarding the application process and Jason Allen ( in the SDRP with any questions regarding specific projects.
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