sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008

Actividades: curso entrenamiento!

California State University Monterey Bay and Moss Landing Marine Laboratories offer one-week intensive summer classes open to any individuals interested animal training or in pursuing careers in the marine mammal field.

In addition, *hands-on internships* for people of all ages and levels of experience are also available at the lab working with marine mammals.

The successful completionof both courses and a five-day internship will earn a *Certificate of Completion in Beginning Marine Mammalogy.

The classes' instructor, Dr.Jenifer Zeligs-Hurley has over 20 years of terrestrial and aquatic animal training experience, across diverse disciplines including research, public display, and studio and film work.

For further information on class content, registration, housing and costs seebelow and please contact: jzeligs@mlml.calstate.edu


Bio 348 *(July 7-13,2008)*: This3 credit interactive course provides students an in-depth understanding of the discipline of animal training across many different types of terrestrial and aquatic animals and techniques. It provides an exceptional background in relevant animal behavior and psychological principles related to the practical goal of modifying animal behavior. These techniques will be demonstrated daily using trained sea lions at Moss Landing Marine Labs where the course is taught. Horses, birds, and other animals will also be used to demonstrate these techniques. Students will intern at least one day at the lab assisting in the care and training of research-trained sea lions.

Topics covered will include: Captivity, Why Train? Communication, Motivation, Desensitization, Aggression, and Practical Training.

Tuition: $585 + $39 campus fee per semester is payable to CSUMB-EE.
An additional $50 lab fee is payable to MLML on the first day of class.


Bio 347 *(July 21-27, 2008)*: This 3 credit course is designed to assist people who are interested in developing a career in marine mammalogy. It will provide practical information about marine mammals and working with them, drawing on the rich background of marine mammal work in the Monterey Bay area. The course will include live experiences with the marine mammals at Moss Landing Marine Labs. This class will instruct students in captive marine mammal husbandry (care and maintenance), training, basic physiology, an overview of common research topics and techniques, as well as public display, education, and current issues in marine mammalogy. Students will intern at least one day at the lab assisting in the care of research-trained California sea lions. They will also gain experience in developing a resume, job interviews, and public presentations.

Tuition: $585 + $39 campus fee per semester is payable toCSUMB-EE.
An additional $50 lab fee is payable to MLML on the first day of class. (If you book both classes- you will pay the $39 campus fee only once).

For registration, enrollment and other logistical information please contact Cal State Monterey Bay http://extended.csumb.edu/
or call themat 831-582-4500.

How to Register in the course(s): Visit the Forms page on the http://extended.csumb.edu website and download the CSUMB EE Registration form [http://extended.csumb.edu/EEregistration.htm ]

Fax registration form with credit card information to 831-582-4502. or Mail form and payment to:

CSUMB - Extended Ed100 Campus Center,
Bldg 201,
Suite 201 Seaside,
CA 93955

No refunds after June 10, 2008.

Enrollment for each class limited to 17.
Summer registration for open enrollment begins April 28, 2008. The classes are open for enrollment to any high school graduate regardless of age or nationality and there are no prerequisites, however no transportation or housing is included in the enrollment price.

For help with housing please contact sskrvoan@mlml.calstate.edu (housing is available for a weekly rate of $175).

Courses will be taught at Moss Landing Marine Labs in Moss Landing, CA.

Jenifer Zeligs-Hurley,
Ph.D. Science and Environmental Policy,
California State University
Monterey Bay
Director of SLEWTHS
Science Learning and Exploration With The Help of Sea lions
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
8272 Moss Landing Road
Moss Landing, ´
CA 95039
v: (831)-771-4191

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