sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

Volunteering: Slovenia - Morigenos Dolphin Project!!

Morigenos – marine mammal research and conservation society is seeking applications for:



Research assistants are required to assist with the ongoing long-term research and monitoring programme of the Slovenian Dolphin Project. The project focuses on the study, monitoring and conservation of the local population of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Slovenian and adjacent waters in the north Adriatic Sea since 2002, collecting information on distribution, abundance, social structure, habitat use, fishery interactions and tourism impact.


The research base is located in Portoroz, Slovenia (EU). The fieldwork is carried out in Slovenian and adjacent waters (north Adriatic Sea).


20th June – 1st October 2010

Candidates are expected to committ to the project for a minimum of 1 month, but can also apply for the whole period.


The research assistant will be responsible for assisting the project leaders in all aspects of research and associated tasks. Duties include, but are not limited to:

· daily fieldwork (boat surveys on a 5.7 meter RIB, land-based watches with binoculars and theodolite tracking, photo-identification, behavioural sampling, data recording)

· database entry, database management, data analysis

· boat upkeep and maintenance

· research base upkeep and maintenance

· coordinating teams of participants in Morigenos research camps


This position is unpaid, but accommodation and food are provided. Successful applicants need to cover their own travel costs.



  • A background in biology, veterinary medicine, geography or related sciences
  • Previous experience in cetacean research
  • Nautical licence and experience in handling RIBs
  • Good IT skills (Word, Excell and Access are a must)
  • Ability and willingness to work long hours outdoors, in often hot weather
  • Ability to work well in a small international team
  • Good verbal and written communication skills

The following qualifications are not required, but one or more of the following will be considered an advantage:

  • Good knowledge of GIS
  • Previous experience and knowledge of photo-ID, distance sampling, habitat modelling, theodolite tracking or C-POD use
  • Experience in the use of software packages MARK, SOCPROG or R


Send a letter of interest and a CV, outlining why you are applying, your previous experience and qualifications, why you think you should be considered for the position and your availability in the given period. Include contact details of two references.

Send your application to tilen.genov(at)gmail.com. Please specify 'MORIGENOS RESEARCH ASSISTANT' in your subject title. Deadline: 3rd April 2010.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome by the 13th April 2010.

Morigenos team will be at the ECS conference in Stralsund, where we would be happy to talk to you. When you send your application, please let us know whether you are attending the ECS and we can possibly arrange a meeting.

Tilen Genov

Morigenos - marine mammal research and conservation society

Jarska cesta 36/a

SI-1000 Ljubljana

Slovenia (EU)


3 comentarios:

Daniel dijo...

Hola Marta: Antes que nada, quiero felicitarte por el blog. Lo leo periódicamente porque está siempre muy actualizado, y estoy subscrito a un canal rss.
Aprovecho para comunicarte que hemos lanzado un blog en nuestro proyecto de investigación sobre colisiones de buques con ballenas y desarrollo de tecnología. Lo puedes ver en
Un abrazo desde Argentina, y felicitaciones de nuevo

Marta dijo...

Hola Daniel,

En primer lugar, gracias por leerme. Lo cierto es que cada vez tengo menos tiempo de mantener esto actualizado, pero uno hace lo que puede!!

Le estoy echando un ojo al blog del proyecto y me parece super interesante y necesario!! Las colisiones son una lacra que también hemos de sufrir aquí en Europa en zonas de mucho tránsito como el Estrecho de Gibraltar o el Mar de Liguria.

Voy a añadir vuestro blog a la lista de enlaces amigos. Si algún día tienes una noticia que quieras publicar, o cualquier cosa, no dudes en mandármela y la cuelgo para su difusión.

Un abrazo muy fuerte desde España. Si algún día bajo a Patagonia, no dudes en que te escribiré. Me gustaría conocer más a fondo vuestro trabajo. Además, he de reconocer que estoy enamorada de aquella tierra desde que estuve allí.

LaMarSalao dijo...

Hola! Acabamos de descubrirte, te ponemos en nuestra lista de blogs!

Un saludo!