domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009

Actividades. Curso en Lund!

We would like to announce that we are again giving the international PhD student course in Ecology of Animal Migration at the Department of Ecology at Lund University and organized by CAnMove (Centre for Animal Movement Research).
The course will be held 29 Sept-9 October 2009, and you will find more information on our web page:
During the course lectures will be given by invited experts in their field, there will be seminars, own projects with practice of field equipment as well as an excursion. There will be ample time for interactions between students and lecturers and we invite PhD students from any country to participate in the course.
Please, contact Keith Larson ( for registration. Very Welcome to a very stimulating and exciting course!
Keith Larson, PhD Student
Department of Animal Ecology
Lund University
Ecology Building
S?lvegatan 3722362 Lund
Tel: +46 (0)46 2229310
Fax: +46 (0)46 2224716

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