miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009

International events: African Marine Mammal Colloquium!

The African Marine Mammal Colloquium is being hosted by the Mammal Research Institute (University of Pretoria) and the Dyer Island Conservation Trust.

The AMMC will create a forum whereby all interested people in the region can come together to present briefly their own, or their organisation's, marine mammal-related research, or conservation projects. Focus will be on fostering interaction and collaboration.

Location: Kleinbaai, Western Cape, South Africa

Date: 18-20 May, 2010

Structure: Two and a half days. Formal presentations (mornings) and open workshop & discussion time (afternoons & third morning). All participants are required to present.

- Prices to be finalised by January 2010, but will be R1500 or less. Payments due at the end of Feb 2010.
- We will attempt to reduce costs for student attendees and/or provide some travel sponsorship for those most in need.
- Price includes: Accommodation (3 nights), all meals and participation costs.
- Price excludes: Transport from Cape Town city or international airport. Drinks at own cost.

Further details will be available via the Mammal Research Institute website in due course.

Please email: marinemammalogy.southernafrica@gmail.com if you are not already on the mailing list (i.e. you only received this message through a mail server such as MarMam/SANCOR), and would like to be included for direct updates.


Mammal Research Institute:

Dyer Island Conservation Trust:

Meredith Thornton
Mammal Research Institute
University of Pretoria

Based at: Iziko Museums of Cape Town
25 Queen Victoria Street Cape Town
PO Box 61 Cape Town 8000 South Africa
Telephone +27 (0)21 481 3854
Facsimile +27 (0)21 481 3993
Fax to email 0866357818

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