sábado, 31 de enero de 2009

Actividades: Conferencias Málaga!


La Asociación Inachus invita a su segunda conferencia sobre cetáceos, que se desarrollará el día 2 de abril de 2009, de 14.00 a 20.00 en el Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Málaga.

La actividad, además de la conferencia, incluye una salida de avistamiento de cetáceos desde Tarifa, que se realizará el día 3 de abril de 2009, siempre que las condiciones meteorológicas lo permitan.

Programa de la conferencia:

Daniel Becerra: Introducción a los delfines de río.
Estudio del delfín del Amazonas en la reserva natural de Mamirauá, Brasil.

María Morell: Introducción a la acústica de cetáceos
Estudio de los oídos internos de cetáceos.

Philippe Verborgh: Introducción al estudio de poblaciones de cetáceos.
Estudio de los calderones comunes del Estrecho de Gibraltar.

Mark Fernández: Introducción a la oceanografía.
Estudio de cetáceos en aguas de Azores.

Pierre Gallego: Introducción a la patología de cetáceos.
Patología de cetáceos del Estrecho de Gibraltar.

-Conferencia y salida: 35 euros
-Sólo la conferencia: 15 euros
-Sólo la salida: 25 euros


- La conferencia
- Certificado de asistencia
- Salida de avistamiento de cetáceos (con Turmares desde Tarifa, Cádiz)

No incluye:

- El traslado desde el lugar de origen hasta Tarifa

Para más información, entra en:

Elena Pérez Martin
Tlf: 654577733

Voluntariado: Proyecto fin de Máster!

UK-based ORCA – Organisation Cetacea (www.orcaweb.org.uk) is offering a field research opportunity for a student wishing to complete a Masters thesis on behalf of the charity, entitled:

Understanding fin whale behaviour as a tool for mitigating against large ship strikes

Ship strikes cause serious injuries and mortalities to whales worldwide, and are widely implicated as a major factor affecting the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) population. Despite this, world shipping activity is predicted to increase by 30% to 50% by 2030. The speed and size of vessels is also expected to increase dramatically, with 30% of the world’s shipping fleet expected to be too large to pass through the Panama Canal by 2020.

ORCA believes that more research is required to assess how whales behave in relation to large vessels, and has developed a project designed to provide a basis for future research with consequent recommendations to commercial operators to reduce the likelihood of ship strikes.

ORCA therefore seeks a Masters student to take part in this pioneering project to be run in partnership with ferry company Brittany Ferries (www.brittany-ferries.co.uk). The chosen researcher will work onboard Brittany Ferries flagship ferry Pont Aven, operating between Portsmouth (UK), Santander (Spain) and Plymouth (UK), and travelling through the Bay of Biscay. The field season will last for a 6 week period between July and September, which is the season of highest density of large whales (mostly fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus)) in the Bay of Biscay. The project will involve studying the location and behaviour of large whales throughout the season using GPS, video recordings, and field observations, in order to assess how the behaviour of the whales varies spatially, temporally and in relation to the proximity of the vessel.

Please note that ORCA and Brittany Ferries only have resources to provide food and accommodation whilst onboard ship. All other expenses, including travel expenses, must be borne by the participant. ORCA will also provide logistical support during the field season, but all scientific support must be provided by the educational institution represented by the Masters student. Equipment provision is also the responsibility of the student, most notably a video camera.

We would like to thank Brittany Ferries for allowing ORCA this opportunity. This project is part of a wider environmental programme operated by ORCA and Brittany Ferries, which includes long term monitoring of cetaceans and a new educational programme beginning in April 2009.

How to apply:

Please send an email to Dylan Walker at dylan@orcaweb.org.uk detailing your experience, your current Masters course, the scientific support available at your educational establishment, and why you are interested to take on this project as your Masters thesis.

Dylan Walker
Project Development Manager
ORCA - Organisation Cetacea
Email: dylan@orcaweb.org.uk
17 Embassy Court
Kings Road
Mob: +44 (0)7900 471490
Web: www.orcaweb.org.uk

Se siguen necesitando voluntarios para ferries!

Oportunidades de empleo y voluntariado en diversos ferries conduciendo programas de investigación.
Más información:


Voluntariado: Estrecho de Gibraltar!

The research group CIRCE (www.circe-asso.org) is seeking applications from volunteers to help with fieldwork on killer whale energetic budget and fin whale collision risk assessment in the Strait of Gibraltar. Fieldwork will take place from 15 March to 31 May 2009 for the killer whale project and from 1 June to 31 July for the fin whale project, using a similar protocol.

Killer whale project: 15 March-31 May
The killer whale population of the Strait of Gibraltar has a diet mainly based on Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). This population is believed to be in danger due to the rapid decrease of their prey under human fishing. They usually feed on tuna using an endurance-exhaustion technique. This behaviour can be easily observed from 2 land based stations on top of the cliffs of La Breña national park, Andalucia, South of Spain. We wish to collect behavioural and positional data (using binos and theodolite) from these land stations as well as blow rates to assess the energetic budget of this foraging technique.

Fin whale project: 1 June-31 July
The fin whales observed in the Strait of Gibraltar are in migration between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea and are still recovering from years of hunting. Due to the high and increasing maritime traffic in the Strait, at least 2 ship strikes have been observed with fin whales since 1999 and probably more remain unknown. Therefore, we would like to assess for this population the risk of collision with tankers or ferries, or even smaller vessels such as whale watching boats. We will use theodolite tracking from 2 land stations to find the main routes for the fin whales as well as any behavioural changes in relation to boat movements.

Volunteers should be available at least for one week study but long period availability will be preferred. You will be responsible for your transport to and from the main centre, but once there, we will provide accommodation and transport to the land stations. You will be responsible for your food expenses, but we will arrange communal shopping/cooking so that these expenses will be low.

Successful applicants will:
- have a mature attitude towards marine mammal research
- be autonomous and quickly operational
- be able to live and work constructively with others in a team
- have (at least!) notions of English and/or Spanish (French?)

Preference will be given to those who:
- can commit for a long period
- have previous relevant marine mammal field experience
- have previous experience in theodolite handling, including tracking

Applicants should send an email introducing themselves to voluntariado@circe-asso.org .
The email should include an outline of why you would like to work on this project, your qualifications and previous experience. Please also attach a brief CV.

Applications will be accepted until 1 March for the killer whale project and 15 May for the fin whale project although early application is recommended as applications will be examined in order of reception.

For more information, see :
(also available in Spanish and French) or contact voluntariado@circe-asso.org

Best wishes

Pauline Gauffier
Ruth Esteban

Voluntariado: Mississippi!

The University of Southern Mississippi Psychology Department is offering a Marine Mammal Behavior and Cognition internship to college juniors, seniors and recent graduates for the summer of 2009. College credits for the internship are awarded by the University of Southern Mississippi.

Interns will work with faculty and graduate student researchers and will have an opportunity to help in the analysis of data from USM´s Mississippi Wild Dolphin Project, a boat-based research project surveying the Mississippi Gulf Coast bottlenose dolphin population. Interns may assist in the analysis of environmental, behavioral, and acoustic data, as well as photo-ID.

In the research laboratory, interns will gain experience in different areas, such as behavioral analysis using video and ethogram data and acoustic analyses of a variety of cetacean species, including killer whales, sperm whales, beaked whales, and bottlenose and rough-tooth dolphins. Interns may also have the opportunity to assist graduate students in the collection of behavioral data of captive rough-tooth dolphins and bottlenose dolphins. Interns are also encouraged to complete a small personal research project on a topic relevant to their research interests.

The internship is a full time voluntary position, and students are responsible for their own transportation and housing arrangements.

Students interested in the Marine Mammal Behavior and Cognition internship are required to send:

- a resume
- a letter of intent including career goals and reasons for wanting the internship (what you expect to contribute and gain from the internship)
- an unofficial or official copy of your transcripts
- at least two letters of recommendation (preferably from college professors who know you personally)

All materials should be sent to:

Internship Coordinator
Department of Psychology
The University of Southern Mississippi
118 College Drive, # 5025
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5025

Materials may arrive separately or together, but the complete application must be postmarked by April 1st.

We encourage interested applicants to become familiar with the research conducted by the Marine Mammal Behavior and Cognition Lab. For more information, please visit our website at http://www.usm.edu/psy-kuczaj or you can email the internship coordinator at kuczaj_laboratory@yahoo.com

Empleo: Florida!

The FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida is searching for a Quantitative Population Ecologist to conduct research on endangered marine mammal populations.

Title : Associate Research Scientist
Agency : Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Classification : Full time Position

Website : https://jobs.myflorida.com/index.html

Description :

- Designs and conducts research and statistical assessments on
various aspects of marine mammal populations.
- Conducts statistical analyses
and builds mathematical models of manatee and right whale populations in collaboration with other investigators within and external to FWRI, using
available databases (e.g. mortality, aerial survey, telemetry, habitat, genetics, and photo ID) or obtaining additional data as necessary.
- Designs
studies and monitoring programs for research on manatee and right whale populations and related habitat issues.
- Evaluates and recommends appropriate
changes to data collection methods to correct for or reduce sampling bias and increase reliability.
- Ensures that all data and modeling undergo
rigorous quality control and quality assurance.
- Consults with and advises
government agencies in evaluation of manatee population data collected by FWC and other agencies.
- Prepares reports and manuscripts of findings from above studies for Florida's marine resource managers.
- Publishes data in refereed journals
or peer-reviewed books and proceedings.
- Reviews and evaluates reports,
proposals, and manuscripts pertaining to marine mammals. -
- Seeks extramural
- Serves on committees and working groups as assigned.

- Provides guidance to Imperiled Species Management on data interpretation.
- Provides leadership and participates in program planning.

-Responsible for the supervision of assigned personnel in a coaching and mentoring manner to maintain a team-oriented approach to section goals. Supervisory duties include but are not limited to: recruitment, training, planning and directing work, reviewing performance with employee and ensuring compliance with FWRI rules, policies and procedures.
- Maintains a
professional working environment that promotes teamwork within working units
and with other sections in the Institute.

Location : St. Petersburg, Florida (Pinellas County)
Salary : $1783.89 -
$2000.00 biweekly

Education and Experience:

A master's degree and 4 yrs. of professional
experience as described above; or a doctorate with 2 years of experience.

Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

-Knowledge of:
* wildlife biology, terminology, principles and techniques used
in research on marine mammals or other wildlife species;
* statistical and
simulation modeling methods, Bayesian statistics including hierarchical models;
* and aerial surveys, genetics, or other population survey

- Ability to:
* collect and maintain scientific data related to
population research, biology and modeling;
* to perform quantitative analysis
and modeling of scientific data;
* to plan, organize, and coordinate work
* to publish manuscripts in refereed scientific journals;
* to work
* to communicate effectively verbally and in writing;
* to
establish and maintain effective working relationships with others;
* to
effectively supervise people;
* to establish and meet work-related goals;
* to
understand and apply applicable rules, regulations, to access and formulate budgetary needs, policies, principles and procedures used in personnel & database management;
* use of statistical analysis software;
* use of word
processing, spreadsheet and database software.

Must apply online:
Search for Position #: FWC-FWRI #77072679

Application Deadline : 2/12/2009
Contact Person : Kathy Kulaas
Phone Number : 727-896-8626
E-mail : Kathy.Kulaas@MyFWC.com

Voluntariado: Canadá!


The Society for Ecological and Coastal Research - SEACR - is a non- profit organization, established in 1998, dedicated to scientific research on the ecology of nearshore marine systems. SEACR is sponsoring several longterm ongoing research projects on gray whale ecology in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, Canada. The projects are organized and run by the Whale Research Lab of the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (http://www.geog.uvic.ca/whalelab/).


Enthusiastic individuals with a keen interest in nature and science are invited to discover the challenges of marine field research along Canada's coastal rainforest through SEACR's Marine Research Intern Program!

MRIP is a volunteer program where Research Interns assist experienced and dedicated marine biologists and ecologists with their field research. Through MRIP, Research Interns will live and work at a remote research field-station in the coastal rainforest of Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, to aid researchers with ongoing field research related to coastal and marine ecology.

Internships are offered on a competitive basis, at cost and provide invaluable exposure to boat based field work, the Pacific coastal ocean environment, marine mammal research, intensive training and mentoring in marine ecology, and encouragement to work and play hard!

We are offering 2 or 4 week Marine Research Internships for May and June 2009. There is no deadline to apply. However, approved applications are reviewed and accepted on a first-come, first serve basis.


This internship is an excellent opportunity for an individual working toward a career in marine science to gain practical experience in the field. Ideal candidates possess a personal interest in marine ecology and a commitment to conservation research.

Marine research is difficult and challenging work, so being a Research Intern is not for everyone! Those who wish to participate in MRIP must be in good physical health, especially free of back and leg injuries, as the field hours (in the boat and in the lab) can be long - though very satisfying! This is not a program that certifies individuals in field research. It is, however, an experience that delivers a unique opportunity for education, development of field ecology research skills, travel, and enjoyment of wildlife.


Flores Island is the home of the Ahousaht First Nations peoples and is nestled in world-famous Clayoquot Sound, in the Pacific Coast rainforest. Flores is an excellent place to learn about marine ecology and the study of nature. Along with learning field and technical skills during the course of work, when the opportunity arises Research Interns may engage in informal talks with graduate students, take hikes along the Wild Side Trail, have beach campfires, and interact
with the Ahousaht First Nations peoples. Professors from the University of Victoria, local scientists and previous MRIP researchers will be frequent visitors to the field research station.

Flores Island's natural beauty, sandy beaches, and abundant wildlife will keep you enthralled. Being here is the experience of a lifetime.


To qualify as a candidate for the MRIP, see the preaplication process on our website: http://www.geog.uvic.ca/whalelab/seacr-application.html

Unlike many other volunteer internship opportunities, SEACR provides and organizes the room and board for our interns at cost. The internship package includes basic accommodations and three meals per day at the research station. Interns and research staff live together and are responsible for cooking and cleaning duties. Rooms are shared with at least one other person. The internship costs do not include transportation to and from the research camp on Flores Island, personal items, or special dietary requirements. A non-refundable $500 deposit is required upon acceptance to MRIP.

Two week Internship - $ 2000 Cdn
Four week Internship - $ 3000 Cdn

If you are interested in applying for a position, please see the details of our application process on our website http://www.geog.uvic.ca/whalelab/seacr-application.html
Questions regarding the MRIP application or internships can be directed by email to: whalelab@mail.geog.uvic.ca

Laura Joan Feyrer - SEACR Director
& Christina Tombach Wright - SEACR Intern Coordinator
Society for Ecological and Coastal Research
P.O. Box 35052
Victoria, British Columbia
Christina Tombach Wright
Wildlife Biologist / Marine Mammal Specialist

Voluntariado: zifios con IFAW!

Temporary Field Assistant required for summer 2009 cetacean research project in the north-eastern and mid-Atlantic.

IFAW's Song of the Whale research team is seeking experienced and enthusiastic individual(s) to join the team as temporary field work assistant(s) during a project in the north-eastern and mid-Atlantic during the summer of 2009. Working in close collaboration with other research groups, the project will take place during summer 2009, beginning in May, and will primarily focus on detecting beaked whales with passive acoustics, although other cetaceans will be documented/recorded too.

The project will be conducted from IFAW's dedicated sailing research vessel, Song of the Whale. SOTW is a 22 m long, purpose-built sailing research vessel with accommodation for 10.

Experience in boat-based field work on cetaceans, particularly acoustic research is required as is familiarity with the use of computers. The team onboard will be made up of IFAW staff, visiting scientists and volunteers/student interns. For further information about the SOTW team and projects please see www.ifaw.org/sotw
Specific information about life on board for interns is also posted on the website.

Availability for all or part of the project will be considered for the right candidate(s). Reasonable travel expenses and board and lodging onboard the boat will be provided and a small weekly allowance may also be available.

Please email a letter of interest and CV, outlining your previous experience, why you think you should be considered for the post and your availability between May and October to the following email address sotwteam@ifaw.org by the 24th of February 2009.

A member of the SOTW team will be at the ECS in Istanbul, please indicate in your email whether you are attending the ECS and we may be able to arrange a meeting.

Claire Lacey
Programme Assistant
Song of the Whale team
International Fund for Animal Welfare

Voluntariado: Orcas en Washington!

We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated individuals for an unpaid Internship in Killer Whale Conservation Research.

Program: University of Washington, Center for Conservation Biology
Location: San Juan Island, Washington.
Duration: 1 month minimum between May 15th, 2009 and October 15th, 2009 (priority will be given to applicants that can commit longer
than 1 month).

Project Summary

The Southern resident killer whale (SRKW) community of the Pacific Northwest experienced an unexplained 20.4% decline between 1995-2001, resulting in their listing as an endangered population. The UW- Center for Conservation Biology uses noninvasive hormone measures of
stress, nutrition and reproductive condition in feces to investigate three potential threats to the SRKW:

1.) Disturbance from private and commercial whale-watching vessels,
2.) Nutritional deficits associated with decline in SRKW primary prey, Chinook salmon,
3.) Endocrine disruption from toxins such as PCBs, PBDEs and DDT/DDE. We also use specially trained scat detection dogs to help us attain the sample sizes needed for this multivariate study. Use of dogs also allows us to acquire samples at greater distances from the killer whales allowing us to acquire valuable information from the scat while minimizing any potential impact of our research vessel on the whales.


1. Minimum of 20 hours/week working for the Center for Conservation Biology either assisting with killer whale scat collections on the boat, data entry, boat/equipment maintenance, scat detection dog care, proposal writing and/or sample processing in the lab. Activities will depend on killer whale presence and the current needs of the project.

2. Minimum of 1 day/week working for our collaborators informing the public about laws pertaining to marine mammals and recording data for various killer whale research projects.


-The ability to spend long days on a small research vessel.
-Arrange for your own housing on San Juan Island, Washington.

Katherine (the team leader) will assist in finding the most affordable housing in any way possible. If you are at all interested, contact Katherine ASAP and she can help you apply for housing at Friday Harbor Labs.

-Your own transportation to and from the Island as well as to and from the Harbor.
-Flexibility is really important as well as a positive attitude and a willingness to learn!

Competitive Bonuses that are not required:
-Field and/or lab research experience
-Experience operating and/or maintaining an outboard motor boat
-First aid certification

This internship is extremely intensive; however, you will come away with invaluable research experience from 2-3 different killer whale research projects. If interested please send a CV and cover letter to Katherine Ayres at kla5@u.washington.edu. Feel free to contact Katherine with any questions.

domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Voluntariado: centro de rescate en California!

The California Wildlife Center in Malibu, California, seeks applicants for spring and summer internships working with stranded marine mammals.
These are part time 8-week internship positions beginning March 15th (spring session) and May 15th (summer session). There is some flexibility of start dates. The internships are unpaid positions and interns are responsible for all housing and travel expenses. It is possible that interns may stay on the premises on a first come - first served basis (a small fee may apply). Must have own transportation and current drivers license.
Summary/Program Description:
The California Wildlife Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of injured, orphaned and sick native wildlife. CWC fulfills this mission through marine mammal rescue, and treatment of avian and terrestrial wildlife in our rehabilitation hospital.
This internship will provide an exciting and challenging educational experience in the marine mammal field, while also allowing for additionalhands-on experience with other native California wildlife. The interns will be working closely with the Marine Mammal program staff in all aspects of stranding response, including logistics, assessment, capture/restraint, transport to the marine mammal rehabilitation facility (California Wildlife Center does not provide rehabilitation services for marine mammals), and public relations. In addition, interns will provide support to CWC Hospital staff in animal husbandry tasks for avian and terrestrial wildlife.
Intern Responsibilities & Qualifications:
The internship is open to all applicants at least 18 years of age or older. Undergraduate students and non-students alike are encouraged to apply. If the intern intends to receive academic credit, the intern will be responsible for making all arrangements with their educational institutions. Spring internships are 3 days a week, 24 hours per week for 8 weeks. Summer internships are 4 days a week, 32 hours per week for 8 weeks.
- Due to the unpredictable nature of marine mammal stranding response, interns may sometimes be required to work beyond their normal scheduled hours.
- Interns must be able and willing to work flexible hours including weekends and holidays.
- Interns will be required to have good physical strength and the ability to lift/carry 50 lbs.
- Interns need to have the ability to multitask and work in a fast paced environment.
- Animal care and/or marine mammal experience is a plus but not required.
Under supervision of Marine Mammal staff, duties will include:
* Answering and responding to all calls, pages and messages concerning marine mammals in a timely and courteous manner
* Assessing stranded marine mammals
* Coordinating and leading responder team in the capture and handling of stranded marine mammals needing medical attention
* Coordinating transport of stranded marine mammals to the rehabilitation facility
* Completion of NMFS Level A data sheets. Maintaining detailed database records of Malibu strandings, including reports of stranding, human interaction issues, etc.
* Assist with marine mammal necropsy and sample collection
* Ensuring marine mammal-designated equipment is kept in clean working order
* Maintaining good rapport with representatives of various public agencies
Application Process:
Interested individuals must send the following:
* Letter of intent (please indicate which session [Spring or Summer] you would like to apply for)* Resume
* Two letters of reference
Submit the above items via regular mail or email (preferred) to:
California Wildlife Center
Attn: Cynthia Reyes
P.O. Box 2022
California 90265
If you would like to find out more about our Organization, please visit ourwebsite at http://www.californiawildlifecenter.org

Empleo: Doctorado con focas!

PROJECT TITLE: The ontogeny of personality in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus).
SUPERVISORS: Dr. Sean Twiss (Durham University), Dr. Patrick Pomeroy (SMRU, University of St. Andrews)
FUNDING: This project is in competition for funding from various sources (UK research councils, Durham Doctoral Fellowships, charitable trusts). Success will depend on the quality of applications received, relative to those for competing projects.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 15th of February 2009
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: see below, or via the following link:
It is now widely recognised that non-human animals have personalities, defined as individual behavioural differences that are consistent over time and/or across contexts. Recent studies have demonstrated the existence of personalities in a remarkably broad range of taxa from mammals to molluscs. Such personality traits have been shown to be heritable and therefore subject to selection, with potentially significant impacts on individual fitness. However, as yet the vast majority of studies of personality in non-human species have been restricted to laboratory studies, and there have been many recent calls for research that examines the ecological relevance of personality in natural systems.
This studentship will capitalise upon an existing long term study of individual variation in behaviour and reproductive performance in the grey seal to ask if maternal and offspring (pup) behavioural types (personalities) are correlated, and to examine the role of early personality type on social relationships in weaned pups.
The main objectives of this studentship will be:
(1) To test for correlations between maternal and offspring indices of behavioural type.
(2) To test whether offspring behavioural type is predicted by maternal behavioural type or maternal and/or pup state (body condition) and whether this differs for male and female pups. (3) To examine ontogenetic changes in pup behavioural types during lactation and beyond weaning.
(4) To examine the impact of behavioural type on the social behaviour of male and female weaned pups within the breeding colony.
The project will involve extensive field based behavioural observations of individually identified grey seals at breeding colonies around the UK combined with novel in-field quantitative experimental tests of individual personality. Candidates will require the ability to conduct prolonged field work in isolated and harsh conditions as part of a small field research team.
Candidates should demonstrate a capability for planning and implementing structured field observations and behavioural experiments. An understanding and appreciation of behavioural and evolutionary ecology is essential, and experience in multivariate statistics is desirable.
The student will gain extensive training in field behavioural observation, compilation and maintenance of photo-ID database, spatial data manipulation and analyses within a GIS, statistical analyses (including quantifying personality and social associations), organisation of fieldwork logistics and safety in remote, isolated locations. The student will present work at national and international conferences.
To take advantage of all funding possibilities, applications must be received by (or on) the 15th of February.
All applications for postgraduate study must be made online via the Graduate School at http://www.dur.ac.uk/postgraduate/apply/.
In addition, a full CV and covering letter (detailing your reasons for applying for the project) should be emailed to Dr Sean Twiss at s.d.twiss@durham.ac.uk
If you have any further questions about the School, the University or the application process you should, in the first instance, contact
Ashley Graven,
Research Administrator in the School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences.
Telephone: +44 (0)191 334 1200
Ashley Graven
Research Administrator
School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Durham University
South Road
Durham DH1 3LE UK
Information about the School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences can be found on our website http://www.dur.ac.uk/biological.sciences/
Information about the postgraduate community and the University as a whole can be found on the web pages http://www.dur.ac.uk/postgraduate/ and http://www.dur.ac.uk/about/.
Dr. Sean Twiss,
Lecturer in Behavioural Ecology,
Zoology Degree Route Coordinator,
School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences,
South Road,
The University of Durham,
Durham, DH1 3LE,UK.
Tel: +44 (0)191 334 1350 (office)
Tel: +44 (0)191 334 1247 (lab)
Fax: +44 (0)191 334 1201

Voluntariado: Rehabilitación de mamíferos marinos en Maine!

Rehabilitation Internship Program
The University of New England's Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center is currently accepting applications for our summer Marine Animal Rehabilitation Internship Program.
We are looking for highly motivated, dynamic candidates who will work closely in a team setting with staff and volunteers to assist with all aspects of veterinary care and husbandry of sick and injured seals, cetaceans and/or sea turtles. Other responsibilities include but are not limited to: Daily care of animals, transport and/or field response to live/dead marine animals, water quality testing, maintenance of daily food and medical records, necropsy, education/docent tours and computer entry of data.
An internship project (to be discussed/assigned by staff) will be completed during the internship program. These positions are unpaid and interns are required to find their own housing and transportation. Interns should expect to be scheduled to cover weekday shifts, as well as nights, weekends and holidays. The ideal candidate should be mature and motivated, and possess a strong work ethic and excellent observational and communication skills.
Application requirements:
- College Sophomore, Junior or Senior (recent graduates may also apply)
- Minimum GPA 2.5
- Transcript (unofficial copy acceptable)
- Two Letters of Recommendation
- Letter of Intent
Letter of Intent Should Include:
- Qualities that you will contribute to our program
- Your goals and objectives in participating in our program
Successful completion of internship includes presentation of project at the end of internship term.
Application Deadline: March 1
Summer Internship: May - September
Internship dates are flexible around school schedules and can be discussed upon acceptance to program.
All applications will be reviewed. Qualified applicants will be contacted for a phone interview. Submit applications/ inquiries to:
Anne Watson
Volunteer/Internship Coordinator
Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center
University of New England
11 Hills Beach Road
Biddeford, Maine 04005

Voluntariado: Alaska!

Petersburg Marine Mammal Center Internship Opportunity
Located in Petersburg, Alaska´s Little Norway, this project takes place on Mitkof Island in the heart of the Tongass National Forest. Petersburg is also known as the Whale Research Capital of Alaska because of the many world renown marine mammal researchers who use Petersburg as a base of operation.
PMMC is a non-profit organization formed in 1998 to assist research efforts and be a depository for information on research and sightings of marine mammals in Southeast Alaska. We have a small center located in the Viking Travel Building Which is on Main Street in downtown Petersburg. The center is manned by interns during the summer months and the Board of Directors carries out the functions of PMMC year-round.
This intern program allows students the opportunity to earn college credit while learning about marine mammals and serving the public. Indoor exhibits, including an interactive computer kiosk, focus on marine mammal life history and distribution. Two interns will be working at the Center staggered shifts for seven days out a week where the work includes, but is not limited to:
- Staff the Center during open hours.
- Manage operations, sales and petty cash.
- Interpret Alaska marine mammal information for Center visitors and public.
- Assist and help coordinate where possible with researchers using center.
- Prepare/deliver Alaska marine mammal presentations to visitors and small groups.
- Facilitate community outreach and public education of Alaska marine mammals.
Project Duration:
Two 8-10 week Intern positions are available beginning mid-June through August 31st.
The volunteer will be accommodated in Forest Service housing near the center of town, making it easy to access to the community and to the Center.
Internship Requirements:
- must be in an internship program through an accredited university
- physically fit
- desire to gain skills in the environmental education field?
- interested in working with visitors
- possess an interest in working on small projects for the Center
- possess a positive attitude!
Travel (contingent/negotiable) to and from Petersburg to Seattle or Anchorage, lodging, and $300/ month (taxable stipend). Occasional trips to observe marine mammals and other trips with Board of Directors tour operators on a space and time available basis. Other perks are included in the prospectus.
Application Procedure and Deadline:
Applications deadline is February 28th, 2009 and successful applicant(s) will be notified by March 15th, 2009. Internship Prospectus and Application PDF can be downloaded from the PMMC Website: http://psgmmc.org/pages/involved/internships.html
Please address all questions to the center at info@psgmmc.org
Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20817

Actividades: Máster Mamíferos Marinos!

One-year research Master's course in Marine Mammal Science
We are now accepting applications for the 2009/10 entry into the Master of Research (MRes) course in Marine Mammal Science based at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. This is a unique, one-year postgraduate course intended to prepare students for a professional career in marine mammal research and conservation. The programme is tailored to address the scientific challenges of marine mammal physiology, behaviour and population biology with strong components of analytical methodology, laboratory work, and field study.
The course is being taught by members of the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) and the School of Biology, with some modules jointly organised with CREEM (Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling).
Applications for the upcoming academic year (starting September 2009) must be received by Wednesday 15th April 2009. For further information on the course, entry requirements and how to apply see http://bio.st-andrews.ac.uk/mms/.
Please direct all enquiries to email: mresmammals@st-andrews.ac.uk
postal address:
MRes MMS Secretary,
School of Biology,
Gatty Marine Laboratory,
University of St Andrews,
St Andrews, Fife,
KY16 8LB, UK
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland: NoSC013532

Voluntariado: Kenya!

I am writing on behalf of Global Vision International who are seeking expedition members for our conservation projects in Kenya.

Expedition members are required to join the GVI research team throughout the year to participate in terrestrial and marine wildlife research, and community development projects on the Kenyan coast of the western Indian Ocean, East Africa. There is also a free Careers Abroad fieldwork placement and job vacancy service for all expedition members once they have participated in an expedition.

Research projects are dynamic and community development projects vary according to the changing priorities of the communities we support. The main projects include research on and conservation of; cetacean populations, including bottlenose and humpback dolphins and seasonal research on spinner dolphins and humpback whales, turtle snorkel surveys, primates including the Angolan black and white colobus and coastal forest biodiversity.

Community development projects include teaching English in primary schools, environmental education, adult education classes, human-wildlife conflict and alternative livelihood projects.

We also have internships, which offer participants the chance to work alongside wildlife conservationprofessionals and play a part in the long-term conservation of two of Kenya’s most important protected areas: Kisite-Mpunguti Marine Protected Area and Tsavo West National Park.

Expedition focus:
Volunteers will rotate on a weekly basis around our marine research, coastal forest research, coastal teaching & community development and Tsavo West community development programmes. Volunteers receive thorough training at the beginning of each programme including research survey techniques, data collection, species identification including cetaceans, marine turtles, primates and birds as well GVI’s introduction to TEFL course. An optional BTEC qualification in Supervision of Biological Surveys is also available and volunteers will build upon their training, gaining knowledge and developing practical field skills throughout their time on the programmes. First Aid & CPR training is provided along with all health and safety protocols relevant to the expedition and university/college credits may also be available. We also provide basic Kiswahili lessons and ample opportunity to practice as well as opportunities to arrange side trips to other habitats and locations.

Highlights of the programme:
- Gain experience in both marine and terrestrial research including marine mammal surveys and primate behaviour.
- Receive comprehensive training at our Mkwiro base on Wasini Island adjacent to the Kisite-Mpunguti Marine Protected Area, Kenya’s most famous dolphin-watching location and premier coral reef dive site.
- Learn marine mammal and turtle survey techniques including photo-identification.
- Spend time at our mainland base in Shimoni, a national historical conservation area and home to Kenya’s second largest population of Angolan black and white colobus in coastal forests that are recognised as a Global Biodiversity Hotspot.
- Receive training in primate research, including behavioural studies, and learn a diverse range of biodiversity surveys.
- Take the opportunity to gain a BTEC qualification in Supervising Biological Surveys supported by a unique broad range of field experience.
- Undertake GVI’s Introduction to TEFL course and teach English in local schools as well as environmental education.
- Work with former wildlife poachers on the edge of Tsavo West national park, camping in the shadow of Mt Kilimanjaro, to develop alternative livelihoods that will promote both community development and conservation.
- Learn about human-wildlife conflict in modern rural Africa and practical ways that communities can co-exist with wildlife.
- Immerse yourself in traditional Swahili culture and experience the cultural, geographic and biological diversity of Kenya in some of its most beautiful and off-the-beaten track locations.

Further details including a detailed briefing are outlined on the relevant webpage at

Global Vision International Critical conservation and humanitarian projects in over 40 countries rely on GVI for volunteers, promotion and direct funding. GVI works locally with its partners to promote sustainable development through environment research, conservation and education.

GVI volunteers benefit from exceptional support, training, internship and traineeship schemes.

For more information about GVI visit www.gvi.co.uk.

Career Opportunities in the field:
GVI offers a large range of jobs, internships and other exciting field work placements in the fields of education, research, environmental management and wildlife research alongside its partner organizations in countries across the world. Candidates undertaking internships or placements will be in a stronger position to apply for paid field positions. Many current GVI staff have obtained their positions in this way. More details can be seen on

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Richard Walton

Global Vision International
3 High Street
St Albans
01727 250 250

Actividades: curso Comportamiento!

Dolphin Research Center, a not-for-profit research and educational organization, would like to announce a summer course in Cognitive and Behavioral Marine Mammal Research.

The program is a seven-day, in-depth, hands-on immersion into the field of marine mammal science. The course material surveys a wide-range of knowledge, theories and ongoing research concerning dolphins. By working with staff on DRC research studies, students gain a greater understanding of dolphins' cognitive abilities and social behavior, as well as deeper insight into research concepts and methodology.

Seminar Topics & Focused Activities Include:
- Review of Dolphin Anatomy & Physiology,
- Physiological Research,
- Research Project Design,
- DRC's Current Research,
- Marine Mammal Cognition,
- Research Law Requirements,
- Behavior & Ecology,
- Research in Acoustics & Communication.

Hands-On Activities Include:
- Assisting research staff in conducting current cognitive research sessions,
- learning and conducting observation sessions,
- participating in additional research activities.

Cost: The cost of the course is $1700.00 (US). Tuition includes all seminars, activities, meals and lodging

Dates: 6/20/09 - 6/26/09 or 8/22/09 - 8/28/09

Place: Grass Key, Florida, USA.

For more information please visit
http://www.dolphins.org/dolphin_lab_campAdult_careerFocused.php<http://www.dolphins.org/dolphin_lab_course_dates.php> , or contact us at 305/289-1121 x 225
or education@dolphins.org.

DRC Publications:
Jaakkola, K., Fellner, W., Erb, L., Rodriguez, A. M., & Guarino, E. (2005).Understanding the concept of numerically "less" by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Comparative Psychology.

Actividades: Marine Mammal Observers!

Scanning Ocean Sectors, a Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) training company and Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), recognised course for industry and research.

We have years of research behind the effective training of MMOs with courses adapted to the requirements of the clients, and taught by professionals in their specialised fields.

*Please note that the early registration on the March course will close soon *
Registration will close two weeks before course starts.

There will be *ONLY ONE MMO COURSE IN MARCH 2009 *

We are now running Passive Acoustic Monitoring courses for MMOs (March PAM course is 26th & 27th 2009). This course is booking up quickly so don't leave it late.

Please visit our website for more information and to register for all courses. When you register for a course the course prices will be sent directly to you. There are limited numbers for each course so please book early to avoid disappointment. If anyone is interested in advertising in our newsletter please contact us for the next issue.


Yvonne Miles
9 Long Street
Point Vernon
Hervey Bay
QLD 4655
0431 824 063 mob
07 4124 8320 land line

jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Voluntariado: Cardigan Bay -Escocia!

Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre, New Quay, Wales
Marine Wildlife Volunteers needed
Are you planning a career in the marine environment or conservation?
Internships and volunteer positions are available at the Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre. Volunteering is a great way to develop skills and gain essential experience! Reliable & enthusiastic people are needed to help with our ongoing research, education and interpretation programmes concerning the marine wildlife of Cardigan Bay. We primarily study the bottlenose dolphins through photo-identification, and also monitor harbour porpoise and Atlantic grey seal populations.
Volunteers play a vital role in the Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre's work. The centre relies on the generous help of volunteers & interns to undertake its work and greatly appreciates your time. Please note enthusiasm for our work and the marine environment is as valued as experience, since training is provided.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to make a positive contribution to marine wildlife conservation and to gain knowledge and experience of the species and habitats in Cardigan Bay. It can be a great chance to gain experience of field work, research methods and public awareness and education programmes. Gain essential skills for a career in the environment or conservation such as developing your fundraising, interpersonal and data processing skills as well as meeting and socialising with people who share your interests.
If you have any specific skills or experience such as in website creation, fundraising, the media, DIY skills, exhibition, interior or graphic design and would like to help with project development, please contact us.
We also welcome undergraduate and postgraduate students who need boat support and office space to conduct their research projects. Please contact us to discuss whether your project ideas are feasible.
For further information
To find out more about the Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre and what activities you would be involved in visit www.cbmwc.org/volunteer/become_vol.asp. If you have any questions please email volunteer@cbmwc.org with an appropriate subject line or call Sarah on 01545 560032.
Volunteering at CBMWC
Desired skills:
An interest in wildlife and conservation is most important, along with reliability, enthusiasm and willingness to work in a conscientious and responsible manner. As you will be dealing with the public on a daily basis it is also important that you are fluent in speaking English. We welcome people with experience working with children, the public or in environmental interpretation or education, however this is not essential. Indeed this is a great opportunity to gain skills in these areas. Good verbal and written communication skills, IT, design and fundraising skills are likewise useful but not essential.
Time commitment:
Volunteers are needed from April until November 2009. We ask for a minimum commitment of 2 weeks (due to training), ideally volunteers would be able to commit longer. Volunteers living locally who are available on a part-time basis are also welcome year round and are greatly appreciated.
Accommodation and expense arrangements:
Basic accommodation can be arranged for committed volunteers (approx £50 per week). Volunteers are responsible for their own food, travel and accommodation costs.
How to get involved…
It's easy to get involved simply download an application form from our website www.cbmwc.org/volunteer/become_vol.asp, complete it and email it to volunteer@cbmwc.org with 'Volunteer application 2009' in your subject line or alternatively post your application form. Please make sure you fill in your availability. We look forward to hearing from you.
Postal address:
FAO: Sarah Perry
Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre
Patent Slip Building, Glanmor Terrace
New Quay, Ceredigion
Wales, SA45 9PS

Eventos internacionales: Escocia!

The Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling (CREEM) is hosting two linked workshops in the summer of 2009 in our purpose-built facilities at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. The aim of these workshops is to train participants in the latest methods for design and analysis of distance sampling surveys, including line and point transects.
The workshops are taught by leading researchers in the field, using industry-standard software. The first workshop (18-21 August) will run at an introductory level, and will focus on "conventional" distance sampling methods, as described in the standard reference book / Introduction to Distance Sampling./ The workshop will be a blend of theory and practice and participants will learn how to use the program /Distance./ Participants will gain a solid grounding in both survey design and methods of analysis for distance sampling surveys.
The advanced distance sampling workshop (24-28 August) will include advanced treatment of: incorporating covariates in detection function modelling, analyses in which detectability on the transect line is not assumed to be perfect (the so-called g(0) problem), automated survey design, advanced stratified survey analysis, advanced trend analysis, and adaptive survey designs.
New for 2009, we are adding two days to the workshop to discuss density surface modelling; a model-based inference procedure that provides estimates of abundance using predictor variables that may influence where animals a located within the study region. Density surface modelling will be performed using a new version of Distance (Distance 6). The aim of this workshop is to bring participants up to date with the latest developments in distance sampling methods and software. It is also an opportunity for those actively engaged in the design, analysis and execution of distance sampling surveys to discuss common issues and problems, and set future research directions. The workshop will be a combination of lectures and computer sessions, with considerable time for discussion.
For both workshops, participants are encouraged to bring their own data sets, and can expect to do some preliminary analyses with their data. Computer sessions take place in our modern computer classroom (attached to the seminar room); participants can use our computers or bring their own laptop computers.
Additional details regarding the workshop can be found at our website
Eric Rexstad
Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St. Andrews
St. Andrews Scotland KY16 9LZ
+44 (0)1334 461833
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No SC013532

Voluntariado: Islandia!

Faxafloi Bay isa bay facing Reykjavik city where daily tours are arranged to spot feeding Minke whales, white-beaked dolphins, Humpback whales and harbour porpoises. Reykjavik Whale-watching Company is running whale-watching trips since 1998, with special interest in all whales visiting the bay. The company is member of Green Globe 21 and tries to fulfil environmental standards as well as certain whale-watching guidelines. Since 2007, the Company started as well a Research project aiming to:
- recognize individually minke whales and white-beaked dolphins photographed
- investigate the distribution of minke whales and dolphins in association with underlying environmental variables
- study the breathing patterns
- analyse the feeding behaviour of minke whales and data collected on associated bird species
- analyse the relation between the presence of whales, environmental variables and boat traffic
Research will begin on the last week of April and will extend to the end of August 2009. I am seeking 2 research assistants (mid April-end August) to assist with the collection of behavioural data on Minke whales and white-beaked dolphins in Faxafloi Bay,Reykjavik, Iceland (Photo-id pictures and breathing rates will be occasionally collected also for Humpback whales). Because of the training required, applicants must be willing to commit to the project a minimum of two months. Applicants willing to participate for the whole working period will be given preference.
Two whale-watching motor vessels will be used as research platform: Elding and Hafs?lan each approx 30 m long.
The project will cover accommodation and lunch during the working hours. Living space is located on a former fishing boat in the old harbour, with 1 double and 3 single rooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room and internet access (25 square metres); 10 min walking distance to the city centre. Volunteers will have to cover all travel and personal expenses on their own.
Applicants should be ready to work long hours (08:00 to 16.00 or to 20.00 hours depending on weather conditions) and be expected to participate in the following duties:
- collect behavioural data on cetacean sightings
- data entry for cetacean sightings
- photo-identification work/fin matching
Applicants should:
- have a strong background in Marine biology-Oceanography,
- knowledge and experience of marine mammal behaviour and/or sea birds
- have previous field experience,
- photo-identification skills
- ability to stand long working days, sometimes in rough sea conditions
- be computer literate with a working knowledge PC operating system and proficiency with MS Word and MS Excel.
- Familiarity with software including MS Access and Photoshop is very helpful.
- Possibility to bring your own Laptop is much preferred
- be enthusiastic, hard-working, team oriented, able to share small living space on board
- be adaptable, flexible and patient as fieldwork is highly weather dependent
- have good English language skills
- bring your own digital camera, binoculars and GPS (useful but not a pre-requisite)
If interested or got queries, please contact me sending:
- CV or resume (please include also dietary choice for planning purposes: i.e. carnivore, vegetarian, vegan,etc.)
- details of your availability
- contact details of two references
- a brief description of yourself including your interest in marine mammals and what you hope to gain from this experience
Chiara Bertulli
Marinebiologist/Research Coordinator
c/o Reykjavi Whale-watching Company
gisgardur 7
101 Reykjavi
University of Iceland Biology Department
e-mail: cgb1@hi.is
Skype: chiara.giulia.bertulli

domingo, 18 de enero de 2009

Voluntariado: Croacia!

Dear Students,

We still have some volunteer places available over the summer at the Adriatic Dolphin Project in Croatia. The Adriatic Dolphin Project (ADP) is the longest ongoing study of a resident population of common bottlenose dolphins in the Mediterranean Area. It is run by the Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation (Blue World), a Non Governmental Organisation, formed to carry out scientific research, conservation and awareness of the marine environment with particular emphasis on the Adriatic and Mediterranean seas.

Volunteers spend 12 days living and working with the research staff of the ADP in Veli Loŝinj, Croatia. During this time you can expect to participate in boat-based dolphin surveys (sea conditions permitting) including acoustical, behavioural, navigational and photo ID data collection. You will receive training on dolphin survey techniques, basic data analysis of behavioural, acoustical and navigational data.

There cost of two weeks is €820-890 (€740-€810 for students) depending on the time of year, which includes fuel for the boat, food, accommodation in the ADP house, research supervision, training and Blue World membership. It does not include travel to Croatia or to Veli Loŝinj.
You should be able to speak English and be at least 18 years old to take part.

For more information please contact andrea.boric@blue-world.org and see our website at www.blue-world.org (click the Conservation & Education link).

Yours faithfully,

Andrea Boric.
Andrea Borić
Adriatic Dolphin Projcet
Kaštel 24
51551 Veli Lošinj
Tel: +385 51 604 666
Fax: +385 51 604 668
Email: andrea.boric@blue-world.org

Eventos Internacionales: Carolina del Norte!

SEAMAMMS 2009 will be hosted at UNC Wilmington from April 3-5 2009.
For information on registration, abstract submission, lodging and directions please access the website www.uncw.edu/seamamms
Best wishes - D. Ann Pabst
D. Ann Pabst
Biology and Marine Biology
University of North Carolina Wilmington
601 S. College Rd.Wilmington, NC 28403
Phone: 910-962-7266
Fax: 910-962-4066

Voluntariado: Carolina del Sur!

The Marine Mammal and Protected Resources (MMPR) Program in Charleston, South Carolina is recruiting to fill two Dolphin Photo-identification Internship positions for the summer of 2009.
The MMPR is organized within NOAA's National Ocean Service and is located at the Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research (CCEHBR) laboratory in Charleston, SC.
The intern position involves a commitment of 20 hours per week extending over a 15 week period from Monday, May 4, 2009 to Friday, August 14, 2009. There is some flexibility in these start andend times.
Interns will participate in the field and laboratory activities of the Charleston Dolphin Abundance and Distribution Project (CDAD). Three useful sources of information about the CDAD project are:
1) Zolman, E. 2002. Residence patterns of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiopstruncatus) in the Stono River estuary, Charleston County, South Carolina. Marine Mammal Science 18:879-892;
2) The Charleston Dolphin Abundance and Distribution (CDAD) Project: Standard Operating Protocols (SOP) for Field and Photographic Analysis Procedures;
3) Speakman, T., E. Zolman, J. Adams, R.H. Defran, D. Laska, L. Schwacke, J. Craigie, and P. Fair. 2006. Temporal and spatial aspects of bottlenose dolphin occurrence in coastal and estuarine waters near Charleston, South Carolina. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 37.
You can download pdf versions of these documents at the web sites listed below.
The CDAD project carries out boat-based photo-identification surveys inthe coastal and inland waterways of the Charleston SC area. This research is designed to provide an understanding of the population characteristics, including temporal and spatial aspects, of the distribution of Charleston area Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. The internship offers an excellent opportunity for qualified and motivated individuals to obtain field and laboratory training in photo-identification methodology and analysis under the mentorship of experienced dolphin researchers.
There is no compensation for this internship position and the successful applicant will be responsible for their living and transportation expenses during the time of the internship. During the internship interns must have a personal vehicle to allow them to travel to and from the laboratory and to some of the local field sites in the Charleston area.
Ideal internship applicants will be advanced undergraduates or a recent graduate of a scientifically oriented university program in the behavioral or biological sciences. A typical applicant should have a strong interest in the scientific study of cetacean behavioral ecology, have potential interests in future graduate study in marine mammal science, and is an individual who seeks extensive and intensive exposure to the field work, data analysis techniques, and research literature in this field. Preference will begiven to the selection of interns with well developed computer skills and boat-based field experience.
The internship application will consist of a letter of interest, transcripts of university coursework and two letters of recommendation from professors or research supervisors who are familiar with your scholarship, research skills and work habits. Interested applicants should first correspond with Todd Speakman by email before preparing and submitting application materials.
Weanticipate filling this internship position by the first week of March 2009.
Interested applicants should correspond by email to Todd Speakman Email:

Voluntariado: MERI en Maine!

The Marine Environmental Research Institute (MERI), a nonprofit organization based in Blue Hill, Maine, is recruiting to fill a Watershed Research Internship position for the field season 2009. This is a full-time position requiring a commitment from early April through October.
MERI is a scientific research and education organization dedicated to understanding the impacts of environmental pollutants on wildlife and human health, and to interpreting this information to a broad audience. Current projects include a watershed monitoring initiative, phytoplankton (red tide) monitoring, and a long-term eco-toxicological investigation of northwestern Atlantic harbor seals.
This is an excellent opportunity for an individual working toward a career in marine or freshwater ecology, environmental and natural sciences, or chemistry to gain practical experience in the field and in the lab. The ideal candidate will possess a personal interest in environmental monitoring and a commitment to the mission of the organization.
Primary Job Responsibility:
This position will involve assisting the Research Department with the implementation of the Blue Hill Bay Watershed Monitoring Project. Primary responsibilities will include water quality sampling at fresh and marine water sites, water chemistry analysis in the field and in the lab, data entry and analysis. Additional duties may include assisting with phytoplankton monitoring and research dissemination/outreach activities.
Job Description:
* Conduct in-situ water quality monitoring using a Data Sonde multiprobe and sample collection at marine and freshwater sites throughout the Blue Hill Bay Watershed
* Perform lab chemistries and bacterial culture preparation and analysis following established standard operating procedures and quality assurance protocols
* Assist with data entry in the field and in the lab and updating of laboratory records and logs
* Assist with preparation of result summaries, reports, fact sheets and Power Point presentations
* Articulate and promote the MERI mission to the public
* Perform other duties relating to the organization's goals and mission as required
Reports to: Watershed Project Coordinator and Research Staff.
Applicants should possess a BA or BS degree in ecology, environmental sciences, marine sciences, chemistry or a related major (Juniors and Seniors may also apply). Field and laboratory experience, good writing skills and a basic knowledge of statistics is required. Experience with spectrophotometers and multi-parameter probes, knowledge of habitat assessment techniques and familiarity with environmental sampling and monitoring methods is preferred.
Applicants must also be able to work outside in a variety of environmental conditions, be comfortable working ona marine research vessel and be available to work occasional nights, weekends, and holidays as needed. Knowledge of computer software including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel required; photography, ArcGIS, statistics (SPSS), and graphics experience is desirable but not necessary.
Applicant must possess a valid driver's license and a good driving record.
Time Requirements: April 20th - October 30th. Full-time (40 hours/week); additional hours to be agreed upon by employee and Director.
Stipend and housing in Blue Hill. Housing is located within walking distance to Marine Environmental Research Institute.
To Apply:
If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit by e-mail or mail a current CV and three references to: scromwell@meriresearch.org
Marine Environmental Research Institute (MERI)
PO Box 1652, 55
Main Street
Blue Hill, ME 04616
Tel: (207) 374-2135
Fax: (207) 374-2931
MERI is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Simone Cromwell
Watershed Project Coordinator
Marine Environmental Research Institute
55 Main Street, PO Box 1652
Blue Hill, ME 04614

Voluntariado: Maine!

Allied Whale, the marine mammal research lab of College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine, conducts population and foraging ecology of fin and humpback whales in the Gulf of Maine using photo ID, genetic, and stable isotope sampling. The lab also responds to marine mammal strandings on the Maine Coast and operates the Bar Harbor Whale Museum.

Allied Whale is dedicated to education through research, and relies upon student and volunteer help with photo ID, catalogue curation, marine mammal stranding response, and museum operation.

Summer fieldwork, in which students and volunteers are encouraged to take part, is conducted from the mainland as well as from our offshore marine research station. Our team operates a small fleet of research vessels and often has the opportunity to work aboard local whale watch boats. Interns for the 2009 field season will be involved in data collection and analysis and various other research and marine mammal response operations.

Interns will spend time working on the water aboard rigid hull inflatables or our 26' cuddy-cabin vessel. Research activities are varied but may include photographing and biopsying fin whales and humpback whales, conducting biological surveys, taking part in oceanographic data collection, and observing behavior from shore-based and whale-watch platforms.

Boats are launched from the mainland, as well as from our research station on Mount Desert Rock, a small island 26 miles offshore, where interns will be based for short periods of time.

Some days will also be spent working in the office matching and cataloguing photographs collected from the current and previous seasons, entering and transcribing data, and maintaining field equipment. There will be some opportunity to work on other projects, if interested, though the main focus of the internships will be on data collection and analysis.

Other ongoing projects include:
- Working with our Marine Mammal Stranding Response Program to respond to stranded marine mammals alongthe Maine coast, performing health assessments, obtaining NOAA level A data, and transporting animals torehab facilities.
- Assisting in the operation of the Bar Harbor Whale Museum, which includes exhibit curation, interpretation, andpublic outreach.
- Collecting photo ID, location, and behavioral data of fin whales and humpback whales while aboard local whalewatch boats, in conjunction with the whale watch interns.

Two interns are needed from late May / early June to mid September. A fee covering housing and a deposit must be paid in full by May 1. All positions are unpaid, however room and board is provided during stays on MDR.

Applicant Requirements:
- Ability to work and live under adverse conditions both on and off the water
- Ability to work well with others in close quarters for extended periods of time
- Willingness to work on datasets, administrative tasks, and other office tasks when not in the field
- Strong interest in marine/environmental sciences
- Strong work ethic and enthusiasm
- Data management skills recommended
- Previous experience with fin and/or humpback photo ID useful
- Knowledge of Gulf of Maine cetaceans, sea birds, and pinnipeds helpful
- Experience working in Excel and Adobe Photoshop a plus

Please contact Robin Sewall with questions at the email address below. Application review will begin March 8, 2009. Applicants should email a CV, three references, and cover letter outlining your interest in this position to rsewall@coa.edu with subject 'Internship 2009', or mail to:

Internship Coordinator
Allied Whale
105 Eden Street
Bar Harbor ME 04609

Empleo: Maine!

Research Assistant / Deckhand Position:

Allied Whale, the marine mammal research lab of the College of the Atlantic located in Bar Harbor, Maine, seeks Research Assistants for the 2009 summer field season.

The RAs will assist with research and data collection on our long-term population studies of humpback and fin whales, as well as work as a deckhand aboard a local whale watch boat.

Research responsibilities include photo identification of whales and data collection/entry. Deckhand responsibilities include line handling, vessel cleaning, and passenger safety. Training will be provided.

The applicant should have a college background in biology and/or zoology. Some knowledge of research methods is an advantage. Knowledge of marine mammals and seabirds is an asset. Previous experience in photography (conventional and digital) is helpful but not required. Applicants must be positive, flexible, able to work independently, and resistant to sea-sickness.

This is an entry level research position designed to offer experience for individuals seeking to develop their professional careers in marine mammal research. The position begins June 1st and applicants must be able to work through October with no other commitments. Hours will vary depending on schedules and provided housing is mandatory for a fee.

Application deadline is March 8, 2009. Please email a cover letter detailing your reasons for applying, a resume, and two or more letters of reference/recommendation to Robin Sewall at rsewall@coa.edu, or mail to:

Whale Watch R/A Apps

Allied Whale

105 Eden St.

Bar Harbor, Maine 04609