Hello,I am recruiting one research assistant for a period of approximately three weeks (May and beginning of June) to conduct cetacean research in Mauritania, which is located in Northwest Africa bordering the Sahara desert.
The works consists of patrolling the whole Mauritanian coast, from the Parc National du Banc d´Arguin to the border with Senegal, in a 4-wheel drive and collect as much data and biological material as possible.
DUTIES of the research assistant:
- be prepared to work long hours under the sun and for consecutive days;
- assist with dissections if stranded animals are found;
- assist in the collection of all kinds of biological material;
- assist with Morphometric analysis of delphinid skulls;
- collect plankton and fish samples;
- participate in the laboratory activities.
- Background in biology, marine and environmental sciences or a related field;
- Speak French is a plus (not essential) and a second language, such as Portuguese, Spanish or English;
- Preferably have previous field experience (not mandatory)
- Be prepared to live and work in a very simple manner, as Mauritania is a country with few resources and considered to be quite poor.
There is NO COMPENSATION for this work as it is entirely a VOLUNTEER position. The successful research assistant will be responsible for its own transportation to Nouakchott and living expenses (approx. 10-15 ?/day) during the time of the volunteering.
This research position is ideal for people who want to gain some hands-on experience in the field of cetacean research and that might even want to pursue a future career in this field of expertise. This person should also like to travel and get to know other cultures.
send an e-mail to one of the following addresses: or and attach a copy of your CV and a motivation letter briefly explaining why you´re interested in this volunteer position.
Details related to the field work will be passed on to the successful candidate on plane fairs, accommodation, live style and costs, etc., as well as information on cetaceans that inhabit Mauritanian waters (bibliographic material).
To those of you, who read until the end THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST!
Ana Pinela
PhD Candidate
Universitat de Barcelona
Facultat de Biologia
Dept. Biologia Animal (Vertebrados)
Av. Diagonal 645,
1st floor
Tel: +34 93 402 1453
Fax: +34 93 403 5740
sábado, 26 de abril de 2008
jueves, 17 de abril de 2008
Actividades: WOC!
WOC está preparando más cursos para este verano-otoño. Aquí os cuelgo algunos de los cursos en preparación para que vayáis consultando su página conforme la información vaya saliendo.
-TÉCNICAS DE ESTUDIO Y PROBLEMAS DE CONSERVACIÓN DE FAUNA AMENAZADA: Lince Ibérico (Lynx pardinus) , Jaguar (Pantera onca), Nutria Gigante del Amazonas (Pteronura brasiliensis) y Delfín de río (Inia geoffrensis).
Un saludo!!
-TÉCNICAS DE ESTUDIO Y PROBLEMAS DE CONSERVACIÓN DE FAUNA AMENAZADA: Lince Ibérico (Lynx pardinus) , Jaguar (Pantera onca), Nutria Gigante del Amazonas (Pteronura brasiliensis) y Delfín de río (Inia geoffrensis).
Un saludo!!
Actividades: curso Orcas, Atunes y Almadrabas!
Como ya os anuncié, WOC está preparando sus nuevos cursos para el año 2008. Ya está programado para mayo un curso de monitor de avistamiento de cetáceos (información ya colgada en este blog) y un curso de Orcas, Atunes y Almadrabas que se celebrará los días 10 y 11 de mayo en Barbate (Cádiz) y es de carácter gratuito.
Aquí os cuelgo toda la información de los ponentes y el programa del curso:
D.Mario Morcillo. Presidente de la WOC e investigador de las orcas en Cadiz desde 1996
Dr.José Luis Cort. Director del Instituto Oceanográfico de Santander.
D.Diego Crespo. Presidente de la OPP-Almadraberos de Barbate.
D.Antonio Aragón. Director del yacimiento arqueológico de Barbate.
Dr.Josep M.Alonso. Director científico de "La Caixa" a favor del mar. La ruta del Íbero.
D.Pablo Cermeño. Responsable de campañas de Atún Rojo de WWF/Adena.
Día 10, Sábado:
10:00- 14:00
1)Introducción al mundo de las Orcas (Orcinus orca) en la costa de Cádiz.
Como se conocen a las orcas en la zona.
Cultura local y folclore referente a las orcas.
Pescadores y orcas: una relación curiosa.
Por qué se desconoce la presencia de orcas cuando llegan a estas costas en primavera, en pueblos aledaños y España?.
Qué piensan los almadraberos de la llegada de las orcas a estas costas?.
2) Conociendo a las Orcas.
Historia natural.
Tipos de orcas en el mundo
3) Corrientes marinas generales (del Atlántico y del Mediterráneo) y Estrecho de Gibraltar en particular.
Tipos de corrientes marinas.
Las corrientes del Atlántico.
Las corrientes del Mediterráneo.
El sistema de corrientes del Estrecho de Gibraltar.
16:30- 20:30
4)Biología del Atún Rojo (Thunnus thynnus) y movimientos migratorios.
Los atunes según los antiguos historiadores.
Biología del atún rojo.
Lugares de puesta en el atlántico y mediterráneo.
Movimientos migratorios según la edad.
Los movimientos migratorios por reproducción.
Atunes de derecho.
Atunes de revés.
El desplazamiento de los atunes en el estrecho de derecho y de revés.
La captura del atún rojo: Almadrabas, palangreros y barcos de cerco.
Atunes rojos y la cultura japonesa.
Futuro de los atunes rojos: conservación.
5) Almadrabas: Una técnica milenaria en nuestros días.
Trayectoria desde la antigüedad a nuestros días de esta técnica milenaria de pesca y su importancia en la sociedad.
Como capturar atunes de derecho y de revés.
La almadraba: la idea de una trampa para atunes de derecho.
Las primeras almadrabas de la historia en el mar negro.
Tipos de almadrabas y su funcionamiento:
Almadraba de tiro o vista (antigua)
Almadraba siciliana o de buche (actual).
Historia de las almadrabas en las costas andaluzas.
Los Duques de Medina Sidonia y las almadrabas de la costa andaluza.
La cuna de la picaresca española: Cervantes, Vicente Espinel.
Los picaros y tunantes: formas de vidas en las almadrabas y vocabulario actual referente a ellas.
Funcionamiento antiguo de la gestión de una almadraba.
La importancia económica y estratégica de las almadrabas en la antigüedad: Misiones de destrucción de las almadrabas desde Drake hasta la fragata Churruca.
Futuro de las almadrabas.
6)Relación Orcas-Almadrabas-Atunes-Corrientes.
Una vez conocidas las corrientes marinas generales y del estrecho y los movimientos de los atunes, finalmente se expondrán las causas de la presencia de las orcas en estas costas gaditanas. Las Orcas y las almadrabas de Cádiz: los datos mas antiguos que se conocen sobre esta interacción.
Por qué la presencia de orcas en las costas gaditanas.
Orcas versus Atunes rojos: la lucha de dos titanes.
Que opinan los almadraberos, pescadores y lugareños sobre esta interacción orca-atun rojo.
Las orcas y los atunes de revés: otras estrategias de captura y también de pesca de atunes.
Día 11, Domingo:
10:00- 14:00
7)Proyecto de investigación: Orcas, Atunes y Almadrabas.S.O.C. 1996-2005.
Los comienzos del proyecto.
Metodología de estudio.
Uso de las corrientes marinas por parte de las orcas.
Como usan las diferentes almadrabas en sus estrategias de captura las orcas.
Resolviendo quien fue antes: las almadrabas o las orcas.
La cueva de atlanterra y sus pinturas rupestres: posibilidad de captura de atunes en la zona hace 5000 años y otros descubrimientos interesantes.
8)Las Orcas desde la antigüedad: de Aristóteles hasta nuestros días. Fenicios, dioses del mar y simbología.
La importancia estratégica en la captura del atún rojo: la almadraba de Zahara de los Atunes como modelo.
Referencias a las orcas en el mediterráneo por diferentes autores clásicos en la antigüedad.
Los Fenicios: primer pueblo almadrabero de la historia.
El emporio fenicio del comercio sin ejercito: claves.
La relación de las rutas comerciales fenicias y la presencia de almadrabas.
¿Conocerían la relación orcas-almadrabas?
Estudio de simbologías antiguas referentes a las orcas desde la antigüedad a nuestros días.
Preguntas que surgen del estudio.
9) Futuro de las orcas, atunes y almadrabas.
Aquí os cuelgo toda la información de los ponentes y el programa del curso:
D.Mario Morcillo. Presidente de la WOC e investigador de las orcas en Cadiz desde 1996
Dr.José Luis Cort. Director del Instituto Oceanográfico de Santander.
D.Diego Crespo. Presidente de la OPP-Almadraberos de Barbate.
D.Antonio Aragón. Director del yacimiento arqueológico de Barbate.
Dr.Josep M.Alonso. Director científico de "La Caixa" a favor del mar. La ruta del Íbero.
D.Pablo Cermeño. Responsable de campañas de Atún Rojo de WWF/Adena.
Día 10, Sábado:
10:00- 14:00
1)Introducción al mundo de las Orcas (Orcinus orca) en la costa de Cádiz.
Como se conocen a las orcas en la zona.
Cultura local y folclore referente a las orcas.
Pescadores y orcas: una relación curiosa.
Por qué se desconoce la presencia de orcas cuando llegan a estas costas en primavera, en pueblos aledaños y España?.
Qué piensan los almadraberos de la llegada de las orcas a estas costas?.
2) Conociendo a las Orcas.
Historia natural.
Tipos de orcas en el mundo
3) Corrientes marinas generales (del Atlántico y del Mediterráneo) y Estrecho de Gibraltar en particular.
Tipos de corrientes marinas.
Las corrientes del Atlántico.
Las corrientes del Mediterráneo.
El sistema de corrientes del Estrecho de Gibraltar.
16:30- 20:30
4)Biología del Atún Rojo (Thunnus thynnus) y movimientos migratorios.
Los atunes según los antiguos historiadores.
Biología del atún rojo.
Lugares de puesta en el atlántico y mediterráneo.
Movimientos migratorios según la edad.
Los movimientos migratorios por reproducción.
Atunes de derecho.
Atunes de revés.
El desplazamiento de los atunes en el estrecho de derecho y de revés.
La captura del atún rojo: Almadrabas, palangreros y barcos de cerco.
Atunes rojos y la cultura japonesa.
Futuro de los atunes rojos: conservación.
5) Almadrabas: Una técnica milenaria en nuestros días.
Trayectoria desde la antigüedad a nuestros días de esta técnica milenaria de pesca y su importancia en la sociedad.
Como capturar atunes de derecho y de revés.
La almadraba: la idea de una trampa para atunes de derecho.
Las primeras almadrabas de la historia en el mar negro.
Tipos de almadrabas y su funcionamiento:
Almadraba de tiro o vista (antigua)
Almadraba siciliana o de buche (actual).
Historia de las almadrabas en las costas andaluzas.
Los Duques de Medina Sidonia y las almadrabas de la costa andaluza.
La cuna de la picaresca española: Cervantes, Vicente Espinel.
Los picaros y tunantes: formas de vidas en las almadrabas y vocabulario actual referente a ellas.
Funcionamiento antiguo de la gestión de una almadraba.
La importancia económica y estratégica de las almadrabas en la antigüedad: Misiones de destrucción de las almadrabas desde Drake hasta la fragata Churruca.
Futuro de las almadrabas.
6)Relación Orcas-Almadrabas-Atunes-Corrientes.
Una vez conocidas las corrientes marinas generales y del estrecho y los movimientos de los atunes, finalmente se expondrán las causas de la presencia de las orcas en estas costas gaditanas. Las Orcas y las almadrabas de Cádiz: los datos mas antiguos que se conocen sobre esta interacción.
Por qué la presencia de orcas en las costas gaditanas.
Orcas versus Atunes rojos: la lucha de dos titanes.
Que opinan los almadraberos, pescadores y lugareños sobre esta interacción orca-atun rojo.
Las orcas y los atunes de revés: otras estrategias de captura y también de pesca de atunes.
Día 11, Domingo:
10:00- 14:00
7)Proyecto de investigación: Orcas, Atunes y Almadrabas.S.O.C. 1996-2005.
Los comienzos del proyecto.
Metodología de estudio.
Uso de las corrientes marinas por parte de las orcas.
Como usan las diferentes almadrabas en sus estrategias de captura las orcas.
Resolviendo quien fue antes: las almadrabas o las orcas.
La cueva de atlanterra y sus pinturas rupestres: posibilidad de captura de atunes en la zona hace 5000 años y otros descubrimientos interesantes.
8)Las Orcas desde la antigüedad: de Aristóteles hasta nuestros días. Fenicios, dioses del mar y simbología.
La importancia estratégica en la captura del atún rojo: la almadraba de Zahara de los Atunes como modelo.
Referencias a las orcas en el mediterráneo por diferentes autores clásicos en la antigüedad.
Los Fenicios: primer pueblo almadrabero de la historia.
El emporio fenicio del comercio sin ejercito: claves.
La relación de las rutas comerciales fenicias y la presencia de almadrabas.
¿Conocerían la relación orcas-almadrabas?
Estudio de simbologías antiguas referentes a las orcas desde la antigüedad a nuestros días.
Preguntas que surgen del estudio.
9) Futuro de las orcas, atunes y almadrabas.
Empleo: Canadá!
Summer JOB opportunity limited to Canadian citizens or Canadian residents.
We are looking for 3 student to help with cetacean data collection from a land based stationat the Saint Lawrence estuary, Quebec (Canada). The study is part of the PhD of a student from the Complex System Laboratory (Montreal University). We will focus effort to measure movement patterns of fin, blue, and humpback whales. ç
Admission Conditions
- Be a student in Biology, Geographyor Ecology;
- Be interested in the knowledge of cetacean behavior.
- Be patient, attentive, and hard working is essential.
- Previous experience with theodolite tracking and /or ArcGIS is a plus appreciable.
Stage Duration
The activities will take place during summer months; from June 2 to August 29. Field work will take place 5 days a week (8 hours aday) followed by two days off. Planning of field work will be adjusted to meteorological conditions.
We will organize a trip to Bergeronnes and back to Montreal at the beginning and at the end of season. $10 CAD/hr for a total of 420 hours
.Lodging will be your responsibility (~350 CAD/ month).
Interested students should send a motivation letter, a CV and a scholar record to beforeApril 20 2008.
We are looking for 3 student to help with cetacean data collection from a land based stationat the Saint Lawrence estuary, Quebec (Canada). The study is part of the PhD of a student from the Complex System Laboratory (Montreal University). We will focus effort to measure movement patterns of fin, blue, and humpback whales. ç
Admission Conditions
- Be a student in Biology, Geographyor Ecology;
- Be interested in the knowledge of cetacean behavior.
- Be patient, attentive, and hard working is essential.
- Previous experience with theodolite tracking and /or ArcGIS is a plus appreciable.
Stage Duration
The activities will take place during summer months; from June 2 to August 29. Field work will take place 5 days a week (8 hours aday) followed by two days off. Planning of field work will be adjusted to meteorological conditions.
We will organize a trip to Bergeronnes and back to Montreal at the beginning and at the end of season. $10 CAD/hr for a total of 420 hours
.Lodging will be your responsibility (~350 CAD/ month).
Interested students should send a motivation letter, a CV and a scholar record to beforeApril 20 2008.
Voluntariado-curso: Orcas!
Spend 10 weeks studying the acoustic environment of endangered killer whales in the wild!
Beam Reach is for you if you want to: study endangered orcas in the wild, work with experts in killer whale conservation, sail on a biodiesel electric catamaran, learn in a small group and get lots of individual time with instructors, work on science that matters and your own research project, explore the San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest.
You don?t have to be a science major to apply; you just have to be interested in the marine environment and want to spend 10 weeks studying off campus. We are now accepting applications for our Fall 2008 program:
Fall 08 August 25- November 01
Currently we have our Spring program in session. So if you'd like to see what it would be like, check out the student blogs: Dive In for more information:
Let me know if you have any questions,
Beam Reach is for you if you want to: study endangered orcas in the wild, work with experts in killer whale conservation, sail on a biodiesel electric catamaran, learn in a small group and get lots of individual time with instructors, work on science that matters and your own research project, explore the San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest.
You don?t have to be a science major to apply; you just have to be interested in the marine environment and want to spend 10 weeks studying off campus. We are now accepting applications for our Fall 2008 program:
Fall 08 August 25- November 01
Currently we have our Spring program in session. So if you'd like to see what it would be like, check out the student blogs: Dive In for more information:
Let me know if you have any questions,
Empleo: observador en Dinamarca!
6-week Positions with Marine Observers in Denmark July to Oct. 2008.
The Marine Observer Company is currently looking to recruit experienced marine mammal observers to assist with observations from ship in the Arctic.
The candidate will have experience in whale sightings from ships preferably in the Arctic or North Atlantic. Candidates who also have experience with seabird observations have an advantage for these positions.
For more details or to register your interest in this position, please email:
More information about us at:
Best wishes, Jan.
Jan Durinck
Marine Observers
Svankjaervej 6,
DK-7752 Denmark
Tel: +45 2396 1155
Skype: jandyr
The Marine Observer Company is currently looking to recruit experienced marine mammal observers to assist with observations from ship in the Arctic.
The candidate will have experience in whale sightings from ships preferably in the Arctic or North Atlantic. Candidates who also have experience with seabird observations have an advantage for these positions.
For more details or to register your interest in this position, please email:
More information about us at:
Best wishes, Jan.
Jan Durinck
Marine Observers
Svankjaervej 6,
DK-7752 Denmark
Tel: +45 2396 1155
Skype: jandyr
miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008
Actividades: Curso Monitor de avistamiento!
Curso de Monitor de Turismo de Avistamiento de Cetáceos
Tarifa (Cádiz) el próximo mes de Mayo.
Este curso está organizado por la Wildlife and Oceanic Company (WOC) y está incluido en un programa formativo financiado por la Mancomunidad de Municipios del Campo de Gibraltar, en colaboración con Asistencias Técnicas Clave.
Durante el curso los participantes podrán formarse en aquellos aspectos generales sobre los cetáceos, su biología y fisiología, las diferentes especies y su identificación, el mar, oceanografía y las características concretas de la zona del estrecho de Gibraltar. Además se profundizarán en los diferentes aspectos del avistamiento de cetáceos, historia, evolución y futuro, incluyendo conceptos sobre ecoturismo y desarrollo sostenible. Todo ello diseñado como una completa base formativa para facilitar el desarrollo de las diferentes funciones designadas para un monitor de avistamiento de cetáceos.
El curso está programado en 7 módulos de teoría que se impartirán del 5 al 16 de Mayo en horario de lunes a viernes por las tardes. Además se incluye una parte práctica consistente en 2 salidas al mar en un barco de avistamiento de cetáceos acompañados por un monitor.
El curso es gratuito y las plazas están limitadas a 15 alumnos.
Para solicitar la inscripción al mismo se debe enviar un correo electrónico a la dirección, incluyendo datos completos: Nombre y Apellidos, DNI, dirección completa, teléfono de contacto, y una breve carta de presentación en la que se indiquen los motivos de interés para participar en el curso. Con las solicitudes recibidas se realizará una selección de los candidatos admitidos a quienes se les notificará directamente.
*NOTA: Aunque el curso se realice en Cádiz y sean muchos días sólo por la tarde, recomiendo a todo aquel interesado que se apunte. El curso está muy bien y vivir un par de semanitas en Tarifa en un camping sale baratillo!
Tarifa (Cádiz) el próximo mes de Mayo.
Este curso está organizado por la Wildlife and Oceanic Company (WOC) y está incluido en un programa formativo financiado por la Mancomunidad de Municipios del Campo de Gibraltar, en colaboración con Asistencias Técnicas Clave.
Durante el curso los participantes podrán formarse en aquellos aspectos generales sobre los cetáceos, su biología y fisiología, las diferentes especies y su identificación, el mar, oceanografía y las características concretas de la zona del estrecho de Gibraltar. Además se profundizarán en los diferentes aspectos del avistamiento de cetáceos, historia, evolución y futuro, incluyendo conceptos sobre ecoturismo y desarrollo sostenible. Todo ello diseñado como una completa base formativa para facilitar el desarrollo de las diferentes funciones designadas para un monitor de avistamiento de cetáceos.
El curso está programado en 7 módulos de teoría que se impartirán del 5 al 16 de Mayo en horario de lunes a viernes por las tardes. Además se incluye una parte práctica consistente en 2 salidas al mar en un barco de avistamiento de cetáceos acompañados por un monitor.
El curso es gratuito y las plazas están limitadas a 15 alumnos.
Para solicitar la inscripción al mismo se debe enviar un correo electrónico a la dirección, incluyendo datos completos: Nombre y Apellidos, DNI, dirección completa, teléfono de contacto, y una breve carta de presentación en la que se indiquen los motivos de interés para participar en el curso. Con las solicitudes recibidas se realizará una selección de los candidatos admitidos a quienes se les notificará directamente.
*NOTA: Aunque el curso se realice en Cádiz y sean muchos días sólo por la tarde, recomiendo a todo aquel interesado que se apunte. El curso está muy bien y vivir un par de semanitas en Tarifa en un camping sale baratillo!
Actividades: nuevos cursos WOC!
Saludos a todos, Después de un tiempo sin recibir noticias nuestras, y durante el que hemos estado realizando algunos cambios y elaborando la nueva programación de actividades para el año 2008 (que dentro de poco os enviaremos y saldrá publicada en nuestra remodelada web os enviamos una primera propuesta que esperamos sea de vuestro interés.
Os anunciamos una nueva edición del Curso Interacción de Orcas, Atunes y Almadrabas que se realizará los días 10 y 11 de Mayo en Barbate Cádiz, organizado por la Wildlife & Oceanic Company, incluido en el programa de cursos sobre mamíferos marinos de La Isla de los Delfines.
Como algunos de vosotros ya sabéis desde el año 1998, en la Sociedad Oceánica de Cetáceos llevamos a cabo un proyecto de estudio de orcas (Orcinus orca) en las costas de Cádiz. Como resultado de años de observación y toma de datos, con la colaboración inestimable de muchos de vosotros que habéis participado como pasantes, hemos podido recabar una abundante información sobre la presencia de orcas frente a las costas de Conil, Barbate y Zahara de los Atunes. Esto nos ha permitido relacionar la presencia de las orcas con el paso migratorio del Atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus), y de un arte de pesca tradicional para su captura, la almadraba, que se viene desarrollando desde hace miles de años en estas costas. Esta es la base fundamental de este curso, en el que se profundizará en el conocimiento de ambas especies, su biología y movimientos migratorios, el mar, y las particulares características oceanográficas de la zona, y además proporcionará una visión global que incluye aspectos históricos y culturales asociados a la presencia de orcas y atunes a lo largo de los siglos en esta zona. Además puesto que el curso se realiza en Barbate (Cádiz) ofrece la posibilidad de conocer in situ algunas de los puntos más interesantes para el avistamiento de orcas de los que se hablará durante el curso. Y quién sabe si quizá en esas fechas exista la oportunidad de algún avistamiento………
El plazo de inscripción está abierto desde ya y para participar debéis enviarnos un correo electrónico a la dirección , con vuestros datos: nombre completo, dirección y teléfono de contacto, a que os dedicáis, y vuestro correo electrónico donde podamos responderos con los pasos a seguir para formalizar la inscripción.
Esperamos vuestros correos. Saludos y hasta pronto!
Os anunciamos una nueva edición del Curso Interacción de Orcas, Atunes y Almadrabas que se realizará los días 10 y 11 de Mayo en Barbate Cádiz, organizado por la Wildlife & Oceanic Company, incluido en el programa de cursos sobre mamíferos marinos de La Isla de los Delfines.
Como algunos de vosotros ya sabéis desde el año 1998, en la Sociedad Oceánica de Cetáceos llevamos a cabo un proyecto de estudio de orcas (Orcinus orca) en las costas de Cádiz. Como resultado de años de observación y toma de datos, con la colaboración inestimable de muchos de vosotros que habéis participado como pasantes, hemos podido recabar una abundante información sobre la presencia de orcas frente a las costas de Conil, Barbate y Zahara de los Atunes. Esto nos ha permitido relacionar la presencia de las orcas con el paso migratorio del Atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus), y de un arte de pesca tradicional para su captura, la almadraba, que se viene desarrollando desde hace miles de años en estas costas. Esta es la base fundamental de este curso, en el que se profundizará en el conocimiento de ambas especies, su biología y movimientos migratorios, el mar, y las particulares características oceanográficas de la zona, y además proporcionará una visión global que incluye aspectos históricos y culturales asociados a la presencia de orcas y atunes a lo largo de los siglos en esta zona. Además puesto que el curso se realiza en Barbate (Cádiz) ofrece la posibilidad de conocer in situ algunas de los puntos más interesantes para el avistamiento de orcas de los que se hablará durante el curso. Y quién sabe si quizá en esas fechas exista la oportunidad de algún avistamiento………
El plazo de inscripción está abierto desde ya y para participar debéis enviarnos un correo electrónico a la dirección , con vuestros datos: nombre completo, dirección y teléfono de contacto, a que os dedicáis, y vuestro correo electrónico donde podamos responderos con los pasos a seguir para formalizar la inscripción.
Esperamos vuestros correos. Saludos y hasta pronto!
Voluntariado: Escocia!
The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT), based on the Isle of Mull, Scotland carry out visual and passive acoustic cetacean surveys on their research vessel, Silurian, from April to October throughout the Hebrides.
With the help of volunteers, data are collected and used to monitor the distribution and abundance of the area's key species, with a particular focus on fine scale distribution of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena).
HWDT are currently offering a special discounted rate on one of ther 10 day marine mammal surveys in May (18-30th May). Volunteers will receive full traininig in visual and passive acoustic cetacean monitoring techniques making this an ideal opportunity to gain experience in the field.
For more information about the survey including prcies and details on how to apply. Please go to the volunteering section of our website or click on the following link:
Laura Mandleberg
Sightings Officer
Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust
With the help of volunteers, data are collected and used to monitor the distribution and abundance of the area's key species, with a particular focus on fine scale distribution of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena).
HWDT are currently offering a special discounted rate on one of ther 10 day marine mammal surveys in May (18-30th May). Volunteers will receive full traininig in visual and passive acoustic cetacean monitoring techniques making this an ideal opportunity to gain experience in the field.
For more information about the survey including prcies and details on how to apply. Please go to the volunteering section of our website or click on the following link:
Laura Mandleberg
Sightings Officer
Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust
Empleo: ORCA!
ORCA job announcement
Ferry-based Wildlife Education Officer - working aboard the DFDS Seaways Ferry between Newcastle (UK) and Bergen (Norway).
Responsible to Project Development Officer and ORCA trustees.
Main Purpose: To actively develop, manage and communicate an educational programme to promote the importance of whales, dolphins and the marine environment to the general public. Also to raise awareness of the important research and conservation work being undertaken through the ORCA and DFDS Seaways partnership.
Contract: Five month contract beginning between 15th May and 1st June. Potential for contract extension if successful.
Fee: 4500 plus food and accommodation whilst onboard.
Number: Two positions are available.
ORCA is a UK-based charity committed to the study of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) and the promotion of their conservation worldwide through enthusing, inspiring and educating others.
Responsibilities and duties
1a. Co-ordination
1.1 Work alongside ferry staff to ensure communication and promotion of whale & dolphin awareness onboard the ferry.
1.2 Manage, facilitate and present educational events on board to meet the needs of passengers (both adults and children), DFDS and ORCA.
1.3 Measure the success of any events you set up against agreed criteria.
1.4 You will be expected to be based permanently on board and will work a 2 week on 2 week off rota.
1.5 Actively design, promote and develop the ORCA educational package, seeking out opportunities to improve educational value and increase public involvement. Liaise with the other WO in order to share best experiences and refine the work accordingly. Some initial training will be given.
1.6 Provide your line manager with a monthly activities calendar and relevant statistics for your time on board.
1.7 Encourage the public to report sightings and assist the ORCA survey team as and when required.
1.8 Actively seek out news stories and press opportunities. Provide regular web updates of sightings and other news.
1.9 Act as an ambassador to champion the importance of ORCA research and encourage passengers to get involved.
2.0 Ensure that all legislation is adhered to and provide training where required to meet with ORCA and legal levels of compliance.
1b. Daily tasks
Auditorium presentation: Enlivened and fun talks about whales, dolphins and other wildlife of the North Sea, with a strong emphasis on audience participation.
Children?s story-telling: This was a fantastically popular activity during our trial last October, with both parents and children enjoying it immensely. Duration approximately one hour.
Wildlife watching (weather dependent): WO will assist the public with spotting, identifying and discussing the birds, whales, dolphins, porpoises and seals present on this route. Binoculars and field guides will be provided.
The Hands on Experience: The WO will provide a range of ?sea creatures? for passengers to touch, pick up, and discuss. Bones, whale baleen, shells and seaweeds in a clear tray filled with seawater are an instant attraction to children, who will jump at the opportunity to get their hands wet! This pioneering idea for a ferry will be the ideal mobile presentation, luring people from around the ship and out on deck.
2. Other Tasks
3.1 To support ORCA with other requests as and when required.
3.2 Respond to Passengers and DFDS questions and correspondence regarding ORCA on DFDS Ferries.
Experience and Skills Required (unless stated)
(a) Efficient, well organised and able to tackle a large and varied workload
(b) Self motivated and enthusiastic about the marine environment
(c) Excellent communication skills and strong written skills(d) Experience in income generation / promotion
(e) Pro-active, and ready to tackle new problems
(f) Able to deal confidently with all cultures and age groups
(g) Sets clear goals, prioritises them and sees them through to completion
(h) Adaptable to change and confident in working alone and as part of a team
(i) Able to cope with long periods at sea, rough weather, etc
(j) Computer literate
(a) Speak fluent English and at least one of the following languages: Norwegian, Swedish, Danish(b) A good knowledge of cetaceans and seabirds
Further details about ORCA are available at
Deadline for submissions is 1st May 2008.
Interviews will be held during the week beginning 5th May. The post will begin on 15th May and 1st June respectively. Please note that acknowledgement of receipt of applications will begin on 21st April. Please send ORCA, in electronic format, your CV with a covering letter describing why you think you would be the ideal candidate for this post to:
Dylan Walker
Project Development Officer
17 Embassy Court
Kings Road
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1273 739284
Ferry-based Wildlife Education Officer - working aboard the DFDS Seaways Ferry between Newcastle (UK) and Bergen (Norway).
Responsible to Project Development Officer and ORCA trustees.
Main Purpose: To actively develop, manage and communicate an educational programme to promote the importance of whales, dolphins and the marine environment to the general public. Also to raise awareness of the important research and conservation work being undertaken through the ORCA and DFDS Seaways partnership.
Contract: Five month contract beginning between 15th May and 1st June. Potential for contract extension if successful.
Fee: 4500 plus food and accommodation whilst onboard.
Number: Two positions are available.
ORCA is a UK-based charity committed to the study of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) and the promotion of their conservation worldwide through enthusing, inspiring and educating others.
Responsibilities and duties
1a. Co-ordination
1.1 Work alongside ferry staff to ensure communication and promotion of whale & dolphin awareness onboard the ferry.
1.2 Manage, facilitate and present educational events on board to meet the needs of passengers (both adults and children), DFDS and ORCA.
1.3 Measure the success of any events you set up against agreed criteria.
1.4 You will be expected to be based permanently on board and will work a 2 week on 2 week off rota.
1.5 Actively design, promote and develop the ORCA educational package, seeking out opportunities to improve educational value and increase public involvement. Liaise with the other WO in order to share best experiences and refine the work accordingly. Some initial training will be given.
1.6 Provide your line manager with a monthly activities calendar and relevant statistics for your time on board.
1.7 Encourage the public to report sightings and assist the ORCA survey team as and when required.
1.8 Actively seek out news stories and press opportunities. Provide regular web updates of sightings and other news.
1.9 Act as an ambassador to champion the importance of ORCA research and encourage passengers to get involved.
2.0 Ensure that all legislation is adhered to and provide training where required to meet with ORCA and legal levels of compliance.
1b. Daily tasks
Auditorium presentation: Enlivened and fun talks about whales, dolphins and other wildlife of the North Sea, with a strong emphasis on audience participation.
Children?s story-telling: This was a fantastically popular activity during our trial last October, with both parents and children enjoying it immensely. Duration approximately one hour.
Wildlife watching (weather dependent): WO will assist the public with spotting, identifying and discussing the birds, whales, dolphins, porpoises and seals present on this route. Binoculars and field guides will be provided.
The Hands on Experience: The WO will provide a range of ?sea creatures? for passengers to touch, pick up, and discuss. Bones, whale baleen, shells and seaweeds in a clear tray filled with seawater are an instant attraction to children, who will jump at the opportunity to get their hands wet! This pioneering idea for a ferry will be the ideal mobile presentation, luring people from around the ship and out on deck.
2. Other Tasks
3.1 To support ORCA with other requests as and when required.
3.2 Respond to Passengers and DFDS questions and correspondence regarding ORCA on DFDS Ferries.
Experience and Skills Required (unless stated)
(a) Efficient, well organised and able to tackle a large and varied workload
(b) Self motivated and enthusiastic about the marine environment
(c) Excellent communication skills and strong written skills(d) Experience in income generation / promotion
(e) Pro-active, and ready to tackle new problems
(f) Able to deal confidently with all cultures and age groups
(g) Sets clear goals, prioritises them and sees them through to completion
(h) Adaptable to change and confident in working alone and as part of a team
(i) Able to cope with long periods at sea, rough weather, etc
(j) Computer literate
(a) Speak fluent English and at least one of the following languages: Norwegian, Swedish, Danish(b) A good knowledge of cetaceans and seabirds
Further details about ORCA are available at
Deadline for submissions is 1st May 2008.
Interviews will be held during the week beginning 5th May. The post will begin on 15th May and 1st June respectively. Please note that acknowledgement of receipt of applications will begin on 21st April. Please send ORCA, in electronic format, your CV with a covering letter describing why you think you would be the ideal candidate for this post to:
Dylan Walker
Project Development Officer
17 Embassy Court
Kings Road
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1273 739284
Empleo: CRRU!
6-month Research Position with the CRRU in Scotland, approx. May to Nov 2008
The Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit is currently looking to recruit an experienced marine mammal scientist to assist the research team in northeast Scotland with ongoing studies of minke whales in the outer southern Moray Firth.
The candidate will preferably have experience in the use of TDR swith cetaceans or radio tracking in general, and must be quick to learn and a competent skipper with powerboats. Photography skills (particularlyphoto-ID) and experience with GIS and relational databases would be useful as well, in addition to a demonstrated ability for report writing and publication. The candidate will be required to assist in the general day-to-day running of an active cetacean field research and education programme, and experience of working with volunteers and student field assistants would be desirable.
Based in a small Scottish sea town community, this fully paid position would be suitable for someone with an easy-going and affable personality who is able to work well both by themselves and within a flexible team environment.
For more details or to register your interest in this position, please email:
For selected publications, please go to:
With best wishes and thanks Kevin
Dr. Kevin Robinson
Director, CRRU
Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit (CRRU)
P.O. Box 11307
Banff AB45 3WB
Tel: (+44) 01261 851696
Recognised Scottish Charity No. SC 035473 Supported by the Earthwatch Institute
& Care for the WildInternational
The Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit is currently looking to recruit an experienced marine mammal scientist to assist the research team in northeast Scotland with ongoing studies of minke whales in the outer southern Moray Firth.
The candidate will preferably have experience in the use of TDR swith cetaceans or radio tracking in general, and must be quick to learn and a competent skipper with powerboats. Photography skills (particularlyphoto-ID) and experience with GIS and relational databases would be useful as well, in addition to a demonstrated ability for report writing and publication. The candidate will be required to assist in the general day-to-day running of an active cetacean field research and education programme, and experience of working with volunteers and student field assistants would be desirable.
Based in a small Scottish sea town community, this fully paid position would be suitable for someone with an easy-going and affable personality who is able to work well both by themselves and within a flexible team environment.
For more details or to register your interest in this position, please email:
For selected publications, please go to:
With best wishes and thanks Kevin
Dr. Kevin Robinson
Director, CRRU
Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit (CRRU)
P.O. Box 11307
Banff AB45 3WB
Tel: (+44) 01261 851696
Recognised Scottish Charity No. SC 035473 Supported by the Earthwatch Institute
& Care for the WildInternational
Voluntariado: Australia!
Shark Bay Humpback Whale Survey, 2008
Project title: Population status of Western Australian humpback whales.
This project will complement a major existing data setf rom surveys undertaken in 1999 and 2005 on northward migrating humpback whales from one of seven currently recognized southern hemisphere breeding stocks (Breeding Stock D).
As in 2005, there will be two components (i) an aerial survey over two months, covering the peak migration period past Shark Bay, WA, where regular aerial surveys provided relative abundance and trend information over 1982-1994; (ii) a land-based survey over a shorter period, to 'ground-truth' the aerial survey. The result should be an estimated current absolute abundance for this Breeding Stock for use in comprehensive assessments of southern hemisphere whale stocks, essential for their conservation and rational management.
Up to 6 participants are needed as part of a team to help with the land-based element of an aerial survey for humpback whales off SharkBay, Western Australia. Shark Bay is located on the most western point of the coast of Australia and field work will be undertaken on Dirk Hartog Island, an island within the Shark Bay World Heritage Area world renowned for its significant conservation values due to its diverse and ecologically important species of plants and animals.
When: for approx 2 weeks from approx 6th July 2008.
What: to observe, count and record northbound humpback whales within visual range of the cliffs of Dirk Hartog Island, off the west coast of Shark Bay.
Who: Participants must
- have an interest in marine biology
- show common sense and have proven ability to work as part of a team
- have general outdoor field experience (camping will be involved)
- have a first degree in science Preferred: -
have previous cetacean experience
- previous experience in theodolite tracking and Cyclopes 4 wheel drive ability would be an advantage.
All expenses will be covered during the survey. Some limited assistance may be available for transport Perth/Denham and return. Anyone interested should email Rebecca Dunlop and Joshua Smith (seebelow) immediately, with a cover letter, CV, the names of two referees and contact details.
Dr. Rebecca Dunlop
School of Veterinary Sciences
University of Queensland
St. Lucia QLD 4072
Tel: +61 7 33652088 0437434041
Joshua Smith
School of Integrative Biology
University of Queensland
St Lucia, Qld 4072, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3365 4825
Project title: Population status of Western Australian humpback whales.
This project will complement a major existing data setf rom surveys undertaken in 1999 and 2005 on northward migrating humpback whales from one of seven currently recognized southern hemisphere breeding stocks (Breeding Stock D).
As in 2005, there will be two components (i) an aerial survey over two months, covering the peak migration period past Shark Bay, WA, where regular aerial surveys provided relative abundance and trend information over 1982-1994; (ii) a land-based survey over a shorter period, to 'ground-truth' the aerial survey. The result should be an estimated current absolute abundance for this Breeding Stock for use in comprehensive assessments of southern hemisphere whale stocks, essential for their conservation and rational management.
Up to 6 participants are needed as part of a team to help with the land-based element of an aerial survey for humpback whales off SharkBay, Western Australia. Shark Bay is located on the most western point of the coast of Australia and field work will be undertaken on Dirk Hartog Island, an island within the Shark Bay World Heritage Area world renowned for its significant conservation values due to its diverse and ecologically important species of plants and animals.
When: for approx 2 weeks from approx 6th July 2008.
What: to observe, count and record northbound humpback whales within visual range of the cliffs of Dirk Hartog Island, off the west coast of Shark Bay.
Who: Participants must
- have an interest in marine biology
- show common sense and have proven ability to work as part of a team
- have general outdoor field experience (camping will be involved)
- have a first degree in science Preferred: -
have previous cetacean experience
- previous experience in theodolite tracking and Cyclopes 4 wheel drive ability would be an advantage.
All expenses will be covered during the survey. Some limited assistance may be available for transport Perth/Denham and return. Anyone interested should email Rebecca Dunlop and Joshua Smith (seebelow) immediately, with a cover letter, CV, the names of two referees and contact details.
Dr. Rebecca Dunlop
School of Veterinary Sciences
University of Queensland
St. Lucia QLD 4072
Tel: +61 7 33652088 0437434041
Joshua Smith
School of Integrative Biology
University of Queensland
St Lucia, Qld 4072, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3365 4825
Empleo: UK!
Gardline Environmental Ltd is a member of the Gardline Marine Sciences Limited Group of Companies and are a successful Environmental contractor, operating a fleet of inshore boats, conducting major integrated offshore projects on a worldwide basis and inshore projects for major clients in the UK and overseas.
As part of our continued growth there are immediate vacancies for the following positions:
As a PAMS Operational Technician you will be responsible for the maintenance, despatch and receipt of all Marine Wildlife Departmental equipment, both nationally and internationally, in accordance with appropriate legislation. Assist with the compilation and preparation of PAMS reports and the processing of acoustic data.
Applicants will ideally be of degree calibre or equivalent in a relevant discipline and possess an understanding of Marine Mammals, their biology and identification. Familiarity with the use of PAMS or previous marine survey experience would be advantageous.
As an MMO / PAMS Operative you will be required to undertake marine mammal observation, passive acoustic monitoring and environmental survey activities in the field and provide general assistance in the production of marine wildlife reports and the processing of data.
Applicants will ideally be of degree calibre or equivalent in a relevant discipline and possess an understanding of Marine Mammals, their biology and identification. Familiarity with the use of PAMS or previous marine survey experience would be advantageous.
Both positions require the individual to spend in the region of 60 - 120 days at sea, dependent on project requirements, with the remaining time being office based (Great Yarmouth). As well as a competitive salary, these roles also include offshore allowances and a range of employee benefits, such as; personal and professional development, a further range of employee benefits and world wide travel opportunities.
For further details and an application form please contact
Allan Tucker,
Recruitment Officer on 01493 845600,
email or write to;
Human Resources Department,
Endeavour House,
Admiralty Road,
Great Yarmouth,
Norfolk, UK,
NR30 3NG with an application letter and your CV.
Closing date: 18th April 2008
Nick Robinson
As part of our continued growth there are immediate vacancies for the following positions:
As a PAMS Operational Technician you will be responsible for the maintenance, despatch and receipt of all Marine Wildlife Departmental equipment, both nationally and internationally, in accordance with appropriate legislation. Assist with the compilation and preparation of PAMS reports and the processing of acoustic data.
Applicants will ideally be of degree calibre or equivalent in a relevant discipline and possess an understanding of Marine Mammals, their biology and identification. Familiarity with the use of PAMS or previous marine survey experience would be advantageous.
As an MMO / PAMS Operative you will be required to undertake marine mammal observation, passive acoustic monitoring and environmental survey activities in the field and provide general assistance in the production of marine wildlife reports and the processing of data.
Applicants will ideally be of degree calibre or equivalent in a relevant discipline and possess an understanding of Marine Mammals, their biology and identification. Familiarity with the use of PAMS or previous marine survey experience would be advantageous.
Both positions require the individual to spend in the region of 60 - 120 days at sea, dependent on project requirements, with the remaining time being office based (Great Yarmouth). As well as a competitive salary, these roles also include offshore allowances and a range of employee benefits, such as; personal and professional development, a further range of employee benefits and world wide travel opportunities.
For further details and an application form please contact
Allan Tucker,
Recruitment Officer on 01493 845600,
email or write to;
Human Resources Department,
Endeavour House,
Admiralty Road,
Great Yarmouth,
Norfolk, UK,
NR30 3NG with an application letter and your CV.
Closing date: 18th April 2008
Nick Robinson
Empleo: Holanda!
Marine mammal reseacher
To carry out, independently and/or in close cooperation with other research colleagues, research on the distribution, population dynamics and ecology of marine mammals in Dutch waters and possibly elsewhere in the world. Research on the impact of human use on marine mammal population is also one of your tasks. The research consists of the execution of field studies, experimental studies, data management and analyses, desk and literature studies or any combination thereof. Besides reporting within the grey literature you will be expected to publish your work in scientific journals. Guiding of students can be a part of your tasks.
You are academically trained with preferentially a specialization in marine ecology. Experience with research on the population ecology of marine mammals, gained through education or during your professional career, is desired. You are able to work in a team. Experience with project management and tendering of research projects will be advantageous. Furthermore you are a good communicator and you are well informed on the developments within your research domain. Finally you should be able to make a scientific achievement within the limits of a contract-research organisation.
Wageningen University and Researchcentre. The recently founded institute Wageningen IMARES intents to grow out to the national institute for strategic and applied ecological marine research, focussing on protection, harvesting and spatial usage of ocean and coastal areas, in other words: Marine Living Resource Management. Within Wageningen IMARES the central themes are: ecology, nature, environment, fisheries, aquaculture and other applications of marine and coastal areas and river basins. Therefore, it focuses on field research, experimental research, laboratory studies, data management, modelling and scientific counselling.
Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 3500 - 4000. Salary scale 10. Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 3835.
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period.
Duration of the contract: 1 year.
Maximum hours per week: 36.
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Drs. J. Asjes
Telephone number: (+31)06 30712140
E-mail address:
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.
You can apply for this job before 15-04-2008 by sending your application to:
Wageningen Imares
Mr. J.M. de Graaff
PO Box 681970
AB IJmuiden
The Netherlands
E-mail address:
When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number AT200809. The short URL code for this job opening is: 00363-2548.You can use this as a direct link to the job by adding the code to the URL <>
To carry out, independently and/or in close cooperation with other research colleagues, research on the distribution, population dynamics and ecology of marine mammals in Dutch waters and possibly elsewhere in the world. Research on the impact of human use on marine mammal population is also one of your tasks. The research consists of the execution of field studies, experimental studies, data management and analyses, desk and literature studies or any combination thereof. Besides reporting within the grey literature you will be expected to publish your work in scientific journals. Guiding of students can be a part of your tasks.
You are academically trained with preferentially a specialization in marine ecology. Experience with research on the population ecology of marine mammals, gained through education or during your professional career, is desired. You are able to work in a team. Experience with project management and tendering of research projects will be advantageous. Furthermore you are a good communicator and you are well informed on the developments within your research domain. Finally you should be able to make a scientific achievement within the limits of a contract-research organisation.
Wageningen University and Researchcentre. The recently founded institute Wageningen IMARES intents to grow out to the national institute for strategic and applied ecological marine research, focussing on protection, harvesting and spatial usage of ocean and coastal areas, in other words: Marine Living Resource Management. Within Wageningen IMARES the central themes are: ecology, nature, environment, fisheries, aquaculture and other applications of marine and coastal areas and river basins. Therefore, it focuses on field research, experimental research, laboratory studies, data management, modelling and scientific counselling.
Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 3500 - 4000. Salary scale 10. Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 3835.
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period.
Duration of the contract: 1 year.
Maximum hours per week: 36.
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Drs. J. Asjes
Telephone number: (+31)06 30712140
E-mail address:
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.
You can apply for this job before 15-04-2008 by sending your application to:
Wageningen Imares
Mr. J.M. de Graaff
PO Box 681970
AB IJmuiden
The Netherlands
E-mail address:
When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number AT200809. The short URL code for this job opening is: 00363-2548.You can use this as a direct link to the job by adding the code to the URL <>
Voluntariado: Biscay Dolphin Research Programme!
Introductory Training Event for Cetacean Surveyors
The premier research charity Marinelife, which has been operating its successful Biscay Dolphin Research Programme (BDRP) since 1995, is recruiting volunteer cetacean and seabird surveyors to service an expanding portfolio of survey routes from UK ports in the 2008 season.
To facilitate this, a special shore-based training opportunity for those with some cetacean and/or seabird observation skills is being held near Poole, Dorset, England, on Sunday 6th April 2008 at 10:00h, finishing at 12:45h. The programme will include an introduction to ocean-going cetacean and seabird survey techniques and protocols, a brief overview of identification issues, guidelines on how to become more actively involved with Marinelife/BDRP pelagic surveys and an opportunity to network with key personnel and other volunteer surveyors. This will be followed up with opportunities for more rigorous scientific training at sea under the guidance of experienced team leaders through our programme of monthly research voyages on ferry and freight routes (cabins provided free) from UK ports.
This will ensure that all data collected by volunteer researchers during ongoing projects is of the same high quality and continues to be at the forefront of current best practice. For further details about the event, including booking information, please email
John Arnott,
Marinelife/BDRP Research Teams Manager,
There is a nominal charge of ?5 per person, payable in advance. For more information about our activities please visit our website at
The premier research charity Marinelife, which has been operating its successful Biscay Dolphin Research Programme (BDRP) since 1995, is recruiting volunteer cetacean and seabird surveyors to service an expanding portfolio of survey routes from UK ports in the 2008 season.
To facilitate this, a special shore-based training opportunity for those with some cetacean and/or seabird observation skills is being held near Poole, Dorset, England, on Sunday 6th April 2008 at 10:00h, finishing at 12:45h. The programme will include an introduction to ocean-going cetacean and seabird survey techniques and protocols, a brief overview of identification issues, guidelines on how to become more actively involved with Marinelife/BDRP pelagic surveys and an opportunity to network with key personnel and other volunteer surveyors. This will be followed up with opportunities for more rigorous scientific training at sea under the guidance of experienced team leaders through our programme of monthly research voyages on ferry and freight routes (cabins provided free) from UK ports.
This will ensure that all data collected by volunteer researchers during ongoing projects is of the same high quality and continues to be at the forefront of current best practice. For further details about the event, including booking information, please email
John Arnott,
Marinelife/BDRP Research Teams Manager,
There is a nominal charge of ?5 per person, payable in advance. For more information about our activities please visit our website at
Actividades: curso delfines y manatíes!
Ecology, Behavior & Conservation of Manatees & Dolphins
A Unique Field Course in the Drowned Cayes, Belize May 31 - June 13, 2008
Sign-up now - space is limited to 24 students!
Want to be a marine mammal scientist? Here's your chance to join our team for 2 intense weeks of research on Antillean manatees and bottlenose dolphins in Belize! You will be totally immersed in the study of manatees and dolphins through lectures, literature review, and field research. This unique field course combines an overview of the ecology, behavior, and conservation of sirenians and cetaceans with hands-on manatee & dolphin research in the Drowned Cayes, Belize, as part of a long-term research project in place since 1998. You'll spend 3-4 hours on the water each day as we explore a labyrinth of mangrove islands and seagrass beds searching for elusive manatees and charismatic dolphins. You'll collect behavioral and environmental data and learn about photo-id techniques; you'll help reduce and analyze data, and interpret results. To date, research on this project has resulted in 6 presentations at scientific conferences, 3 peer-reviewed publications, 1 MS Thesis, and 1 PhD Dissertation (visit linkto Instructor's CV, below, for more information).
For more information:
Credit: The course is hosted by the Hugh Parkey Foundation for Marine Awareness & Education and Spanish Bay Conservation & Research Center as a non-credit course. The lecture and field lab hours are equivalent of a 4-credit hour academic course; instructor will work with your academic advisor if credit is desired.
Location: Hugh Parkey's Belize Adventure Lodge;/
extra-curricular activities include snorkeling on the reef, and exploring an ancient Maya City. Your Share of Costs: $2495 includes housing, meals, field trips, ground &water transfers fees - DOES NOT include airfare, insurance, or credit hours;students are required to have in place or purchase travel insuranceequivalent to DAN Insurance, which costs $99/year.
Instructor: Caryn Self-Sullivan, Ph.D. (May 2008)
Caryn Self Sullivan,
Marine Scientist
200 Stonewall Drive,
VA 22401
Mobile: 540.287.8207
Fax: 540.242.9126
Texas A&M University,
Ph.D. (May 2008) Sirenian International,
President & Co-Founder Earthwatch Institute,
Principal Investigator Coastal Carolina University Class of 1997
Adopt a Mermaid Ambassador online at The mission of Sirenian International is to promote the long-term conservation of manatee and dugong populations and our shared aquatic habitats around the world through research, educational outreach, and capacity building. Please remember us when budgeting for your charitable donations. Adopt a Mermaid Ambassador or Donate online at
A Unique Field Course in the Drowned Cayes, Belize May 31 - June 13, 2008
Sign-up now - space is limited to 24 students!
Want to be a marine mammal scientist? Here's your chance to join our team for 2 intense weeks of research on Antillean manatees and bottlenose dolphins in Belize! You will be totally immersed in the study of manatees and dolphins through lectures, literature review, and field research. This unique field course combines an overview of the ecology, behavior, and conservation of sirenians and cetaceans with hands-on manatee & dolphin research in the Drowned Cayes, Belize, as part of a long-term research project in place since 1998. You'll spend 3-4 hours on the water each day as we explore a labyrinth of mangrove islands and seagrass beds searching for elusive manatees and charismatic dolphins. You'll collect behavioral and environmental data and learn about photo-id techniques; you'll help reduce and analyze data, and interpret results. To date, research on this project has resulted in 6 presentations at scientific conferences, 3 peer-reviewed publications, 1 MS Thesis, and 1 PhD Dissertation (visit linkto Instructor's CV, below, for more information).
For more information:
Credit: The course is hosted by the Hugh Parkey Foundation for Marine Awareness & Education and Spanish Bay Conservation & Research Center as a non-credit course. The lecture and field lab hours are equivalent of a 4-credit hour academic course; instructor will work with your academic advisor if credit is desired.
Location: Hugh Parkey's Belize Adventure Lodge;/
extra-curricular activities include snorkeling on the reef, and exploring an ancient Maya City. Your Share of Costs: $2495 includes housing, meals, field trips, ground &water transfers fees - DOES NOT include airfare, insurance, or credit hours;students are required to have in place or purchase travel insuranceequivalent to DAN Insurance, which costs $99/year.
Instructor: Caryn Self-Sullivan, Ph.D. (May 2008)
Caryn Self Sullivan,
Marine Scientist
200 Stonewall Drive,
VA 22401
Mobile: 540.287.8207
Fax: 540.242.9126
Texas A&M University,
Ph.D. (May 2008) Sirenian International,
President & Co-Founder Earthwatch Institute,
Principal Investigator Coastal Carolina University Class of 1997
Adopt a Mermaid Ambassador online at The mission of Sirenian International is to promote the long-term conservation of manatee and dugong populations and our shared aquatic habitats around the world through research, educational outreach, and capacity building. Please remember us when budgeting for your charitable donations. Adopt a Mermaid Ambassador or Donate online at
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